Whispers at the Fire

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A somewhat pale and timid elf has been seen near the campfire from time to time. She seems scared or unsure of people, keeps her distance and doesn’t really speak unless spoken too. She sort of looks like she spent the last few decades in a crypt or mortuary.

  • Rhiannon was indeed seen and heard with Dondiah during the performance, complete with whip and all.

    Shortly thereafter she is not seen with a heavy looking flail at her side, and a new instrument in hand. A beautiful Lyre she cannot seem to put down for her love of it.

    She is also wearing new blue armor, and a clothing aficionado might recognize the "Nightingale" set from Peltarch.

    All things added up, it seems the young Bardic Sorceress must have been on a very lucrative adventure, or recieved a VERY generous tip for a performance.

  • _Those at the fire last evening were entertained by several songs and dances by Rhiannon and a combined show of the singing talents of Rhiannon and the now-permitted-to-dance-nude Dondiah. It was reported she did dance nude with bells on her wrists and ankles as Rhiannon sang a jaunting happy tale about drinking to much. The area between stanzas filled with the crack of her mighty whip and the jingling of bells. Good times were had by all in attendence except perhaps Aramuil who averted his gaze the entire time.

    The ladies were encouraged to a repeat performance._

  • A column of magical light appeared from Norwick and those that ran to see what was up saw a brief confrontation between the Keeper and Commander of the Shield of Spellweaver and two women, a mage and a cleric of Talos. The talossan was beaten off by the Commander, Sara, and the other three came to an accord and moved on.

  • _The apothecary's seems to have been the stage for the most recent encounter with the female vampire, the walls and floorboards of both the resting area and the main room all bearing telltale scorch marks. The door to the resting area seems to have been battered from the inside by an axe, though whoever did the chopping clearly lacked the strenght to do any real damage to the now soot-covered door.

    The vampire is said to have fled the building at sunset, only narrowly escaping the angry and partially burnt group of persuers. A pale and shaken Lycka was then prompty escorted to the temple of Kelemvor by Aelthas, Rhistin and Ronan.

    Over the following days, Aelthas is never far from his wife's side, always keeping a protective eye on the young bard and ushering her into the temple of Kelemvor as soon as the sun begins to set._

  • _Popular rumour has it that the devout undead fighting Lathandrite priest C'Tan Sunburn recently tried to hug a vampire. The undead female clearly didn't return his affections, turning to mist in his arms as dawn rose over the treetops of Norwick.

    On a more serious note, it is said that two guardsmen and the fighter known as Bob were possessed or charmed by said female, though the effects of the spell were later dispelled by the bard Lycka and healer Tristina. The clifftop near the great hall and the grass underneath it all bear signs of scorching, reportedly from frequent use of fire magicks during the encounter with the vampire._

  • Over the last few days, a rather pale skinned man in old armour has been seen around the Norwick fire conversing with those gathered, always leaving before the sunrise. What exactly he wanted remains a mystery to anyone who wasn't there.

  • _Of further note, one recent disturbance occurred in the east of Norwick's valley where a fair-sized group of children cornered three other children. The larger group taunted and accused the three of being changelings just like one that was involved with the disappearance of a local farming couple.

    This was more than mere childhood bullying…it's outcome tragic. When a guard approached to break up the commotion, one of the three cornered children unleashed magical missiles, killing one his accusers. Before the guard could act, the child unleashed a second set of magical missiles on the guard too. Injured, the guard had no choice but to strike the aggressor down. The child who cast the magical missiles turned to a small dummy made of twigs and sticks tied together when killed. The other two children who had been cornered ran away as did those who had cornered them.

    Later, the body of a girl who was one of the two cornered who got away is found at the bottom of the cliff. The small footprints at the top would suggest that a small number of other children, likely those who done the cornering, struck again. None of them will squeal on the others and most of the parents providing alibis for their own children, leaves the exact who-dunn-it a mystery.

    The girl's body never reverted into straw or sticks...like a changeling's would have._

  • ICC

    Parsley can be seen chewing on his carved ivory pipe while absently tossing pebbles into the fire. His normally cheerful face somber.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Following the trip to the Lost City, Gears' usual spot at his favorite tree remains empty. Though not entirely unusual, especially given his latest disappearing-reappearing acts, as the days go on without a glimpse of the white-blond halfling his presence begins to seem more obvious. Some mutter that they're better off without him there to make undue trouble, though Selene sighs a bit as her bottles of Luiren's Best sit on the shelf in a rather larger quantity than usual.

  • The Senior Advisor Arcane's wife, Cherry, kinda waddles around these days. Too far along to really hide her condition, the growing bump of her belly is plain to see, no matter how bulky and flowing a robe she tries to wear. The lavender haired woman splits her time between her two homes of the Romani Camp and Norwick, out of the adventuring life for while. A canteen full of some herbal brew of her Grandma Cera's is never far from her side.

  • safe has been seen in the elven outpost lately, she seems to be looking for something, she offten sits for long hours looking over a book and thinking

  • White flashes of light crackled around the Norwick graveyard not long ago, the lights akin perhaps to lightning, though no bolts struck the ground from above. A rag-tag party of partially scorched adventurers trudged back to town not long after a particularily bright burst of light erupted, some perhaps making mention of an encounter with a strange necromancer.

  • To prevent possible infection and to make the work a little less uncomfortable Aurelia uses a blessing from Corellon to cure a small amount of any injuries the soldier may have

    [CLW x1 all i have]

  • Not long after Aurelia begins her work, a Bloodspear Knight in worn and bloodied armor enters the camp. He wanders about the remains of the battlefield as if lost for a time before finally taking off his cloak and armor to help in disposing of the dead. He gives her only a slight nod, not bothering with words where there is work to be done.

  • Aurelia returns to the elven ruins and begins cleaning the mess, she burns anything that can be burned that cannot be simply returned to the earth. All the bodies of the dead are layed to rest atop a mass funeral pyre, any elven bodies recovered are buried deep in the ground and sent with prayers to Corellon. She accepts any offers for assistance in the cleanup hoping that the camp can once again someday be a resting point for travelling elven folk.

  • There was quite the stir at the gates to Spellweaver's Keep recently, as a huge warmachine prepared to lay waste to the grand and venerable institution. Through luck or clever forethought, the warmachine's attention was diverted by Attentus just long enough for Ronan to emerge at the scene. The latter floored the giant construct with his spells, but despite fizzling and burning, the machine repaired itself enough to make a quick getaway.

  • Aramuil quickly explains to all who ask that the these soldiers are allied with Norwick, and those that wanted to cause trouble have been killed.

  • _Those visiting the apothecary find themselves in a crowded room full of … bloodspear soldiers. Trist settles any who might be startled by the sight and explains they are all the wounded from a recent battle and are welcome as per the Norwick Advisor's order. The soldiers are a bit jumpy, but seem simply rather glad to be alive.

    Those traveling to the old elf camp find it once again abandoned, though littered the the debris of a recent battle along with a number of unburied dead, who's bodies that were too mangled to be recovered._

  • A conversation between a vampiress and an undead hunter in the nars pass was cut short when the tracker Aurelia approached hidden from behind and fired a series of enchanted arrows at the creatures heart with the intent to kill. While every arrow the skilled archer fired struck true, none of them were able to pierce the vampires heart, the Vampire turned on Aurelia with a death spell which by Solonars grace Aurelia was able to overcome before it turned invisible and fled, Ronan was able to persue her and cause enough damage to the undead to force it to vanish and return to its den.

    ((DM was Caoimh i believe))