Whispers at the Fire

  • The trickle of wizards, sorcerers and arcanists of all kinds continues to pass through Norwick, with mages of all persuasions and demeanours passing through the town, most though not all when questioned seem to be from the Kingdom of Tethyr, or lands surrounding it. They invariably stay in town for a few days, then continue their journey northwards towards Jiyyd and beyond.

    In other rumours, the only group of arcanists not to move north, the entourage which arrived from the Royal Magic Acadamy of Tethyr that is staying in Spellweaver Keep, is said to have suffered a tragedy; one of their number, the representative for the school of divination seems to have gone missing. The remaining mages from the Acadamy are said to be worried for her fate and know little of what could have befallen her. Their leader, Count Fylam Entras, has implored that anybody with information on her whereabouts or fate should contact him at the Keep at once.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A pure great white light is seen shooting up from the south ruins of old Norwick one early morning, the happy laughter of a little girl can be heard in the winds flowing. Rumours go about that Dietrick the hin has laid the little ghost girl who haunts the southern ruins to rest.

  • Jerrick hasn't been seen in town for a while.

    He DID however, tell people that he wouldn't be there for a reason, but would be instead at the Glen. He claimed to be Waiting for someone, but didn't quite seem to know just WHO he was waiting for.

    During the day a small tendril of black smoke rises from the south east of Norwick, a purposefully small but noticeable fire, probably signaling that Jerrick is there when it is burning.

  • After many days in the jailhouse in norwick Thazar is seen leaving it with the chancellor. Covered in bark, and letting out a long list of cuss words, he heads toward peltarch with little more than a busted wooden staff and rags on his back.

    ((edited by Dwin… he wouldn't whistle...))

  • "JAAAAHN?"

    Led into Norwick from the pass was a mysterious woman, a tall, and muscular redhead, who kept shouting and screaming the name. No magic or words seemed to reach her properly, though she also seemed to react to what was said around her. In the end she was carried into the healers by Devlin, when her pleading scream had already become a desperate plea, a whimper almost. She passed out there, eventually, and was later identified as a member of the sisterhood, known as Melody.

    ((Special kudos to Caoimh and Ander for some weird progress in Melody's story. Great fun ^^ Sorry to cut it short everyone, it was late for me))

  • A short while later, Dwin and the guards emerge with slight smirks and giggling. Dwin rubs his knuckles in a way that might suggest they are sore.

  • The Chancellor and several guards are seen entering the barracks where the Red Wizard is presumed to be held.

  • _Hunters, rangers, and adventurers who brave the Rawlinswood can increasingly be heard bringing back tales of the devastation wrought by the blast from the destruction of the demon fortress… stories of barren expanses of rock and ash, the charred remains of corrupted trees, foul gasses bubbling from the blackened soil, and glowing patches of molten rock that refuse to cool.

    In more frightened tones they recount the presence of animals and slimes twisted and deformed, sometimes with terrifying results.

    It seems likely that the recovery of the eastern Rawlins will take a long, long time and perhaps a lot of work and toil._

  • a rumor spreads that the young legionaire Calen, who seemed weakened and a little upset, was seen in a angry discussion with the priestess Silmeil near the fire in Norwick. After bluntly explaining what his God Helm expects of him and telling her she needed to do some studying herself, he walked off. Calen was later seen, his head down, speaking with her in a hushed tone and the two left the conversation with a smile and salute.

  • Rumour has it a stout dwarf has been sleeping in the Norwick inn for a full 3 days straight. Any attempt to get up or be cohorced out of bed results in a groan and her turning over to her other side to rest…...

  • A few rumors stir of a hush hush evening in Norwick. Whatever happened varies from one of the milita guard locking several of the other guards in jail over an young miss, to the whole Norwick Apothicary chasing after a man uttering professions of love.

  • _Rumours begin to spread throughout the town like wildfire that the demon fortress has been utterly destroyed, it's forces vanquished and it's lord slain at the hands of Yuan'ti and the adventurers that had gathered to storm the walls.

    Soon after a large explosion that rocked the face of Narfell was heard and felt, eight battered and bloodied souls appears in Norwick and promptly collapsed on the main road, taken past the point of utter exhaustion..

    Soon after the group appeared, bodies also started to be ferried into the Norwick Apothecary. The demons had been stopped and a victory had been claimed, but at a high price.

    Some state the death toll peaked at eleven. Others speculate higher.

    Whatever the rumours, one thing is true ; the demons are now no longer present in the forest._

  • As Elyl settles back into his militia duties, he spends more time patroling the eastern valley of Norwick. During his patrols he tries to spend time at each farm and mining camp to listen to their concerns, complaints and thoughts about Norwick. He offers healing blessings when possible and tries to get a druid to come along with him once in a while to assist with any animals that may need attention as well.

  • Rumors spread quickly that a red wizard of thay has surfaced within town and was in a heated argument with several officials near the crafting guild. Altho the discussion did not turn to blows, still townfolk eagerly walk away gossiping that thay has taken to much of a interest in the nearby town of peltarch. Rumors were later confirmed as the red wizard known as Thazar, proclaimed he will be joining the city's populace soon with buisness ventures in mind.

  • _On the subject of succubi, it is speculated that such a creature was behind the recent time's sudden and otherwise inexplicable outbursts of love in Norwick. These events left several of those involved looking terribly uncomfortable and avoiding each others eyes upon exiting the apocathery's, once cured of their affliction.

    Perhaps still rattled by her experience with the previous succubus, gypsy warrior Lycka was seen to carefully avoid the apocathery's, yet an encounter of a different nature seems to have left the young woman troubled. It is said that a horned woman approached Lycka in town, before being swiftly chased off by a posse of Norwick militia and assorted adventurers. Lycka herself left town shortly thereafter._

  • _Old greyish pale gnome, also known as Aleum Kumma, has been lately heard telling a tale about wounded succubus that was spotted nearby old gates of the Norwick. It apparently managed to fool and evade the group which was ready to tear it into pieces (or at least part of it was), only to be tracked down by Aleum, Lycka Zomasdottir and Celebring. It however once again managed to fool the brave heroes, trapping minds of Celebring and Lycka. For some peculiar reason it let Aleum go, which lead into it's death as Aleum went to get reinforcements to get the Overseer Celebring rescued.

    Aleum also keeps stating how fascinating skills and wits such a hideous monster can have, and that after the meeting he heavily studied the information available of the succubus, its skills and mayhaps even its weaknesses.

    "Splendidlydii it was to survive such an event. Not an everyday occurance for fragile old scholar." He keeps stating and chuckles softly afterwards_

  • An envoy from Peltarch arrives at the Temple of Kelemvor at midday. The group is comprised not only of Defender Clergy but of another group wearing blue… those familiar may know them as the Knights of the Cerulean Star. The enter the Temple without any fanfare and remain within for quite some time.

  • _Possibly drawn by the prospect of trading rare scrolls and magical trinkets from the entourage of wizards from Tethyr, Black Sails Lt Sabre Seesaw made one of her rare visits to Norwick. Appearing at first nervous and skittish, the small black-haired woman stuck to the background during the arrival of the wizards, nursing a bottle of rum and chatting quietly with Gears. Somewhat peeved by the lack of trade on this occasion, Sabre then hopscotched from stone to stone to get to the inn, muttering something about cursed ground and needing a stiff drink.

    She stalked out of the inn later in a foul mood only lifted by the arrival of her companion Tsu Ma, or "Horsie" as he was dubbed this day. After a few antics, the slightly inebriated sailor rode off into the sunset on her trusty steed's back, probably to the relief of the good people by the Norwick fire._

  • A fine entourage of Magic users is rumoured to have arrived in Norwick. Apparently they have come seeking magical items long lost. it is allso rumoured that they are for the time beeing staying at the inn, while they wait for the Spellweaver Keep to get ready accomodations for them.

  • Elyl Wefeneran appeared at the altar in the apothecary,Celestria, Andrew and Ronan were inside when he showed. He seemed slightly confused and suffered from sketchy memories of what had occurred to him, but was otherwise fine. They chatted for a time and then Elyl went off to speak with Kia first and then Mord. Seeking everyone else after to say " hello".

    ((Sorry all, :oops: I am weak willed and enjoyed rp'ing with everyone too much to stay away! 😄 ))