Whispers at the Fire

  • Anyone with an inclination to visit the glen, or into the Rawlinswood that may encounter one of the druids or glen residents may overhear that a certain Elder of the Circle, Jerrick, was heard from. He has not been seen in some time around Norwick OR the woods.

    Nothing else decisive was really said, though N'jast was mentioned more than once.

    What on Toril does N'Jast have to do with Jerrick?

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Following Jiyyd's fall, Gears stays close to Ginger and their tent at Z's farm, apparently spending some quality time with the wife. Little is seen of him around Norwick, this time as an unintended consequence.

    //gone this weekend, see ya guys when I get back!

  • _The sun just starts to peek over the horizon, the bustling activity of Norwick begins slowly, the slight food shortage being noticed by everyone. Refugees from Jiyyd wander the town looking for work, trying to scrap enough together for a meal for their families.

    As some wait quietly by the gates waiting for word of their home, the gates suddenly open to a rumbling sound, but instead of a group of soldiers or messengers bringing word from the soon to be war zone to the east, a caravan of six wagons moves into town, at their head is a woman in Seafarer garb, the caravans themselves guarded by Seafarer Pikemen and Norwick Militia.

    The woman stands up on top of the first wagon as the caravans come to a stop near the fire, she looks around motioning for silence from the crowd who have gathered to see what the caravans are about, she suddenly yells out clearly, for all to hear._

    On behalf of the Seafarers of Peltarch, I greet you fine citizens of Jiyyd and Norwick. You may have noticed our members coming to and from town and may I say that it has not been for nothing! Your Chancellor, the proud and noble Lord Dolvak has worked with me to secure a trade agreement with Lord Vaster Ashald that will bring food back to your town. On behalf of Lord Dolvak and myself, I am here to produce the first of these shipments with a gift attached. Five wagons are the beginning shipment, but with a bit of scraping of our own, Lord Dolvak and I managed to get a sixth, not for selling, but as a gift to you all for your courage and your loyalty in these trying times!

    _As she says that, the Pikeman form a ring around the first wagon while the other five are taken off towards the Great Hall. A group of men and women, all in Seafarer colors come from up the road and all climb up into the wagon and begin tossing food to each and every person in the crowd. A few of the women take the time to toss an extra loaf of bread, pack of salted meat or an apple to the children who run close to the wagon.

    As the last of the food is tossed out, the woman once again begins to talk._

    I only ask one thing from you fine people, that when times are hard, you remember that your Lord and his new friends will do whatever they can to make sure you -all- are taken care of, commoner or noble, all suffer during times of war and we are here to supply. There shall be regular shipments of food coming into this town as of this day, no one will need go hungry again!

    She then holds her hands in the air and begins to yell out.

    For your Lord Dolvak! For the Seafarers!

    The cheers of Norwickians and refugee alike are heard, drowning out almost any other sound as the fears and concerns of this war have been forgotten, even for just a moment.

  • Several people note that the old ruins seem cloaked in a vile, cold, dark mist these days…

  • A small group of Seafarers were seen entering the gates of Norwick and the woman among them headed into the Great Hall in the company of Norwick's Ambassador, Ronan. She was only in there for a short time before her and her group of guards headed back to the city.

  • _Rumor spreads that the traitor Fendon made an appearance in Norwick, bringing with him darkness and ominous messages. It appears his has a significant amount of strength as he cut down one of Norwick's guards right at the fire.

    However, Ambassador Ronan and Guardsman Elyl teamed to fight the undead traitor. The both of them chased Fendon off to the graveyard, tossing spells and blessings along the way.

    The two returned sometime later, looking weary and a bit beat up. Ronan's signature trembling hands indicating he had tossed a lot of magic before returning, and Elyl's armor looking a bit dented. Though, the both of them are fine now, for the most part._

  • Sela Thenders, Guardsman for Norwick, overhears a conversation by the Norwick campfire between the Dwarven and Peltarch troops stationed at the South Gate that they have the "soft billet" compared with their comrades at the North Gate. She mutters that nowhere is "soft" these days.


  • Rumors fly quickly around Norwick that with the backing of Colonel Mord, Lieutenant Devlin has triple posted guards at the Northern gates - and has temporarily disallowed the entry of any and all Romani or Gypsies, lest they are in the company of an official of Norwick for peace talks. When asked about it, Devlin simply replies…

    "What else was I supposed to do? Let them just waltz in and hammer us from the inside?"

  • Others chime in, claiming that the gypsies attempted to use lore stolen from Cera to invade Norwick via the menhirs… but screwed it up, unleashing unspeakable horrors on Narfell.

  • Later, Ronan would point out Mord did no such thing, and that the Gypsies did not summon undead to attack Norwick.

  • Jonni, the leader of the Gypsy camp is dead. It seems Commander Mord chopped off his head and put it on a pike.

    Rumors abound of a great battle by the new tower and that many gypsies were slaughtered by their own summons as they tried to raise a legion of undead to attack Norwick.

  • A gypsy camp guard messenger came to Norwick and demanded Aramuil's head from Commander Mord; words and insults were spoken and for a time it looked like either the Gypsies or the Norwick Guards would attack, but cooler heads prevailed and the two groups walked away from the conflict…for now.

  • A large, combined group of Norwick Red Cloaks, Peltarch Defenders, and Dwarven warriors are seen patrolling and lining the hills around the Northern gates of Norwick.

    One passing farmer remarks that he "thinks he saw a pig fly earlier that day" as he witnesses a Peltarch guard and a Norwick scout comparing each others' bows and trading a few arrows in a camaraderie not witnessed very often.

    Small groups of Norwick guards head out on patrols and (usually) report back with news of trade caravans being attacked and innocents being murdered to the north.

    A few old timers and gray beards nod their heads and spit as if they've seen this before, or at least something similar.

    Activity within Barak Tor, the Northern hold, seems to be much heavier than usual, considering the Realm's threats usually come from the South.

    Seige weaponry, as usual, is deployed at the southern gates, though, and the usual contingent of Norwick Scouts and Guards is present and watching for any unusual activity.

    To say that the mood is "tense" would be a ridiculous understatement.

  • Greater material and very imminent dangers to whole Realm, perhaps the whole region, make it easy to ignore the continued sightings by farmers of a great and terrible wolf, seen running from more kills of live stock…always it seems the creature was caught in the act of eating. At least one farmer swears it's Cyric himself come to..eat his...cows? Another witness swears it was too big to be a real wolf and what dire wolf can talk in a deep baritone voice? Anyone with a level head will see it as some damned druid...probably spying for that bugbear... Nutmeg...or something.

  • The troops from Peltarch have taken up stations around the town, their elven Captain walking around with Mord to ensure everything is going smoothly with their joining in.

  • Sela Thenders, a new Norwick militia member, has been heard to mention that she thinks the number of Goblin Soldiers and their ferocity is increasing. "I spend more time healing than patrolling…" was her lament.


  • Rumours from the north say that Norwick has secured a small, but not insignificant amount of troops from Peltarch to aid in the struggle against Ostromog, and that said troops are preparing to depart from Peltarch, while even now a Peltarch commander has arrived in Norwick to begin preparations to integrate with the defence.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears, when in Norwick, leaning against his customary tree, can often be seen to cast a mournful glance to the now abandoned pavilion previously occupied by Selene. "Luiren's Best" seems to be the reoccuring theme in his mutters as he looks at the empty structure.

  • *Rumor spreads that Peltarch soldiers have been wandering around town poking about and asking questions. Are they here to aid, to take over or what? *

  • Rumours circulate Telli travelled south to the lake with nothing more then a beat up robe and scythe in her hand. A few weeks pass and she's yet to have returned.