Whispers at the Fire

  • Rumor spreads that a caravan in the pass was ambushed by a band of wererats, leaving two children as orphans. Several people report seeing Lieutenant Devlin and Wren of the Norwick Militia, along with Froim and several others, chasing one of the weres through the town before finally cornering it in the Grapevine Inn. It was dragged off to the jail.

  • _Lieutenant General Theaon Thorn of the Troff Legion and Master Ginger of the Crafter's Union were seen running to to Norwick late one night. Onlookers saw them speak about a shadowdancer to some militiamen. Soon that group of people were seen headed north towards the Nars and were not seen for several hours.

    When they returned they looked battered and were carrying the corpse of a woman, but they did not seem so down as one might think. Many in the group were heard muttering that they almost had the shadowdancer and that it was just the fact that he was too fast to chase after. Word is the hin Dietrick knocked the shadowdancer on his arse, then the rest of the group proceeded to beat the snot out of the thing until it got up and ran off."_

  • On a recent night before heading to the inn looking drawn and exhausted, but smirking slight, Jerrick was heard to recount to someone just into Norwick, about why everyone was haggard and bloody.

    _Gnomes. Deep gnomes, evil gnomes, whatever you want to call them, Ronan knew the name, they attacked the town. It seemed random, but there was a summoner making dire penguins attack. Devlin decided to dare it to send 10 after it sent three… and sure enough, 10 appeared.
    After shutting Devlin up, the hin Tiffiny ran up the hill, apparently catching a glimpse of the mage in question, and running up the hill to start beating on him.

    We killed it, and just as people started to file off thinking we were safe, we came back to the townsfolk who were not already dead, turned to stone. Selene had been killed where she stood, and the guards were all statues. Then more attacked. We finally seemed to have fended them off, well after several of us were too exhausted to fight anymore._

    He runs a hand through his hair, and brushes some bark from hsi armor, now a rich dark woodsy brown, and far more intimidating than his old black and blue legion colors

    At any rate, Tif, Devlin, Dietrick, Celestria, Ronan, and I were all there, and I'm sure a few more, I just know im a little worn out still, but glad we made it… and I have to admit, I'm curious as to one thing. Why deep gnomes?

  • ICC

    Bagnar was seen leaving Norwick with a chisel and a large rock, easily noticable as one of the tombstones from the original Friar Fred's. How he aquired it is a good question. Later he returned, mumbling something about Elyl deserving more than a rock with words.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumour has it Dietrick the hin and Celestria the priestess of Torm were seen in a heated argument in town near the hills. The hin was seen later returning with a dark face and the two never spoke after that again. Townsfolk say it arose over a little girl.

  • ICC

    For the past month the group of half orcs that are easly identified as Iron Chain Members are seen on a daily basis taking turns on exterminating the rats that roam in old norwick ruins.
    Everytime a shift ends a the new one starts, the team that is on its way out can be seen with dozens of rats tied to their belts, entering "new" norwick*

  • A tall half-orc, clad in Blue and Black armor has been seen wandering into and out of Norwick recently, often times hefting a large crossbow and purchasing more bolts for it.

    As he wanders in and out, those who pay attention hear him talking about rats, and how they make good sport, being hard to hit and all.

  • _Despite the loss, and little troubles, it seems one problem remains altogether too common for Norwick. Goblins charging at the gates, driven, haunted, perhaps, or just desperate? Of note, this time, was the large, black cat that led a small group of valiant heroes out the gates to meet the mad monsters even before they could harm the wooden defense.

    Sword shining, before it was dark with goblin blood, Dietrick led the defense, even while Devlin seemed to sleep walk through the assaulting beasts, slashing and goring the small offenders left and right. Small, plump Asha kept her distance, her bow - proudly proclaimed to be a Ginger Tealeaf bow - loosening deadly arrows at the onrushing horde. But it was Z's appearance that turned the tide of the battle, the goblins beaten, broken, mauled and shattered before a single one of them had so much as a chance to touch the gates of Norwick. The group waited a little longer, for a sign of a renewed attack, then a victorios group of adventures returned with a confident stride to the relative safety behind the walls, up the hill._

  • tyler is seen not moaping but more saddendly walkign around town looking over the gates at elyls old gaurd spot, often going out and comeing back unijured imself but with blood red armor of his silver and blue, the cleans it and watchs over the gates ,saddened but knowing what his broher would want him to do, just carry on and know he is alright

  • Onlookers in town saw the half-orc Brick and another half-orc speaking in orcish. Those who understand orcish would hear insults going back and forth, those who do not would just hear a bunch of grunts going back and forth. Brick had his axe wielded but the other half-orc did not. The Romani Aelthas asked the unknown half-orc what his name was, the half-orc did not answer. Aelthas then threatened to tell the guard, but the half-orc kept insisting he broke no law, and reminded the human that he did not even wield his weapon. The half-orc stopped at the healers, then headed north out of town.

  • ICC

    Day after day, the Iron Chain Cnan members can bee seen in norwicks ruins exterminating the rats

  • With the recent death of Elyl, it is rumored that Militia members have a renewed sense of urgency and determination in finding out about and defeating the demons that plague the area.

  • Tired and bloody officers and militia members can be seen filing out of the healers alone and in small groups. There are tears on some and blank eyes on others but anger seems to pervade them all. Reports filter out from the healers that When Senior Guardman Elyl's bloddy boody was placed on the altar and prayers sent up, that it glowed brightly for a moment then faded away, leaving silence alone behind. So rumors say….

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumours go about at the fires that militia guardsman Elyl have died bravely in battle holding off a greater vrock to help his comrades escape and his soul has gone to his deity Torm to find rest.

  • ICC

    word as it that the Iron Chain Clan members are freequently seen at Norwicks old Ruins, exterminating the rats that have infested that area.
    They seem determined in erradicating for good those desease carrying animals

  • Word spreads the streets of another attack on the old southern gates. The forces repelled consisted of gelatinous cubes, goblins, demons, and a minotaur who left a farewell present of ice spiders along with a very large arachnid, a bebilith.

  • Word spreads quickly that Lord Chancellor Dwin has hired Celestria on as a Norwick Healer. She is said to be all smiles and quite happy with the new status. It's rumored she will remain in service to the Militia as well.

  • It appears the Shrine of kelemvor was attacked recently; there's evidence of a battle, including the gates having been blown off. Many of the graves were dug up and then reburied; shortly after the attack, whispers speak of Aramuil and Cherry showing up, coming back from their anniversary celebration. Aramuil and Cherry examined the area, supposedly coming under attack by yet more undead; but people seem confident that the elven archmage can bring the evildoers to justice soon.

  • _Unconcerned by the stories of robbers in the pass, a small group of adventurers set out into the Rawlinswood, following the wind. It's said Celebring came along in the hopes of finding something he's missing, suspecting that to be adventure. The young, plump woman happily skipped along, claiming that they would find Wood Giants in the forest. When they returned a good while later, the bard that had accompanied the two didn't seem all so enthusasitic about it, apparently all they found was an almost deadly fight against bugbears.

    Nonetheless, the plump woman seems unwilling to give up hope:_
    "Oh, I'm sure we'll find the Wood Giants! It's just the Rawlinswood is like really big! And it might take a while to like search it thoroughly! But giants are like big, you know? So we'll like find them soon enough!

    "Oh, and don't go like worrying about bugbears! Celebring was so great, he like summoned a really like large bear and it ate the bugbears! And like Caric was so really brave, fighting amidst them and like he almost died, but only like just!"

  • _Citizens witness Ambassador Ronan taking down a man right in front of the Great Hall. Davos, the guard who witnessed it demanded to know what was going on.

    The Ambassador insisted that this man he brought down was working for the demons, yet Davos did not seem to believe the word of the Advisor… both Ronan and the man accused of helping demons were taking to the jail._