Whispers at the Fire

  • Rumors have it a Cleric that goes by the name of tyler put down two bug bears in the west rawlins after they wandered in uninvited, the cleric after many hours away came back batered and bloodyed but alive.

    // could not tell if it was dm or not, i think it was just a low lvl exploreing that got them into the close wood, confirmation?

  • A newcomer named Lukas Brightsun has been seen sitting near the fire in Norwick, drinking and laughing with Kyoko. They apparently drank an entire day away, then disappeared to the inn for a good nights rest.

    And nothing untoward happened. Ha!

    He is, how you say, a swashbuckler, and a gentleman, How dare you insinuate such a thing.


    He did look at her hips a bit though.

  • ICC

    Right at the edge of the town two half orcs battled it out after shouting at each other in orcish. One of them did not walk alway…

  • One night as the moon rose on one of the hills near norwick the skald was seen lighting fires. Drumming was hear from the hilltop and singing all through the night. Hedia, Caric and Mare went up the hill with the skald. Later that night or very early that morning as the sun was just lightening the night to blue the skald walked wearily down from the hills his voice a bit hoarse as he made his way from the city. The other three followed shortly there after. They each seemed a bit shaky. Mareann was seen heading towards the inn in tears. Or maybe her eyes were leaking from too much smoke. Must have been a good party.

  • ICC

    Less than one hour after Arak´Hur enter Norwick, he and his two escolts can be seen leaving Norwick and heading north. They talk to no one but them selfs, and in orcish. To those that might know orcish might ear the words business alot… to those who dont know orcish will just ear gruntings going back and forth

  • Maya steps out of the inn, curious what all the yelling is about. Seeing that the guards are handling it, she shrugs and steps back inside.

  • The guard with the large axe takes an involuntary step back when the leader speaks. He then tries to regain his composure.

    Yellin at me is a sure way to get an over-night stay in a jailcell, orc.

    I'll go see if the Lord Chancellor is interested in seein ya. I wouldn't get yer hopes up.

    He retreats back into the Great Hall. After a couple minutes, he returns with a look of defeat on his face.

    The Lord Chancellor will see ya, but I recommend ya keep yer yellin and snarlin… and yer odor... to a minimum. He's in a foul mood today.

    He then nods to the rest of the guards who disperse while he escorts the visitors to the Great Hall.

  • ICC

    There was a roar from behind of the two huge halfers and they started moving aside as Arak´Hur steps forward

    Am Arak´Hur, leader of da Iron Chain Clan and muh business iz muh own!!
    Do yer job and take meh to da man dat pays yuu yuur daily bread!

    // check PM box now 😉 should be there by now

  • Half a dozen redcloaks materialize from various areas in the center of town wielding battle axes and form a basic circle around the halfer group. One of the guards, presumably of some rank by the size of his axe, motions for the halfers to stop where they are.

    What's your business here, orc? The rats are waitin for you at the bottom of the hill…

    he smirks, apparently proud of his exceptional wit

    ((No PM's in my mbox))

  • ICC

    Arak Hur the Leader of the Iron Chain Clan, enter norwick escolted by 2 huge halfers. He asks a norwick guard to take him toNorwick´s chancellor Dwin Dolvak to take care of business

    //Dwin check ur PM box pls 😉

  • ICC

    Day after day the ICC(Iron Chain Clan) member are seen busy at killing rats. During the morning Arak hur, Zorg and Vrurk of the ICC have been killing rats, during the afternoon Arak hur and Garig killed some more and during the night Arak Hur and Fall kept killing the last few rats. The other members of the clan do the same during the other days of the week and months

  • Rumor spreads that a caravan in the pass was ambushed by a band of wererats, leaving two children as orphans. Several people report seeing Lieutenant Devlin and Wren of the Norwick Militia, along with Froim and several others, chasing one of the weres through the town before finally cornering it in the Grapevine Inn. It was dragged off to the jail.

  • _Lieutenant General Theaon Thorn of the Troff Legion and Master Ginger of the Crafter's Union were seen running to to Norwick late one night. Onlookers saw them speak about a shadowdancer to some militiamen. Soon that group of people were seen headed north towards the Nars and were not seen for several hours.

    When they returned they looked battered and were carrying the corpse of a woman, but they did not seem so down as one might think. Many in the group were heard muttering that they almost had the shadowdancer and that it was just the fact that he was too fast to chase after. Word is the hin Dietrick knocked the shadowdancer on his arse, then the rest of the group proceeded to beat the snot out of the thing until it got up and ran off."_

  • On a recent night before heading to the inn looking drawn and exhausted, but smirking slight, Jerrick was heard to recount to someone just into Norwick, about why everyone was haggard and bloody.

    _Gnomes. Deep gnomes, evil gnomes, whatever you want to call them, Ronan knew the name, they attacked the town. It seemed random, but there was a summoner making dire penguins attack. Devlin decided to dare it to send 10 after it sent three… and sure enough, 10 appeared.
    After shutting Devlin up, the hin Tiffiny ran up the hill, apparently catching a glimpse of the mage in question, and running up the hill to start beating on him.

    We killed it, and just as people started to file off thinking we were safe, we came back to the townsfolk who were not already dead, turned to stone. Selene had been killed where she stood, and the guards were all statues. Then more attacked. We finally seemed to have fended them off, well after several of us were too exhausted to fight anymore._

    He runs a hand through his hair, and brushes some bark from hsi armor, now a rich dark woodsy brown, and far more intimidating than his old black and blue legion colors

    At any rate, Tif, Devlin, Dietrick, Celestria, Ronan, and I were all there, and I'm sure a few more, I just know im a little worn out still, but glad we made it… and I have to admit, I'm curious as to one thing. Why deep gnomes?

  • ICC

    Bagnar was seen leaving Norwick with a chisel and a large rock, easily noticable as one of the tombstones from the original Friar Fred's. How he aquired it is a good question. Later he returned, mumbling something about Elyl deserving more than a rock with words.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumour has it Dietrick the hin and Celestria the priestess of Torm were seen in a heated argument in town near the hills. The hin was seen later returning with a dark face and the two never spoke after that again. Townsfolk say it arose over a little girl.

  • ICC

    For the past month the group of half orcs that are easly identified as Iron Chain Members are seen on a daily basis taking turns on exterminating the rats that roam in old norwick ruins.
    Everytime a shift ends a the new one starts, the team that is on its way out can be seen with dozens of rats tied to their belts, entering "new" norwick*

  • A tall half-orc, clad in Blue and Black armor has been seen wandering into and out of Norwick recently, often times hefting a large crossbow and purchasing more bolts for it.

    As he wanders in and out, those who pay attention hear him talking about rats, and how they make good sport, being hard to hit and all.

  • _Despite the loss, and little troubles, it seems one problem remains altogether too common for Norwick. Goblins charging at the gates, driven, haunted, perhaps, or just desperate? Of note, this time, was the large, black cat that led a small group of valiant heroes out the gates to meet the mad monsters even before they could harm the wooden defense.

    Sword shining, before it was dark with goblin blood, Dietrick led the defense, even while Devlin seemed to sleep walk through the assaulting beasts, slashing and goring the small offenders left and right. Small, plump Asha kept her distance, her bow - proudly proclaimed to be a Ginger Tealeaf bow - loosening deadly arrows at the onrushing horde. But it was Z's appearance that turned the tide of the battle, the goblins beaten, broken, mauled and shattered before a single one of them had so much as a chance to touch the gates of Norwick. The group waited a little longer, for a sign of a renewed attack, then a victorios group of adventures returned with a confident stride to the relative safety behind the walls, up the hill._

  • tyler is seen not moaping but more saddendly walkign around town looking over the gates at elyls old gaurd spot, often going out and comeing back unijured imself but with blood red armor of his silver and blue, the cleans it and watchs over the gates ,saddened but knowing what his broher would want him to do, just carry on and know he is alright