Whispers at the Fire

  • *Conversation around the fire speaks of five Celestials showing up at the old Norwick gates after an attack by dretches, winged horrors and tainted goblins. It's said that a Erinyes showed up to watch the battle. Tale tells of how one of the Celestials proclaimed Aramuil to be "touched" and apparently cleansed him. Upon his cleaning, Aramuil began spouting about the dagger and how it's now in Belia's possession.

    Talk is also heard that the Celestials warned of something large being planned by the demons and goblins when next there is no moon. Although it's not known exactly what is coming, it's been determined that it's best to catch them first so on the next quarter moon ((next weekend)) a large scale attack is being planned against the goblins and demons.*

  • *Rumors spread of some sort of darkness falling over the area of the bonfire in Norwick. Noone and nothing was found until the darkness lifted and there was a dagger laying on the ground. Jerrick was seen picking it up and shortly after, stating he was not feeling well. Celestria attempted to help steady him when he suddenly turned and ran out of Norwick towards the pass.

    Elyl, Celestria, Aramuil and Edward followed Jerrick, though it is rumored the dagger changed hands and wound up in the possession of Edward Swann who ran into the wilds and was lost to those giving chase.

    It is said the dagger controls those of weak mind though only those who were there could truly verify this.*

  • Jerrick is seen returning to the fire in less than a good mood after speaking with Celestria. He is then seen stomping off to the south with Ronan following him. Some time later, Celestria is seen coming from the barracks. Not her normal self, she makes no attempts to greet the others and she is not smiling, her head lowered. After a short talk with Belia, she is seen heading south with her weapon drawn and her head still lowered.

  • After some darkness in Norwick, a legionnaire was seen running out of Norwick, with the well known Norwick Arcane Advisor and a blonde man in plain clothing hot after his heels. All came back eventually, except the blonde man.

  • Rumor spreads that in the dead of night, a heavy attack of Demons and goblins ensued to the south of the town. Senria, Alexi, Grag, Ronan, Jerrick, Elyl, and a number of other brave souls (sorry for forgetting names, it was 3 am for me ><) fought off the succubi, horrors, spawn, and goblins. Strangely enough, the demons and the goblins ended up fighting with themselves, and then a troupe of minotaur beasts showed up, followed by a celestial, who nearly was put down if not for the valiant efforts of those involved. When questioned though, the celestial just turned and flew off, leaving everyone wondering. Regardless, the south is safe for one night.

  • ICC

    rummor travels around town that in that very same day when a violent storm thundered over the rawlinswoods, a knight with a runned covered armor walked about in the said wood. It seems that after exchanging few words with some travelers, beeing one of those travelers a man in dark armor named Justin, a dwarf named Regrin and least but not last a well known half orc that goes about by the name KULL, the undead went further into the ranlinswoods heart in search of an ancient relic, destroying in his path all the goblins that were foolish enough to croth his path of destruction

  • A violent and thunderous storm raged over the Rawlins not long ago, the air charged with lightning and maybe something more than that. Travellers Aelthas Benthur, Mec, Ragnhild and Shannon could be spotted leaving the town with concerned expressions, while the storm drew further east across the forest.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears, after buying his usual bottle of Luiren's Best from Selene, proceeds to ask her exactly how many bottle of all her stock she has, how much it costs in large quantities, and if she "doesn't have a cart r' sommat" to bring said alcohol to a desired location.

  • @39cf5a2732=ldyaloura:

    rumors spread around the fire that information is being looked for about how to stop a balor and that maybe another group of enemies maybe looking to help hunt him

    Rando makes a comment when he hears the talk

    " Easy.. kill it.. that would stop it "

  • rumors spread around the fire that information is being looked for about how to stop a balor and that maybe another group of enemies maybe looking to help hunt him

  • Rumour has it that a battle involving celestials, demons and the Dark Enchantress occured at the former south gate; wild speculation claims the entire eastern Rawlinswood was frozen solid, amongst other things. Who would believe such wild and crazy tales, though?

  • _Daylight in Norwick brings evidence, that sometime in the night, something highly acidic silently leached out of the cliffside and flowed down toward the stream just north of the in-construction Grapevine Inn. A wide swath of acidic burns left behind down the cliffface and down the grassy slope just off the road heading off into the Nars.

    No other evidence besides the swath of acidic burns in the rock and earth indicate what caused it. The path shows it was a flow and that it spilled over into the stream. The stream itself bears no lasting evidence either of whatever it was._

  • From above the town on a hill a Dwarf in a crimson cloak watches all of the painting and hugging. Some of it reminds him of days gone by, perhaps other memories, more recent are also stirred. He shakes his head and even chuckles a bit, then eventually escapes to the cold, quiet confines of the Great Hall.

  • Norwick's Advisor Arcane, Aramuil Holimion, Elridith and Cherry all seem to have suddenly gained a great deal of a better outlook on life. They seem to be hugging people more often then normal too; a fact which some of the townsfolk find odd. The really odd thing is that the hugs seem to put whoever receives them in a better mood too; very odd.

  • Apparently Norwick's Advisor Arcane, Aramuil Holimion, has taken up the hobby of painting. He's primarily been painting nature scenes, but he's painted a portrait of Cherry and occasionally (based on memory, of course) he'll paint pictures of fantastical creatures for children in Norwick.

  • Recent wishpers of a dwarf in the Rawlinswood of Norwick have been heard. Apparntly he has been seen helping those who get injured trying to clear the way of goblins. He is said to be a priest of Moradin.

  • _A heavy siege was brought upon the tainted goblins one fine afternoon in Norwick. At the beginning of the battle, it is rumored that a massive demon was summoned by the tainted goblins. The demon did nothing but watch the defenders, then it just simply walked off to the south toward the Rawlins.

    After the demon's entrance into the world, a horde of tainted goblins began to attack. Boulders of fire were shot through the air by catapults that the little fiends used. Though, they were held back by the brave defenders who combined steel, the arcane, and the divine to drive the goblins back into the Rawlins.

    Only one defender perished, a scout who is known as "Bow" by most. He was awarded a medal for his bravery in his suicidal scouting mission. Bow is now alive, raised by whichever diety was kind enough to bring his soul back to the world of the living.

    Even after the success of the defenders, some still seem gravely worried… the word "balor" on the tip of the gossiper's tongues._

  • Anyone even going near the campfire in Norwick can often overhear the Arcane Advisor of Norwick, Aramuil, calmly arguing with an attractive blonde stranger, who Aramuil keeps calling "Doomboom", although the stranger notes his name is Edward every time. Their argument usually consists of justice, the punishment regarding criminals, and so on. Even the topic of happiness has come along. Neither seems willing to budge of course.

  • A group of Militia and union members returns from the far west wood. The are singed and soot covered and some seemed to have a hard time hearing. It seems good sized patrols of goblins with archers and grenade throwers harrased the group throughout the wood. The group broke up as they entered the town to get some rest and clean off the smoke and soot.

  • Rumor has it a few blood soaked rangers were overheard talking about the corrupted goblins seem to have broken off into various groups. Apparently long columns of goblins have been seen marching further south and east leaving the Far East noticeably less populated.