Whispers at the Fire

  • Few citizens are present for the speech, with the town remaining still for the most part a ghost town as people refuse to leave their homes or tents. The few residents and adventurer's present nod to at the speech, fairly worded and delivered fine, though not with such skill that seems to raise any true deep emotions in those listening. The news of a strong warrior returned seems to cause a few comforting nods. The words of the eastlanders potential return seems to cause some frowns by the few older people in attendance. In the end, a few congratulate Devlin on his promotion but most quickly scurry back inside and away from the imposing darkness.

  • Dwin and several of his advisers and trusted Militia officers assemble on the steps of the Great Hall one evening. Word was spread throughout the day that there might be a short speech in what the citizens perceive to be "evening" in the darkness.

    Citizens of the Realm! I want to thank you all for coming to listen to me today, I promise to keep my speech short.

    We are making some progress against this miserable darkness that has plagued us. We hope that in the very near future we might conquer it and once again bring the Sun's light… and the moon too for that matter... back to our fertile ground.

    Your hopes and optimism are what has carried us through this dark time, and you are all to thank. I know how difficult it has been, and I do not believe any other land would have people with hearts large enough to deal with this cold dark shadow that has been over us. The hearts of Norwick are strong, and steadfast, and you have yourselves to thank!

    Keep hope, and we will soon have light! Be kind to your neighbors, and have patience... we are almost through!

    Speaking of neighbors, I want to speak to you all about the Nars pass. As I foretold, the Romani camp... or what is left of them, has now transformed itself into Eastlanders. Some gray beards here may still bear the scars of Eastlander battles, and some of youn yungins may have heard the stories of old. The camp is now indeed calling itself an Eastlander village of sorts, and has "reclaimed" its land in the pass.

    We have nothing to fear, though... and I want to be clear about this! The people of the camp have always been peaceful, and we hope that to be the same moving forward. If you have business that takes you north through the land they now claim, then do so peacefully and they will in turn allow you to pass. You are all Norwickians, and responsible for your actions outside of the realm as well as inside of it. Act as your forefathers have, and pass through the Nars with pride... do not linger or pause to cause any problems.

    Finally, as I promised to keep this short... I have some news about the Militia and my own staff to share.

    First, and proudly... Maya, our old Friend has returned to the Militia to help train a new generation of proud warriors uner the watchful eyes of Tempus. I am sure she will make him as proud as she has made us over her many years of service.

    Second, as all good things must pass, so has Mord's Reign over the Militia. This is bittersweet, as Mord has given more than I can even describe to this Realm in his days, and will be staying on as a top adviser of mine. He has grown our Militia into an amazing machine that has kept us all safe for many years. Mord, we are forever indebted to your service.

    You all know Colonel Devlin, and will join me in welcoming him as the new leader of our brave hardened troops! gives the fist-to-chest salute towards Devlin

    Citizens of the Realm! We thank you all for your continued hope and optimism! Keep your hearts strong, and one day very soon we will all wake to a new day... full of Light!

  • A small boy by the name of "Dylan" made his rounds around the campfire, asking for a sword. His meanderings led him over to Maya, who sat and spoke with him quietly at length.

    Later that evening, Dylan's father was seen talking to Maya. A few days later, some say they saw the boy doing small errands in the Grapevine Inn. After the busy lunch hour, several of the townsfolk report that Maya was seen teaching the boy how to hold a small, wooden practice sword.

  • *The craftmaster and farmer simply known as "Z" seems to be in much better spirits as of late.

    A constant smile on his face, frequent trips to the south, a white powdery substance on the tip of his nose…odd behaviors for such dark and troubled times.

    What could it all mean? :?

  • Z is heard questioning/alerting the guards about a strange camp to the west of Old Norwick - through a short tunnel.

    The guards refused ta talk to me and I couldn't see much past the locked gates, but they certainly weren't Norwick guards. You fellas know about 'em?

    ((Insert Norwick guards' reaction))

    Z wanders off towards the Great Hall…

  • *General Lyte of the Troff Legion confirms that angelic like beings from another plane aided the good folks from the region as they helped to install a druidic barrier around the demons and portals now infesting fallen Jiyyd.

    She suggests their work is not done, that the harder part….getting rid of both portals and demons quickly, remains to be accomplished, and that all hands will be needed for this dangerous task.*

  • Barack Tor is in ruins, the land scarred and tore asunder from some great beast at some point in the recent days. A few redcloaks nervously but stalwart, fighting the fear of the darkness, stand ready over the dwarves building the north valley wall.

    As well, rumors spread that strange angelic creatures appeared in Norwick, said to be seeking the warrior Lyte to aid against the planar forces. Though the rumor is slow moving, as most folks in town stay to their homes and go rarely elsewhere.

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and his clan of halfers keep patroling the woods on a regular basis. Eachtime a group of halfers finishes patroling, another fresh group arrives to replace the battle weary warriors.
    Aditionaly, Arak´Hur can be also seen leading himself small groups of citizens eager to aid Norwick in its fight against the Goblin, these volunteers usualy are Dilinus, Xsar and Aerwin, some times even Fruppi joins them and helps paroling

  • Reports circulate that there was a clash with the demons near the Kelemvorite temple in which the Chancellor, Thander of the temple, and a few other warriors were involved.

    Thander was nearly killed, and he and Dwin were of the few to survive. All the demons were slayed, with the esxception of a fiery Balor that watched from where the hill used to be.

    Afterwards, the dead were pulled back (and attempts to bring them back were ordered) and Dwin was seen hurrying back to the Great Hall with the great priest Koirin of the Dwarven Hold.

    Anyone within earshot heard mumblings of "demons," "ancient Nars weapons," and "idiotic Legion ideas."

  • ICC

    Iron Chain Clan half-orcs keep patroling around Norwicks pond, in the south woods. They slaughter each and every goblin the stumble upon. They make sure the woods are clear before returning back to Norwicks south gate to be replaced by another fresh group of Iron Chain Clan Halfers. Any norwick citizen might even feel somewhat safe in taking a walk around the pond and why not, even do some fishing sitting on the peer.
    The ICC halfers constant presence might be seen as an intimidating one, but they simply follow orders and make sure they fulfill the job they are beeing payd for

  • Some of the late stragglers mention the appearance of demons near that portal the mages created outside the phoenix guild. But if they came through the portal, or are attracted by its power, or for reasons altogether beyond the grasp of mortals, who can tell?

  • Shepherded by Guards and militia, most of the refugees and civilians pack themselves into the Great Hall and Spellweaver Keep, save for a few stubborn holdouts. Panic is kept to a minimum, but people are obviously afraid the war is moving south and they will be caught in it.

  • Dwin and his men immediately exit the hall, in Dwin's case his silver battle-axe "Luck-bringer" in hand. They all watch North, and the Chancellor himself urges any nearby commoners or refugees to take refuge within the Great Hall or the Spellweavers, immediately.

    We're under attack, folks. Quickly, and as farkin calmy as ya can, move yerselves into the Great Hall or the Spellweavers.

  • A frightened Norwick Guard runs into town from the north, heading immediately for the Great Hall

  • @1efa026738=ShadowElf:

    SOUTH of the collapsed Sam's Hill

    ((Uh…thats where their attempting to build it currently.))

  • The N'Jast forces that still occupy the crossroads don't take kindly to the construction crews edging north, or their intent.
    A few cross words, a few quiet words from a N'Jast Captain to the Construction Foreman, and the general consensus seems to be that if Norwick insists on rebuilding their walls, they can do it south of what N'Jast now claims. SOUTH of the collapsed Sam's Hill

  • ICC

    *Mindful of the recent incidents in and around Norwick, the Iron Chain Clan half-orcs keep entering in Norwick.
    Aware of the unnatural darkness that persists over the city, they pay little to no importance to it and keep going at marching pace, heading south.
    Once they arrive norwicks old south gate, they emmediately start patroling the woods around the lake.
    They slaughter each and every goblin that crosses their path, and get involved in skirmisches with small bands of organized goblins.

    After a night on patrol, these vicious warriors armed till the teeth and clad in furs and metal can be seen heading back and return to Norwick only to be replaced by another fresh group of Iron Chain Clan half-orcs.*

  • _Rumours begin to spread that during the last evening and subsequent dawning of morning, A group of mages and Haribo 'the Great' Lanzurin spent their time drawing some kind of runic pattern on the ground near to the Phoenix guild house. Onlookers began to gather and watched with a sense of morbid curiousity as the spell began to be recited. Some report that in the process of casting the spell, Haribo was engulfed by blue fire and subsequently destroyed by the energy within the circle, taking on the burden rather than let his 'assistants' die as well. Some cling to the more romantic notion that he had something of a fondness for the headmistress of the keep.

    Whatever the rumours, Haribo can't be found anywhere.

    In his wake, the rune circle hums softly with patient energy. It would appear that the mages successfully created a portal that links Norwick and the city, and while civilians and supplies can be moved through easily enough, there appears to be a force of will behind the portal itself, denying the creation for those that would use it for military ends.

    The question left on everyone's mind though, how did he manage to be in two places at once?_

  • _Seeing that the ground is too soft or unstable after the collapse of the Hill, the dwarves begin moving the supplies back and surveying the ground to find a solid area to build on. Some dwarves head out north of the crater while some head back.

    Knowing that the Barak-tor construction has been solid for years, the dwarves look into that area (that used to be the bottom of the hill) to see if it is stable enough to build on._

  • The dwarven workers mutter and grumble, the stones they set just sink under their own weight, any wall built just falls over, the ground still soft and sinking. The swiftness of the tower being built ends one night in a low explosion of mortar and stone as the tower tilts to one side and slides right off its foundations