Whispers at the Fire

  • Legion

    _Benji has been obsessively practicing his marksmanship skills at Norwick's range since his embarrassing defeat at the last Fight Night archery competition.

    People who approach can hear him mutter…_

    Drunk arse … sticks and strings ... I'll show them ...

  • levellios, the water druid of istishia hears of the Zee/Belia news all he can do is laugh, then wanders off the find belia

  • Legion

    Some of the rat poison is missing a few nights later.

  • The guards are ordered to do what they usually do when rat-holes appear.

    Covering their mouths with damp cloths, they drop rat-poison (supplied by the Chancellor 'imself) into the holes, await any straggling survivors with their blades, and then they fill the holes back in with whatever rocks and dirt they can.

    The guards at that gate are also asked for a report on the holes, when they appeared, and what kind of vermin dug them.

  • Legion

    There are two sets of tiny holes going up the inside and outside of southern most gate to the Realm of Norwick.

  • when belia hears about the rumor she chuckles and shakes her head

  • @9b5a78d940=Oddba11:

    Parsley, ever the little genius, points out that Mister Zee might have a relationship with Belia! Anyone who mentions it to him with get his theory spouted at them, oh what fun!

    When Z hears the rumors, he attempts to set things straight.

    Oh, no. It ain't nuthin' like that. blushes slighly

    Miss Belia's been comin' over ta teach me ta speak a new language, that's all. And I been returnin' the favor by fixin' her a good ol' country breakfast each mornin'…

    ...hotcakes 'n syrup, bacon 'n eggs, ham 'n eggs, fresh baked toast, hash brown taters, Miss Circi's special pastries... trails off Mmmm...

    heads home to eat 😄

  • ICC

    Parsley, ever the little genius, points out that Mister Zee might have a relationship with Belia! Anyone who mentions it to him with get his theory spouted at them, oh what fun!

  • *The crafter simply known as "Z" seems to be doing a lot more hunting in the woods, as of late. For hours on end he is nowhere to be found - not at his farm and not in the crafting hall.

    However, he often seems to come back empty-handed. Perhaps he's losing his touch, but you'd never guess it by his attitude. He seems…happy.*

  • *Every morning, for the past several weeks, Belia has been seen walking to Z's farm.

    A few hours later, she leaves looking satisfied and goes about her usual duties.

    Those with a keen eye may notice that she might be putting on a little weight.*

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A purple haired lass who looks lucky to be twenty, sits under one of the trees near the fire, from time to time she flips a coin or rolls it across her fingers, those that see her grin are surprised to see that most of the teeth on her right side are strong sharp teeth compared to the others on the other side which look normal and… Human

    Some thing that spreading rumours say she might not be...

  • One day an odd band of adventurers was seen entering town, three of them -a guardsman, a half-orc, and an elf- lugging a very lifelike statue of a woman with an eyepatch. They set it down by the fire, wiped their forhead and started lugging it towards the infirmary, dropping it twice, muttering and cursing.

    Rumour has it there has been spotted new monsters in the Rawlins.

  • A bearish looking man with the red cloak of the Militia was seen coming up to the fireplace, spotting the stone, and walking off roaring with laughter and saying something about buying a certain painterly elf a casket of wine

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and his Dire Boar enter in Norwick and heads to Gimlis store, he sells what ever he had to sell and then heads to the camp fire to sit for a while. As he sits he notices the drawing on the rocks surface

    Huh ? looks at the drawing looking rather curious about it

  • As the sun rose over the main part of town, the folk passing by the campfire noticed a strange sight…. on one of the rocks by the campfire was a crude painting of what looked like a Half-Orc and a Boar sleeping together.... The Halfer had his arm around the Boar and a smile on his hideous face....


  • Z is seen wandering around the town of Norwick and the surounding areas. The normally pleasant crafter and farmer has a slightly worried look on his face. 😞

  • ::A conversation is overheard between Lieutenant Vinland and Advisor Arcane Holimion::

    I've ordered the Northern guards to only allow those of the Camp access to town if they check their weapons at the gate and to keep a sharp eye out for those of the camp and followers of Hoar
    All available personnel are now ordered to the Northern gates and build site. They have strict orders to dispatch runners should an event occur.

  • Rumors spread that a priest bearing the symbol and colors of Mystra attempted to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the recent whirlwind of terrors perpetrated by a certain group of Half-Orcs. The efforts were met with either open hostility or completely ignored. Some less savory individuals start taking bets on how long it will be before steel is drawn over the matter.

  • ICC

    Rummor has it that Reilash the so called Mytra faithfull, was seen in the company of a group of 5 Iron Chain Clan half-orcs on a hunting trip.
    Some might even say that he tried to establish some kind of frienship with this group of vicious warriors but the half-orcs didnt seem interrested, despite Reilash numerouse attempts.
    Some Mystra follower some might say…..

  • Rumours run rampant in Norwick that the Hoarans, the children of the Eastlanders, are now attacking people who try to bypass the bridge by passing around it. They attacked Myeil for trying to go around, then when Aramuil, Maythor and Hen appeared on the scene they attacked them without provocation.