Whispers at the Fire
brick just grins
A poster appears at the Grapevine inn, it advertises:
((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks
Locrian was clearly seen by guard, and passersby guarding the southern gates, damaged from the town raid, with a rather large, hulking dire wolf at his side.
multiple people had seen the pair play about, and share meals.
_Gossip around the town speaks of a little confrontation taking place at the central fire in Norwick. This confrotation was not of demons or goblins, but of a woman and her ex-lover. Many looked on as the man, known as Caric, was caught in several lies. Insults were thrown, and many around town heard what he did, seeming appauled by it.
When he could not create anymore excuses for himself, he left off toward the north…_
Nothing too odd about the militia and scout meeting called in the great hall and when small groups left and headed south nothing much was said. Several hours later the sounds of battle could be heard from the south. Magic flares of light and explosions could be heard punctuating hte clash of steel and cries of pain. Slowly the sounds came closer to town and the citizens looked to the razed gates. Soon several bloody figures trickled through, one carrying the body of the scout Bow. A phalanx of Militia, Scouts, Legion and random adventurers filled the gap in the south gates.
Those brave enough to stay outdoors witnessed duels of magic flaring into the night. Fireballs blasted back and forth across the battlefield and black tenacles ravaged through the defenders, trying to pull them down. Arrows flashed back and forth through the dark, their silent flight punctuated with cries of pain and anger. Fighters charged out from the gates bravely trying to lay low the legions of twisted goblin casters. Chunks of ice fell from the sky and the earth trembled at the brutality of the onslaught…and then...silence.
Orders were barked out, wounded were tended, scouts slipped into the ruins unseen. Another clash of arms and magiks to the east and west of the mountains feet and then silence again. A force was sent south and a runner north. Guards stood at the gates and patrolled the town...and waited. Then cries of victory from the the old ruins and the force to the south returned pushing and dragging many seige engines. Final orders were issued and guards posted and scouts sent out once more to check the quiet dawn.
At dawn the citizens of the town were asked to help in clearing the area to the south. The militia and scouts moved among them as hundreds of twisted broken and burnt goblins were hauled off to be burned. It is said that the roads were inches deep in blood and the walls to the south looked like charred thorn trees from the fire and thousands of arrows imbeded in them.
_A very large siege took place after the Heyokarr rituals. Waves of goblins crashed upon the southern gates, but wait… hobgoblins also attacked at the northern side of Norwick. A two front siege.
With the combined efforts of Norwick officials, militia, and capable adventurers from groups all around Narfell, Norwick was defended successfully. Strength, steel, and magic were tested to their limits during the siege._
It is said that a series of duels were fought, with the town’s advisor presiding. The contestants Albryanna, Maythor, Kara DuMonte, Maya, Rhyndar and Dietrick all appeared to conduct it seriously. It is said that Maya won, and that afterwards the contestants proceeded south.
The group returned later with the woman Iria, and there is rumored to be much discussion of the Heyokarr, and the demons. The next morning, Maya is seen by the fire, thoughtfully examining an odd looking dagger, turning it over and over again in her hands.
Jerrick is seen walking towards Norwick, and noticing something odd about the trees….stopping to look closely at the letter... "B"?
"Who the hells been busting up the trees? Grumble When I find em..."
He stops and thinks, and ticks some things off on his hand, muttering softly. Bagnar? Bards? Branwen? Brick? Benji? .... Hmmm....
He walks off, muttering something about being tired, and scents.
Quite a few trees along the road from Norwick to Peltarch have patterns of inch wide holes punched in them writing out the letter 'B'.
Fendon reads a quick announcement one morning…
By order of the Lord Chancellor, Wren Halfabrick has been named to the new seat of "Constable" in the Realm.
In this position, Ms. Halfabrick will be responsible for judging over disputes, crimes, and legal advice to the leaders of the realm. She will also be the main keeper of laws and records for the realm.
Should you have any questions about Norwick Law or Processes, please reach out to Wren.
Rumors have it a Cleric that goes by the name of tyler put down two bug bears in the west rawlins after they wandered in uninvited, the cleric after many hours away came back batered and bloodyed but alive.
// could not tell if it was dm or not, i think it was just a low lvl exploreing that got them into the close wood, confirmation?
A newcomer named Lukas Brightsun has been seen sitting near the fire in Norwick, drinking and laughing with Kyoko. They apparently drank an entire day away, then disappeared to the inn for a good nights rest.
And nothing untoward happened. Ha!
He is, how you say, a swashbuckler, and a gentleman, How dare you insinuate such a thing.
He did look at her hips a bit though.
Right at the edge of the town two half orcs battled it out after shouting at each other in orcish. One of them did not walk alway…
One night as the moon rose on one of the hills near norwick the skald was seen lighting fires. Drumming was hear from the hilltop and singing all through the night. Hedia, Caric and Mare went up the hill with the skald. Later that night or very early that morning as the sun was just lightening the night to blue the skald walked wearily down from the hills his voice a bit hoarse as he made his way from the city. The other three followed shortly there after. They each seemed a bit shaky. Mareann was seen heading towards the inn in tears. Or maybe her eyes were leaking from too much smoke. Must have been a good party.
Less than one hour after Arak´Hur enter Norwick, he and his two escolts can be seen leaving Norwick and heading north. They talk to no one but them selfs, and in orcish. To those that might know orcish might ear the words business alot… to those who dont know orcish will just ear gruntings going back and forth
Maya steps out of the inn, curious what all the yelling is about. Seeing that the guards are handling it, she shrugs and steps back inside.
The guard with the large axe takes an involuntary step back when the leader speaks. He then tries to regain his composure.
Yellin at me is a sure way to get an over-night stay in a jailcell, orc.
I'll go see if the Lord Chancellor is interested in seein ya. I wouldn't get yer hopes up.
He retreats back into the Great Hall. After a couple minutes, he returns with a look of defeat on his face.
The Lord Chancellor will see ya, but I recommend ya keep yer yellin and snarlin… and yer odor... to a minimum. He's in a foul mood today.
He then nods to the rest of the guards who disperse while he escorts the visitors to the Great Hall.
There was a roar from behind of the two huge halfers and they started moving aside as Arak´Hur steps forward
Am Arak´Hur, leader of da Iron Chain Clan and muh business iz muh own!!
Do yer job and take meh to da man dat pays yuu yuur daily bread!// check PM box now
should be there by now
Half a dozen redcloaks materialize from various areas in the center of town wielding battle axes and form a basic circle around the halfer group. One of the guards, presumably of some rank by the size of his axe, motions for the halfers to stop where they are.
What's your business here, orc? The rats are waitin for you at the bottom of the hill…
he smirks, apparently proud of his exceptional wit
((No PM's in my mbox))
Arak Hur the Leader of the Iron Chain Clan, enter norwick escolted by 2 huge halfers. He asks a norwick guard to take him toNorwick´s chancellor Dwin Dolvak to take care of business
//Dwin check ur PM box pls