Whispers at the Fire

  • Legion

    Benji has been seen carrying a strange looking helmet with a large copper rod attached to the top. He's been shyly approaching mages asking them about any lightning spells they might be able to cast.

  • A large brightly colored poster is seen near Selene's shop:


    Master Chef Pierre Bourgois presents an evening of culinary excellence. The can't miss event of the season!

    Come one, come all and support a worthy cause! This <insert faerun="" date="" here="">, at 8 p.m. the Sisterhood will be opening their doors, sponsoring a dinner by the world famous Master Chef Pierre Bourgois! Come dine on the finest meal while showing your support for those less fortunate. All gold made will go towards the building of a school for the people of Jiyyd. Limited seating is available, so reserve your spot today!</insert>

    ((Friday the 22nd at 8 p.m. EST ))

  • (belatd post) brik is seen carrying the body of Buurbag throuhg norwick saying her founf her dead by some goblins, he asked around if omeone culd bring her back, and when anyone asked him whyy he would bring back such and evil orc, he simply responded with a barly understandable sentace, "everyone get second chance"

  • Rumors and laughing good natured insults fly about Mord mostly from those of the Gypsy Camp. Seems though they appreciate his help in hunting down the reasons for the Blight in the woods, he got himself beat down by a badger!!

  • Dwin is seen speaking to Maya at long periods in a friendly manner. Finally, he makes an announcement at the fire one evening…

    Some of you may know that Maya has retired from her second round of duty in the Realm's Militia. We all thank her for her service. She assures me that her blade will not stay sheathed if the town is threatened, so we can all sleep soundly there.

    In honor of her service, I have named her "Champion of Norwick." If you think you got the ingots to challenge her for this title, think twice, make sure you name a next o' kin, and good luck!

    ((see official rules here: here ))

  • There was a brief scuffle at the fire. Caric was sitting with his new liason at the fire as Silverbolt walked in. After brief conversation it seemed that the situation heated up as Silverbolt called Caric on his divorce, at which Caric lost his temper, punched Silverbolt in the face and headed north before any guard could be alerted.

  • tiffiny is seen moap around norwick lately, when she goes into the rawlins or the pass, nothing is left alive in the path she took, she seems more sad then angry but the goblins and hobbers seem to be getting the blunt of all of her fists

  • It seems Glunk has had an eventful few days in Norwick. First insulted by a dwarf, then when he called her out she beat him to a pulp. After this, there was some resolving of issues and names. It seems Hignan was the name of the dwarf, who for her part has decided that not all Half-Orcs are a curse and a stain on society.

    A day later, Glunk raced through town with Lukas for the gods know what reason, possibly his death, for it was but a scant few hours later, and his dead body was dragged back into town to the healers.

    As he walked out of town, he was talking about "Penance", and "Blood", with Lukas trailing behind him.

    The pair were last seen disappearing into the murky depths of Oscura.

  • _Advisor Ronan is seen coming out of the inn one night, a less than pleased look on his face. Those close enough can feel the air around him is extremely warm, almost to the point of discomfort to the skin. He heads south, not to be seen for several hours.

    Once he returns, he looks exausted, yet there is a smirk on his face. When approached and asked about it, he simply says, "Less demons."_

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick is seen of late during his usual martial training in town performing a particular set of moves and stances whereby he slides across the ground and opens his legs kicking opposite directions. Sometimes also performing what looked like an attempt at a crouching circular sweep of one leg across in an arc like manner in front of him while his other leg is in a swat position supporting him up. Sometimes using his sword he also makes a series of attack moves and then swings the flat of his blade suddenly down across the ground in a sweeping motion.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The guardsman Dietrick is seen striding into town one day with eyes of murderous fury and a scowl on his lips. He seems enraged at something. He has been not of good spirits thereafter and has been asking people around town questions regarding the guardsman Chet.

  • _Dwin is seen with some of his Goldcloaks standing at a distance from the dragon, with his hands on his hips and frowning. The guttural Dwarven that flows from his lips sounds like he is nothing but annoyed. Anyone with a basic understanding of the Golden Tongue would pick up phrases like:

    "…that's all we need..."

    "...bad for business..."

    "...who owns that thing?"_

  • Recently within Norwick, certain gardens have become unusually prosperous. The flowers bloom quickly, the vegetables a little larger, and the plants are frequently free of pests.

    Some simply attribute it to good fortune. Others, to the cavorting nymph that sits by the tree south of the Grapevine Inn.

    However, that nymph has been seen less frequently as of late, its presence replaced by a small dragon of various colors. It’s often spotted sleeping contentedly amidst a pile of semi-precious purple gems, rings, and jewelry, a curl of various colored vapor rising up from its nose.

    After a time however, rumors of concern spread. The neck has thickened in various spots, and spines have appeared around the head. It is said more than one person was alarmed when the red one was big enough to give the diminutive guardsman Dietrick a ride around the town by carrying him.

    …The dragon it appears, is getting bigger.

  • The half-elven sorceress known as Tindra was seen having quite a heated discussion with General Lyte of the Legion. While their talk started off with just whispers, Tindra seemed to become quite agitated about whatever they were talking about, and soon enough was yelling outbursts and growling like an angry panther.

    It's not thought to have been Lyte herself that upset the mage, as the two had accompanied Aramuil and other adventurers on a foray into the crypts. Something or someone they talked about has earned the mage's rage, though.

  • Those who travel the pass to Peltarch in recent days have been accosted by an increase in the number, and violence of the hobgoblins that have been inhabiting it since time immemorial.

    They ALSO would have noticed a large figure in black and blue armor, cutting a swathe through those same hobgoblins, swearing and laying about with his sword.

    After a week's solid effort, with a mound of corpses piled quite high, he snorts in derision, grabs a large sack full of armor and shields, and heads off for other adventure.

    As he leaves, he can be heard muttering

    "Dem fuggin hobgoblins, dey never learns. Me kills a hundred of dem, and dey still keep comin"

  • *There is some talk of a coming Harvest Market in Jiyyd in about a ten day, with rumors of some unusual games with prizes, and a chance to buy things not commonly found in the region, as well as goods from farmers and adventurers and whomever wishes to purchase a booth.

    There is a mention of a poster in the Inn about this, and a need to sign up to get a selling spot at this big, fun event.*

    //Sat. night 11 east coast America time. Expect some surprises!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears can be seen around Norwick's general area more than ever, but he seems…different. He hangs back from groups intentionally, sticking to farther or darker spots in the town. Those accustomed to his normal, if somewhat less than charming personality, can see him sinking gradually deeper into some dark mood as time goes on.

    Some are relieved at the hin's seemingly newfound lack of sarcasm.

  • Whisper denied (removed)… and rumor monger clapped in irons. Please go about your business :roll:

  • _Word goes around of a brawl in the middle of town, a large half orc and a large young man that has been seen lately around town by the name of Eddard got into a fight.

    It seems that the orc took offense to Eddard spitting on the ground, even when he was thirty or so feet away from him and took the time to charge over and yell at him to stop, even pushing him around a moment before Eddard finally had enough and beat the halfer to the ground and waited for a guard.

    After a brief struggle and the halfer limping off to the fire, the well known elf Aelhaearn showed up and tried talking to the two fighters. After being told to stop spitting by Aelhaearn, Eddard spit once again at the ground near the halfer and got arrested for it, because apparently now, spitting on the ground is illegal.

    He hasn't been seen since Aelhaearn beat him down and hauled him off to jail, obviously rotting in Norwicks jail for the past week now while the militia takes their time to ponder over the very serious crime of spitting on the ground and being attacked and defending oneself._

  • Rumor has it that the Lord Chancellor has started to interview skalds to document the heroic accomplishments of the Lord Chancellor and his oath-takers.

    Apparently Fendon (in the Great Hall) is arranging the interviews.

    ((PM me if you are interested))