Whispers at the Fire

  • _A loose lipped and obviously drunk adventurer recounts a strange sight he and his party encountered in the Rawlins.

    It seems while adventuring deep into the East some months ago they had to hide quickly as a large procession of demon goblins headed west led by what had to be Myrkhul himself. A man sized figure in inky black clothing that seemed to move on it's own. His face was covered in a bone mask of some sort. As they passed the figure looked directly at them but didn't seem to care and continued on. It took him days to shake the feeling of death off him he says. As they watched the middle of the procession passed to reveal 6 huge minotaurs hefting a single large block of something black. It took many minutes after watching the procession head south for them to even be able to move again.

    Seemingly,he has been drinking ever since._

  • _One eerie night, a fog appears around the quiet town of Norwick. An elf in golden armor is seen leaving to the south, seemingly in a hurried fashion as he notes the fog.

    …shortly after, the area to the south, just beyond the gates, seems to go pitch black with darkness. A voice echoes, though it is faint and hardly understandable to those within the town. The moon itself seems to just vanish for a short amount of time.

    As dawn approached, all returned to normal... and the elf in golden armor returned, looking somewhat disturbed. He is seen heading to the Great Hall, warning the guards of a new possible threat.._

  • After a few words to Elyl one evening about legal counsel or something to that effect, Zanetar and he travel into the Norwick barracks.

    They return some time later. Zanetar leaves town.

    Moments later, a call for GUARDS! is heard from the south gate. Elyl responds and shortly thereafter, he and Zanetar return to Norwick with a barely-conscious goblin in tow. Back to the barracks. After another length of time they re-emerge again.

    Zanetar leaves town again. Gods know what it'll be next time.

  • There was a brief panic in Norwick upon word that Aramuil had been captured by the bugbears; those fears were alleved hours later when Aramuil was seen walking into town with Z from the south, looking woozy but otherwise unharmed.

  • ICC

    A familiar cantankerous dwarf has been seen in and around Norwick. It seems he's come back for a bit before leaving again. Rumor also has it that he is not fond of hinnaks.

  • Telli is sporting a rather sparkling and dynamic array of assorted gems these days. Its anyones guess how long till some sneak pilfers all her ill begotten gain.

  • Rumor has it that some sort of strange talking beast with healing powers is staying in seclusion somewhere within the realm.

  • Telli's been asking around for Mr. Aramuil in regards to the trees atop the hill crest in Norwick.

  • Cherry Holimion, a rare sight these days, being busy as a mother. Lately when she is seen, not looking so well, and at least once she leaves her upheaved lunch on poor Selene's cushions. Rumor tells of the lavender haired woman doing so more than once on her beloved husband's very fine garments, much to his delight.

  • Legion

    A small crowd was blasted with crossbow bolts and bits of tin as Benji demonstrated another invention after Fight Night.

    The opinions of the inventions were mixed.

    Some were impressed how it managed to propel the bolts before it flew into pieces. Others wished they would have known better and taken cover.

    After collecting the wreckage and apologizing to the victims Benji plodded back toward the Legion Hall cursing in gnomish.

  • Rumor has that goblins have been gathering in the old norwick ruins of late

  • Rumors abound of another assault on the remaining gate by goblin forces. The militia held the front line and members of the druid circle, citizens of the town and many others participated in the defense that was held short of breeching the second gate. Many were wounded but none fell through the hours on bloody mayhem. In the end, near 1000 goblins were thought to have died in the assault before theyretreated. It took three days to clear the road enough of the bodies before wagon traffic could move through.

  • _Rumors spread of brave defenders who fended off a large raiding force of goblins from the gates. Though this time, there were only three defenders. Two of them being Ronan, the Ambassador of Norwick, and Ah'ria, his fiance and half-elven scout. The third was Gears, a known hinnish, and rather shady scout.

    The three of them came out with cuts, burns, and bruises… though they managed to survive. The only damage being one of the gates being destroyed._

  • _Some wonder at the abnormal quietness about Norwick, the lack of random bangs, fires, and illusions.

    Some even wonder how long it's been since anyone attempted to make new Norwick laws…_

  • _A beautiful rainbow appeared at the lake, just south of Norwick. Several folks went to go take a gander at the wonderous sight. However, when they returned, the mood seemed depressing, even moreso for the Ambassador of Norwick, Ronan.

    He was seen returning with a rather lost gaze. His usual confident stride replaced with an almost exausted one, as if the short walk to the lake and back was a long journey. The overall mood surrounding him seemed dark, and depressing.

    Some wonder how a mere rainbow could cause such negative emotions._

  • ICC

    Bagnar claims he was ambushed by a gnome assassin, and when he hunted the gnome down, a second gnome attacked him. After defeating the two gnomes, Bagnar went to sit by the fire, bleeding from a few small wounds.

  • _Rumor circulates that a fey messenger came into Norwick, asking for the Ambassador. What started off as a usual enough talk, ended up with the death of the fey messenger. It seems the messenger tossed a spell at Ronan, and then he retaliated with lethal force.

    A crowd watched this incident, some appauled by the Ambassador's decision to kill the messenger, while others agreed with his decision. Agree or disagree, some citizens worry this may cause more hostility with the fey.

    The Ambassador himself seemed to show little emotion after the fact, though the trained eye can tell he is hiding it._

  • rumor has it that the Chancellor is planning a large festival, assumedly in celebration of the victorious Warrens campaign.

    Its apparently coinciding with an event called "Riding the Franchise", but details around that are sketchy.

    Finally, its said that this festival will also be open to all, meaning even those who have been banished from the realm. Apparently Dwin "the merciful" will allow banned people to make amends in some way on this day.

  • ICC

    a bit of a ruckus occured when a fire elemental appear out of a torch held by man at the fireplace by Gemli, it seems the fireman had been trapped and granted the man two wishes for freeing him, the mere precense of the fireman caused several fires which were put out by recruit Bob and several others that happened to be gathered by the fire at the time

  • ICC

    Bob enters from the south gate and marches to the fire

    Be careful down the woods. Seems the gobers be 'avin a meet of some sort down deep south way. Most the gobers from the south and west seem ta be gatherin' down there.

    ((likely to return to normal after the next server reset, Ye Olde spawn gathering all spawns in one area))