Whispers at the Fire

  • One morning after sunrise prayers, Elyl and Kia are seen coming from the east valley and heading up to Z's farm. Holding hands and in a happy mood, carrying what looks like a picnic basket and blanket, they enter a field that seems to have the healthiest and highest crops on the farm. Being careful as they enter not to trample the crops they disappear for a while to enjoy their picnic, emerging later with the basket and blanket, both looking happy and content as they head off for home.

  • _The young Temposan called "Hammerhand" has been moving around the town, offering blessings from Tempus in exchange for donations to guards and adventurers alike.

    At the same time, he's been asking around for any appropriate work that's being offered._

  • Runners go out to the various towns and hotspots informing people of a secret job and a strange employer seeking applicants. The runners explain that the details of the job are unknown, but a man at the Mithril Mug tavern is seeking applicants. Anyone is welcome to apply, but there are a limited number of available openings… Skilled adventurer's of any type are welcome to seek out Marshal in the back of the Mithril Mug.

    [See job in Oscura forums]

  • Talk at the fire was Rando had a fight in the woods with someone called Harvey… fight lasted a while, but then it was said this Harvey just disapeared mid fight

  • *Rumour has it a Dwarf called Hoggstar Stonegutter was causing trouble near the fire. He was insulting Rando and a Scout named Vlad and generally causing trouble. He claimed he could get way with anything because he was cousin to Dwin.

    It was said Rando gave him one day to apologise or Rando would give him a lesson in manners outside the gates as Rando had promised not to kill or beat anyone inside the town.

    Vlad, more annoyed, challenged the Dwarf to meet him outside the gates… The dwarf then run away to his ale mug instead of meeting the Elf outside the gates...

    It was quiet a shock to see a dwarf run away from a challenge from an Elf.... Strange times in Norwick, strange times indeed.*

  • @a85f052c70=Archon_Prime:

    A young man who calls himself Hammerhand has been asking around Norwick for any local clergy of Tempus, or any experienced faithful who can help him learn of the faith.

    Yana, who has been in Norwick recently flags him down. Though she bears the symbol of Lathander, a raven's feather is pinned with the symbol of Tempus in her hair.

    I would either speak to Devvie…um...Devlin, or my mom Maya. Devlin is the local militia commander. My mom helps run the inn, and teaches combat behind it. She's the local master at arms, and Norwicks martial champion.

    She's also Tempus' divine champion in this region, if that helps. At least I think she still is. She fell recently, so I don't know. She doesn't talk about it that much with me.

    Oh, there's also Krig Skullboil. He's the High Priest of Tempus. A dwarf with white armor. You can't miss him...except, well, I haven't seen him around in countless years. You could try the Dwarven Hold

  • A young man who calls himself Hammerhand has been asking around Norwick for any local clergy of Tempus, or any experienced faithful who can help him learn of the faith.

  • Rando goes to see his old friend Dwin

  • Rumor has it that Dwin's goldcloaks are looking for Rando, and asking any who see him to tell him to pay the Chancellor a visit.

  • Vic can be seen in the local tavern spending some coin on the "not so watered down" spirits. Upon asking where he found his fortune, he brags and tells a story of he, Quin and Rambo that came, saw and mastered the ores of the goblin hold.

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur can be seen entering in Norwick. A book with the an inscription on its cape saying "Complaints Book" can be seen under his right arm. He makes his way to Dwin´s office, and when he passes by Rando, he grins at him and pats the book, grinning a wide grin

    // Dwin check your PM box pls 🙂

  • @e8135cea7f=Ruger:

    :Maythor goes looking for Z:

    A few days later, crafting masters Maythor and Z are spotted returning to town and entering the Union hall. Z seems to be okay, now.

  • B has been seen in Norwick, looking around for Elidur, or possibly for a chicken farm, reports are unclear.

  • :Maythor goes looking for Z:

  • Legion

    Benji, followed from the Union Hall by a small cloud of smoke, visits the Apothecary. Onlookers might notice he has many small cuts and scratches on his face.

  • A sickly, human male was spotted at the crossroads limping off to the east…towards the demon and devil infested lands of Old Jiyyd.

  • *An anemic Z is seen limping into the Norwick Hall while clutching his chest and coughing very weakly.

    A short while later, he exits the hall still coughing and clutching his chest in obvious discomfort.

    Mumbling incoherent prayers under his breath, he politely refuses any offers of help before he slowly shuffles out the north gate…leaving his mount behind.*

  • Rando is seen wandering around the south woods placing odd notes to the tree. They say in Gob and common

    "Gobs, I am back. I am Rando, slayer of your kings and people. Leave Norwick alone or you will pay a dear, dear price…You have been warned... Death awaits you by my blade"

  • Legion

    _Benji can be seen spending quite a bit of time at Norwick's archery range. The weapon he's practicing with, a rather gargantuan piece of bolt-firing machinery, throws him to the ground often. His exclamations of joy and astonishment suggest he doesn't mind.

    Some folks might notice bolts embedded deeply in the wall behind the target range._

  • _There has been quite an uprising in goblin attacks on the south gates. Caelian says he knows of two that he helped stave off.

    There is also a chance they are getting more strategic, as they attacked the gates at the same time a group of hobgoblins attacked Silver Valley_