Whispers at the Fire

  • The guardsman Rupert has begun circulating rumors that his normally very boring shift in the Great Hall was livened by the sudden and inexplicable appearance of the Imperceptor Zanetar Den 'Kath the other day.

    The priest came out of thin air, said good day, and left.


  • After recent events, Cherry Holimioin, usuallyhappily absorbed in motherhood of late, works extra hard to get herself back into fighting shape. She often trades helping out in the Grapevine kitchen for extra babysitting help when she has hers and Aramuil's three children in town.

  • Eli has been seen walking out of Norwick with her eyes to the ground and most of her hair covering her ashamed face.

  • ICC

    word has it that Norwick was attacked by goblins in the very same day the Iron Chain Clan half-orcs were NOT allowed to patrol the woods and banned from norwick for the duration of one day, by an Elf Norwick Scout named Eliliam Ama . When asked why the ICC halfers didnt patroled the area where goblins usualy roam about, Arak´Hur simply blaims the elf scout and says that she´s the responsable for such attack

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and his boys can be seen entering norwick to patrol the woods as they have done for the past month. He enters norwick holding a letter with Norwick´s chancellor seal. Passing by Eliliam Ama, he nods and grins a toothy grin at her as he passes by

  • Rumors around the barracks and the fire speak of Chaevre's recent deceit and treachery and even her arrest and banning from the realm for an incident involving the hinnak. No official word about any of this has been heard from the Great Hall.

  • A story springs up, telling of a swift and decisive strike against a bugbear camp in the woods. The general of the legion, Grag leading a small band of adventures in a fearsome assault that dealt quick pain to the bugbears. The band withdrew rapidly, though, when a new threat appeared. Strong and mighty bugbears, accompanied by screeching banshees chased the group out of the woods, their prize clutched firmly in their hands, though: A couple of cloaks, red like those of the militia.

  • @a89980cc19=metagod:

    Chaevre' Vaelen was seen heading south with another mage, some time later she returned carrying a statue of a hinnak. Seems she plans to either sell it, study it, or use it for interrogation, or maybe all of the above who is to know.

    After a while of indecision she nails a "do not touch" note to the hinnak statues shield and drags it over near the trade hall

    Not long afterwards, the Chancellor and a few advisers exit the Great Hall to see the situation. Dwin snaps his fingers, and several guards carefully carry the statue into the great hall, with a blanket draped over it.

    ((if Chavre is around, she'd be "invited" to come speak to the chancellor immediately ((PM me)). If not, word would spread that the Chancellor was far from happy and wants to speak to her.))

  • Rumors of undead elves, a duergar captive, and many skirmishes with various bugbear troops reaches the town. It is rumored a certain half orc General single handedly whipped over a score of bugbears, and the noise of all manner of combat has been taking place south and south east of Norwick.

  • Chaevre' Vaelen was seen heading south with another mage, some time later she returned carrying a statue of a hinnak. Seems she plans to either sell it, study it, or use it for interrogation, or maybe all of the above who is to know.

    After a while of indecision she nails a "do not touch" note to the hinnak statues shield and drags it over near the trade hall

  • An elf in golden armor comments:

    I simply do not see why the orc did not just kill Ostramogg. If he will not play fair, neither should we.. it could've been over with one single stroke with the axe..

  • Myeil seems amused by the latest story of Grag's exploits

    I really must wonder just how surprised those vermin would be if I had augmented Grag's considerable abilities with magic.

    Passerby are treated to one of the most unusual events in the land, Myeil's laughter. It isn't very pleasant.

  • When news reaches Telli's ears she cheers… HU-AH!....

  • Legion

    Bards and common folks speak by the fires and inns of Ostertag the Coward! Rumor has it his strongest guard chalLenged Grag to a duel if won he would be granted passage. Once loosing Grag was invited inside osterdoggs fortress. Suddenly it is said grag was ambushed by 6 more of his strongest axe weilding fiends! "If grag can defeat 6 at once they must be weak! Look how old and fat grag is he can hardly move his feet!!" "His axe chopped them in two let us all join forces and defeat osterdogg too!"

  • Cray appears by the fire in Norwick one morning, wearing an old Eastlander Bandit uniform for, "Shites and giggles," he says. He squints at the sun, and rubs some kind of sun protection on his stone white skin while he lounges around all day. He seems content on reading from a tome and chatting up any others who gather round the fire. He stares at the horses, exclaiming "Back'ome our mounts 'ave twice as many legs and four toimes as many eyes." He seems to enjoy receiving glares from would be do gooders as he smoke his cigars with a sinister half smile.

  • *Rumors of something horrific having occured south of the lake below Norwick ripples through Norwick.

    Townsfolk tell of a terrible wail from afar, and a group of returning adventurers looking wretchedly depressed after investigating what happened…most especially so the normally upbeat and cheerful General Lyte, of the Legion.

    She seems....haunted.*

  • _A loose lipped and obviously drunk adventurer recounts a strange sight he and his party encountered in the Rawlins.

    It seems while adventuring deep into the East some months ago they had to hide quickly as a large procession of demon goblins headed west led by what had to be Myrkhul himself. A man sized figure in inky black clothing that seemed to move on it's own. His face was covered in a bone mask of some sort. As they passed the figure looked directly at them but didn't seem to care and continued on. It took him days to shake the feeling of death off him he says. As they watched the middle of the procession passed to reveal 6 huge minotaurs hefting a single large block of something black. It took many minutes after watching the procession head south for them to even be able to move again.

    Seemingly,he has been drinking ever since._

  • _One eerie night, a fog appears around the quiet town of Norwick. An elf in golden armor is seen leaving to the south, seemingly in a hurried fashion as he notes the fog.

    …shortly after, the area to the south, just beyond the gates, seems to go pitch black with darkness. A voice echoes, though it is faint and hardly understandable to those within the town. The moon itself seems to just vanish for a short amount of time.

    As dawn approached, all returned to normal... and the elf in golden armor returned, looking somewhat disturbed. He is seen heading to the Great Hall, warning the guards of a new possible threat.._

  • After a few words to Elyl one evening about legal counsel or something to that effect, Zanetar and he travel into the Norwick barracks.

    They return some time later. Zanetar leaves town.

    Moments later, a call for GUARDS! is heard from the south gate. Elyl responds and shortly thereafter, he and Zanetar return to Norwick with a barely-conscious goblin in tow. Back to the barracks. After another length of time they re-emerge again.

    Zanetar leaves town again. Gods know what it'll be next time.

  • There was a brief panic in Norwick upon word that Aramuil had been captured by the bugbears; those fears were alleved hours later when Aramuil was seen walking into town with Z from the south, looking woozy but otherwise unharmed.