Whispers at the Fire

  • Norwick's Advisor Arcane, Aramuil Holimion, Elridith and Cherry all seem to have suddenly gained a great deal of a better outlook on life. They seem to be hugging people more often then normal too; a fact which some of the townsfolk find odd. The really odd thing is that the hugs seem to put whoever receives them in a better mood too; very odd.

  • Apparently Norwick's Advisor Arcane, Aramuil Holimion, has taken up the hobby of painting. He's primarily been painting nature scenes, but he's painted a portrait of Cherry and occasionally (based on memory, of course) he'll paint pictures of fantastical creatures for children in Norwick.

  • Recent wishpers of a dwarf in the Rawlinswood of Norwick have been heard. Apparntly he has been seen helping those who get injured trying to clear the way of goblins. He is said to be a priest of Moradin.

  • _A heavy siege was brought upon the tainted goblins one fine afternoon in Norwick. At the beginning of the battle, it is rumored that a massive demon was summoned by the tainted goblins. The demon did nothing but watch the defenders, then it just simply walked off to the south toward the Rawlins.

    After the demon's entrance into the world, a horde of tainted goblins began to attack. Boulders of fire were shot through the air by catapults that the little fiends used. Though, they were held back by the brave defenders who combined steel, the arcane, and the divine to drive the goblins back into the Rawlins.

    Only one defender perished, a scout who is known as "Bow" by most. He was awarded a medal for his bravery in his suicidal scouting mission. Bow is now alive, raised by whichever diety was kind enough to bring his soul back to the world of the living.

    Even after the success of the defenders, some still seem gravely worried… the word "balor" on the tip of the gossiper's tongues._

  • Anyone even going near the campfire in Norwick can often overhear the Arcane Advisor of Norwick, Aramuil, calmly arguing with an attractive blonde stranger, who Aramuil keeps calling "Doomboom", although the stranger notes his name is Edward every time. Their argument usually consists of justice, the punishment regarding criminals, and so on. Even the topic of happiness has come along. Neither seems willing to budge of course.

  • A group of Militia and union members returns from the far west wood. The are singed and soot covered and some seemed to have a hard time hearing. It seems good sized patrols of goblins with archers and grenade throwers harrased the group throughout the wood. The group broke up as they entered the town to get some rest and clean off the smoke and soot.

  • Rumor has it a few blood soaked rangers were overheard talking about the corrupted goblins seem to have broken off into various groups. Apparently long columns of goblins have been seen marching further south and east leaving the Far East noticeably less populated.

  • Norwick acquired yet another catapult, which was dragged into town by Aramuil in troll-form. Z, Ginger, Gears, Nere'yn and Belia helped in recovering the catapult as well, apparently they fought ogres and goblins to retrieve the thing.

    Aramuil and the rest, along with Cherry, Ronan and other individuals quickly departed southwards after that; according to rumour to fight an even bigger battle with the ogres and goblins to the south. Some claim that they defeated as many as a hundred ogres themselves, while others say as high as one-thousand! However many ogres were slain, apparently Norwick is doing quite well in its battles against the ogre menace, so far.

  • _A succubus was seen briefly near the bonfire in Norwick. A handful of adventurers set out in chase after Ronan revealed its presence by dispelling its invisibiliy. The succubus was lost outside of Norwick, though a short time later, Grag appeared stating they had killed it. Most were relieved but some thought it best to check south, saying that those types are never alone.

    A group made up of Norwick Militia and adventurers as well as Legion Officers and members, scouts, an advisor in Norwick and a few others who wished to help, set out south of the town to check the menhir. An ambush awaited them and they were quickly surrounded by goblins. The goblins had sent their most elite soldiers and many others. The onslaught of fire, magic and weapons clashed as the group fought against what seemed an endless sea of goblins. They came in waves of large numbers, obviously prepared for this. Many nearly lost their lives though thanks to the others being alert, were saved. Grag and Elyl fought in the front while Ronan cast at them from the side. Archers stood back aiding with their bows. Healers shifted through the mess in attempt to keep those fighting alive. The ground was littered with a foul smelling mix of goblin flesh, blood, entrails and sweat. Weapons were strewn across the battlefield. When it all finally cleared and the last of the goblins were defeated, the group headed on further by the word of someone who stated they had seen a Balor.

    After some time looking about, the group returned to Norwick, haggard, smelling bad, dirty and covered in blood. Some were thankful that only one was lost in battle, a follower of Umberlee, while others had higher expectations and were disappointed that any were lost at all.

    The goblins slain, at least for now, the group returned to the Apothecary where Hedia saw to the raising of the Umberlant. No further reports of such large scale ambushes have been heard, to the relief of those involved, though conversation can still be heard about it around the fire._

  • The guards at the northern border of the Realm witness that lavender haired and eyed consort of the Advsior Arcane's walking off into thin air after leaving the gates behind, with a few crackles of magical energy striking over her just before her steps carried her into nothing.

  • Calendel //who has obviously been gone to long what with people setting fire in his office// seems to be indicating to locals asking about the activity that he really has no idea why anyone would set fire to the office. He also seems quite exhausted having just recently returned from a mission in Chauntea's name to assist Farmers of the region with planning of their harvests.

  • _Dwin was seen stomping around the grounds angrily, mumbling about "long-armed, long-nosed, good-fer-nuthin, tool-dropping, fire-setting gnomes."

    Shortly afterwards, several red cloaks are seen posting notices within the realm with a crudely drawn picture of a gnome, the word 'Drogo' at the top of the poster, and "2500 gold reward" written at the bottom. Anyone interested should speak to the Chancellor, his advisors, or a Militia officer._

  • There was a fire in the Great Hall, apparently in the advisor's office. Accused of the crime is the already wanted criminal Drogo the gnome; rumour has it that a bounty will be forthcoming for the troublemaker and that he is also wanted for another arson.

  • Word has it several wagons laden with large crates and a chest manned by a dozen large armored men and women rolled into town and stopped out side the Norwick Trade Hall. Apparently one of the members of the wagon team got out and had a long conversation with a dwarf therein which seemed to have ended when the large chest carried red faced by the biggest four was taken inside and left there. Half a dozen exquisitely crafted suits of silver and steel plate were then seen packed piece by piece into the boxes which seemed to be full of down feathers. Word has it the wagons were owned by some local merchants called Tyr's Choice Goods and was then seen departing North.

  • People discuss the three stone statues hauled into the town by the guard. One was a huge blocky half orc that some kept calling Grag. It almost broke the wagon and the oxen barely made it up the hill to the town proper. A merchant or two did a lively business in sellin aids to trun the figures back to flesh. It turns out the other two were and elf by the name of Suldin and a human named Q.

    Conversations that night rolled around the fires of demons near the old town defenses and twisted goblins and Minotaurs appearing and taunting the defenders.

  • ((Apologies for any names I misspelll or leave out.))

    Spotted by Aloura and a few others, dretches were seen to summoned through a portal in the Old Norwick ruins. The demons gathered toward t he menhir just south of the ruins.

    That is where Aloura, Elyl, Z, Tomo and Cherry found them attempting to opena direct pathway to their home plane. According to Cherry if the demons were to succeed, it could quiet difficult to close the pathway once it was established and left open by the demons.

    Aloura, Elyl, Z and Tomo dandled the dretches in combat while Cherry disconnected, what she descrribed as a dark, sickly purple path that lead back to the demon's home plane. Explaining how she did probably proved just as confusing as just a purple path is. Sufice to say Aloura, Elyll, Z and Tomo put down all the demons, ensuring they could not try again. A corrupted goblin shaman or caster was seen by the group immediately afte. I ran off and disappeared. If the corrupted greenskin was responsible for bringing the demons to the ruins and menhir in the first place was unclear.

    Upon returning to town, Elyl alerted the rest of the guard.

  • ((way to goDwin, give the dm's an escuse to turn the creek into the new "well", were gonna have hell to pay and its all gonna come from Ponces creek..))

  • Dwin emerges from the Great Hall and watches the tail end of the altercation with his advisers and the old farmer that Dwin has known for decades. He approaches slowly…

    Earlscott the Bald! Is that you? Beard-longer, and head-balder… can't say I don't know the feeling! I'd also say ya aint changed much since I first met ya...still rousin folks fer a fight!

    Dwin grins as he walks over to the bearded man and clasps his hand and pats him on the shoulder.

    Earlscott, ya know ya can always come and holler at me. Don't take it out on these lads–they are just acting on my orders. You know how dedicated young lads can be...

    Dwin pats him on the shoulder in almost a fatherly way with this last remark.

    Now, if anyone has a reason to despise the furballs its you… Don't think fer one second I've fergotten Ponce's devotion -- and his ultimate sacrifice for this land. Its folks like him, who's memory keeps our Militia honorable and dedicated.

    Dwin turns to the folks assembled.

    Lads and lasses, this here is Earlscott the Bald. Some o you may remember his son, Ponce, who served under me during the Bugbear invasions and gave his life defending our gates. May he rest in eternal peace.

    He turns back to Earlscott now, more serious.

    That furball we had here… I had to take a chance and see if his information was valuable. Turns out it was. That's a good thing. All of my men had orders, and I swear to ya they were never more than a heartbeat away, from slittin' his furball throat if he presented any problems.

    All I am after is to make Norwick safer for folks like you, and all these folks around here... that's it. If it meant puttin' a bugbears jaw back on so he could give us some information, so be it. There was no disrespect meant, to you or to Ponce and our memories of him. I hope you understand me there.

    Dwin calls Fendon over from wherever he was standing doing nothing of worth.

    Fendon, all this talk gives me an idea. Tis a sad thing when memories of good folks get lost like leaves floatin down a stream….

    I'd like to name that stream next to the Mills in the east, which up until this moment has no name... Let's name it "Ponce's Creek." Its a never-endin source of water that will help both those mills, the farms, and Norwick, prosper... and it seems like a good way to memorialize a fallen hero like 'im. its a reliable source of water, and no one will ever be able to blame Ponce's creek fer goin' dry.*

    Talk to a woodcrafter and have a sign made which names the creek, and dedicates it to "Ponce, Son of Earlscott the Bald, proud and dedicated citizens of the Realm".

    He turns back to Earlscott, smiling again.

    Only if that's alright with you, of course, Earlscott…

    • sorry, i just couldnt let a post about Ponce go without mentioning the word blame someplace…

  • Those around the crafters hall recently speak of a confrontation. Aramuil and Elyl on one side and a commoner (whose name no one present seems to know) on the other. Upset over the town of Noriwck aiding and harboring a sworn enemy, the commoner (an older gentleman with a greying beard - a farmer most say) did his best to light a fire under the good people of Norwick that sit idly by, wasting their lives and voices around a damn cooking pot whilst the governing few choose to bring a dangerous and vile enemy to their harth and allow it there to rest and enjoy the caring touch and warmth of lady Tristina - all in the name of "information." Quite the exchange took place, a heated argument over such actions.

    Grumbling and griping by a few ask how it is that one put into place to -advise- the ruling elite of Norwick in matters reagrding the arcane would be allowed to command orders to the town guard.

  • _As a few days pass and the majority of townsfolk seem beguiled by the bread and circuses that the noble dwarf Dwin and the other officials offer to appease the anger over the town harboring a bugbear.

    The loud gatherings dwindle to little more than a few grumpy individuals that make their anger well-known to any that would listen. Most pay little attention to the rambling and even those few harboring ill-will eventually stop their rants… but one man continues his vigil, standing back from the apothocary and watching... watching and waiting._