Whispers at the Fire

  • An envoy from Peltarch arrives at the Temple of Kelemvor at midday. The group is comprised not only of Defender Clergy but of another group wearing blue… those familiar may know them as the Knights of the Cerulean Star. The enter the Temple without any fanfare and remain within for quite some time.

  • _Possibly drawn by the prospect of trading rare scrolls and magical trinkets from the entourage of wizards from Tethyr, Black Sails Lt Sabre Seesaw made one of her rare visits to Norwick. Appearing at first nervous and skittish, the small black-haired woman stuck to the background during the arrival of the wizards, nursing a bottle of rum and chatting quietly with Gears. Somewhat peeved by the lack of trade on this occasion, Sabre then hopscotched from stone to stone to get to the inn, muttering something about cursed ground and needing a stiff drink.

    She stalked out of the inn later in a foul mood only lifted by the arrival of her companion Tsu Ma, or "Horsie" as he was dubbed this day. After a few antics, the slightly inebriated sailor rode off into the sunset on her trusty steed's back, probably to the relief of the good people by the Norwick fire._

  • A fine entourage of Magic users is rumoured to have arrived in Norwick. Apparently they have come seeking magical items long lost. it is allso rumoured that they are for the time beeing staying at the inn, while they wait for the Spellweaver Keep to get ready accomodations for them.

  • Elyl Wefeneran appeared at the altar in the apothecary,Celestria, Andrew and Ronan were inside when he showed. He seemed slightly confused and suffered from sketchy memories of what had occurred to him, but was otherwise fine. They chatted for a time and then Elyl went off to speak with Kia first and then Mord. Seeking everyone else after to say " hello".

    ((Sorry all, :oops: I am weak willed and enjoyed rp'ing with everyone too much to stay away! 😄 ))

  • Wren, with visible irritation, has the man removed from his perch in front of the Great Hall.

    "If you're going to loaf about and loiter, do it at the fire with the rest of the layabouts."

  • _A a shortish, rather pudgy man has been around Norwick lately. He wears the same black woolen robe each day, and a small brooch with the symbol of Bane. He typically stands at or near the gates in front of the Great Hall during the day and mostly keeps to himself, occasionally being visited by people and taking notes on one of the many parchment sheets he carries.

    He is coy and evasive if his purpose is asked, although he will submit it if it is sternly demanded by a person of authority._

    (( Maythor/Salsadoom: http://www.narfell.us/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=40137 ))

  • _The past few days have been busy, with rumors of long dead bodies being catapulted over the walls of town, umberhulk and goblin attacks and a VERY fat squirrel that was apparently spirited away by Lycka and Aelthas as their new pet.

    Some may also notice that a new graveyard, on the hill north of the Kelemvorite shrine has been started. The first four graves there are the bodies of the poor souls used as catapult ammunition._

  • Rumours are rampant of a battle between a Talosan priestess and a mage or multiple mages in Norwick; apparently one woman was killed and a man turned to stone. When the man was returned to his normal self, the militia took him to jail; very strange indeed.

  • Coming into town from the south, Will stops to speak to one of the Norwick Guards

    Ran a patrol south. Graveyard looks normal, but I didn't find any goblins in the Northeast or North Rawlins. None.

    Also, the gates to the old elf camp seem to be magically locked. Didn't try to force them, and didn't see any tracks - but that's not normal.

    Might want to let Mord and the Chancellor know. Something funny's going on.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick was seen one evening spending a few hours within the spellweaver keep's first floor with a book on his lap. Miea is seen by his side pointing out alphabets within to him throughout for the first hour, after which he is seen practicing and learning the alphabets on the book himself for the next two hours.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick was seen carrying two tied up guards into the apothecary one after another, followed in by a few norwick guards and Advisor Aramuil. One might notice the guards looked odd and smell horrible, and one of them is missing an ear. Dietrick is seen emerging out later carrying two linen cloth covered bodies, they were laid in the open fields by the union craft hall and burned. The guard Locrian is seen announcing the two's brave sacrifice and many stood watching as their bodies were burned in an honorable funeral rite. Faint distant cries were thought to be heard as fire caught on the bodies…

  • A swirling gust of wind blows up and seems to cyclone a moment startling everyone there before a voice speaks out from the wind..

    Greetings and salutations. Feel free to join the festivites celebrating the marriage of Parsley Tealeaf and Peppy Twiddlefingers this week ((Monday 10pm Eastern)) at the Sisterhood in Jiyyd.

    almost immediately the wind dies down and quiets out, leaving people with a surprised and confused look to their face.

  • _Silverbolt can be heard vividly talking the events of a past night. Apparantly undead had been rising from the crypts, and he headed down with Felix, Sara, Locrian and others. Once there, they fought trough a score of undead skeletons, zombies and ghosts, yet found nothing conclusive of the cause of the undead. The shade was mentioned however, and there was a strange magical blast near the end of one room, yet this lead to nothing either. While most of the group returned to the surface, a few travelled further down, where they fought trough more undead. A particularly persistent undead cow was mentioned, though after having to defeat it in one form or another for three times, it finally stayed dead. The group then returned to the surface, except for two. One was a halfling that was killed by the undead, and the other was Silverbolt himself, who was apparantly.. forgotten.

    He tells the following events with particular zhest.
    "And so, I was alone.. without a torch in these dark crypts. I could barely walk, as my leg had been injured. I felt my way along the walls, though every turn seemed to lead to a dead end, and I knew it would not be long before more undead appeared. In the darkness, I would not have lasted long. I was about to give up hope, when I heard a strange ethereal singing. At first it frightened me. After all, who would have expected singing? I closed my eyes and quietly sang my own song, a prayer for Milil to grant me courage, yet I noticed the strange song matched my own. It beckoned me further in, and ultimately lead me to the door of the crypts. There can be no mistake.. it was Milil who guided me out of that dark place. I do not know what this means, or why He would have done so… but I am eternally grateful He did, for the prospect of dying in such a place, alone and forgotten, did not sound appealing at all."

    The fact that he was forgotten does not seem to worry him at all, completely eclipsed by the powerful spiritual experience._

  • _The wife of the Senior Adviser Arcane, Cherry Holimion, days after returning from some trip to Peltarch was seen again sitting around the fire in Norwick. Lately, it could be noted, she might avoid the fir most of the time, only to be oddly drawn right up toe the fire, almost close enough to singe her hair off. If startled from being transfixed, Cherry would retreat back away from the fire again and claim everything was just fine.

    This one night, she did not need to startled away from the fire, this time when she got right up close to the fire and peered into its heart, she reeled back with a curdling scream. A stumble and she fell and hit her head as she has been known to do by a few.

    Once moved back to her shared room with her husband in the Grapevine, Cherry's lavender eyes opened, but she remained as unresponsive as before. She lay perfectly still in catatonia, either groaning or mumbling nonsense in response to being moved. Her body would keep most any position it was move into, taking hours before she would shift position again on her own. It was not pretty to watch the drool dribble out and down her cheek._

  • _The sun had already set.. the chill of night was coming in and there was the usual sounds at the fire in Norwick.. then suddenly, for no explanation, the Militiaman Aelthas was hasted by Ronan and turned without a word to beat down the gnome Drogo and haul him off to jail.. a few people blinked and peered through the darkness asking one thing..

    "Fark, was that Rando? He's back?"

    All the excitement was quickly settled as a few mutterings about random beatings were heard, then Norwick went back to it's normal life, most people forgetting the incident within the hour._

  • When Tristina comes running out of the apothecary, Jerrick stands and swears, pointing back to the cells with a shout at Felix if he is nearby, or the fire in general. He's not overly loud, just obviously aggravated.

    And THAT is why the guard said to leave her in the CELL! A trap to get her out of the one place she was hard to get to. Would have been smarter to bring Tristina TO the cell….

    The casual observer from that night startled by Jerrick's outburst might notice his soot streaked face and slightly singed hair…

  • _The quiet of the night was shattered by reports of smoke billowing forth from within the barracks. Many set out quickly to see to the origin and upon entering the barracks, the group, led by the brave and vigilant Deitrick, found the source of the smoke to be the cells… them being engulfed in flame!

    Quickly they managed to begin efforts to douse the flames as the screams came from within the cells... from the other side of the grates. In the small space, the fire quickly consumed all that was within leaving nothing but the smoldering remains of burnt barrels, melted metal bars, and one female corpse.

    Chaos quickly followed and ravaged the inside of the tiny space nearly as fast as the flames. Accusations were made about the origins of the flames and te remains of several torches were found smoldering in the corner. This was no accident!

    It is certain the lady held in the cells died in the intense blaze and her charred corpse was seen laid across the shoulders of one taking her remains to be tended to by the lady Tristina. Several brave adventurers and concerned folk entered the apothocary and were not seen again for some time until the lady Tristina herself came running from within yelling "She is GONE!" to any that would listen.

    What happened thereafter is unknown..._

  • Jerrick was recently seen being followed by a lightfooted female figure while passing through Norwick, offering only a wave and maybe a thin smile as he passes, towards the Rawlins.

    The female figure made her way back alone.

    If anyone was curious enough to make their way to the Rawlins for any reason shortly thereafter, they would find a very patterned execution of goblins to the east. Nearly every corpse was identical.

    There would be at least one Arrow in each of the bodies. Usually in the back of the body somewhere, and if there was a lack of a second arrow, it's because there was either no movement from after the first arrow, or a sword slash or two proved the fatal wound.

    All the bodies are rather spread out, with only a couple falling in groups.
    There are even a couple of goblins that looked like they simply fell asleep, and they either have slit throats or a simple pierce wound to the heart made by a terribly sharp blade.

    Jerrick was seen shortly thereafter in none too great a mood, until he was joined by company and walked out of Norwick, saying something about a month from that day.

  • _A large and notably drenched looking group stumble into Norwick, most of the weary adventurers huddling close to the fire at the commons, trying to regain some warmth and dry off. From the snippets of conversation there, the observant listener might pick up the hairraising story of a ghost ship and a heroic, yet failed attempt to save a dryad's life from the dread creatures there as the water rose and magic protections faltered. While some lament the loss of their various magic items from the expedition, others seem mostly relieved to be alive.

    In a possible attempt to liven the damp spirits of adventurers, two notably un-drenched bards performed a rousing play at the fire, so dramatic in rendition that one of them was near arrested for seemingly running the other through with her flashy sword. After both the greenhaired and the whitehaired actor suffered a gruesome death at each other's blades, they rose lithely and took a bow for the "Woeful Tale of Rivalry Most Bitter"._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears, while still a fairly regular presence around the fire, seems to be coming slightly unhinged. He seems uneasy for no reason at times, waves his hands in front of his face, and strains his ears when no sound is being made. Sometimes he mutters to himself, looking around for a threat that isn't there.