Whispers at the Fire

  • There appear to be grumblings from the guards as the free suppers seems to have dried up.

  • Aurelia the skilled archer and tracker has been venturing out into the rawlinswood a lot lately, she seems to be keeping to the trees so that she may remain undetected by the goblins that roam around. While she does not take any action against the goblins she seems to be only intent on watching and waiting, for what is anyones guess, but if anyone asked her while she returns to town she would say she is looking for signs of a Hag.

  • A brown-haired man wearing steel grey wizard robes was seen making stops around Norwick, and went out of his way to stop by the Spellweaver Keep. While he did not seem to stand out too much, a few commoners remark that he's named after a chess piece.

  • One night, Elyl quietly enters town and heads to the militia barracks, dons his uniform and steps back out into Norwick.

  • _Dwarven workers are seen quite often now making their way through camp.

    The sounds of banging, sawing, mining and ale-drinking can be heard at almost anytime of day in Norwick.

    The first noticable (and welcomed) changes appear in the south where the great wall of Norwick has been erected at the base of the hills where the town now resides. Double gates have been built and defensive positions have been created throughout the slope of the hills.

    The mills have been finished, and the lumber mill has been put to the test by cutting lumber for some of the towns inprovements, including the Inn and the new warehouse.

    On a hill overlooking the "mills" a group of priests quickly gathered one morning and spoke to Dwin after handing him (what some assumed) was a large amount of coins.

    Rumor has it that a great shrine to Lathander is to be built, looking out over the southern lands and shining his beacon of light to any of his followers that might help tale up the fight against the undead menace._

  • _A good sized elven warband consisting of Aurelia, Elridith, Aramuil, Sul'din, Q and Mora ((sry if i missed anyone )), departed from norwick late in the evening to the rawlinswood, they headed south and then towards the deep south east beyod the elven ruin, and from their the tracks ran cold.

    They returned some time later and had the bodies of two long dead unnamed elven warriors for which they prepared and gave them both a funeral in the form of a pyre. While the whole group seemed to be in good spirits, only Aurelia showed any hint of stress, it seems that she was tracking a dangerous evil witch of some sort, and that the witch had portalled to safety before she was able to get to her.

    Aurelia returned to the forest to try and pick up the trail again based on some information she was given by goblins, while the others attempt to locate the witch with magic._

    ((awesome part 2 to the event Lucid!! hopefully we can get a part 3 going sometime 🙂 ))

  • The town is a buzz speaking of some of the events that transpired the other night before Fight Night began, they talk of a women wearing Green drinking far too much, causing a scene, drunkingly dancing about untill getting sick. they then say that the same lady was seen being brought to the healers after jumping off the side of a cliff and being knocked out by the fall.

  • A group consisting of Aurelia, Q, Delaclya, and two others ((i forget their names --)) were returning from goblin hunts in the forest when they were asked by a man to recover a crystal that was stolen from him by goblins in the south.

    Aurelia agreed to help the man recover the crystal.
    The group set off to the south tracking goblins until they met a bugbear named Tomek in the haunted elven ruins,after some negotiating they traded a silver ring, a ring of jade, and some healing for the crystal.

    When they got back the man asked for the crystal and offered the coin promised for its return, Aurelia was suspicious of the man and demanded he tell her of the crystal and its origin, some while later and much arguing the man dissappeared in a cloud of darkness leaving behind only threatening words.

    The group decided that more information should be found so they returned to Tomek the next day, Tomek didnt know much about the crystal, only that it was his share of loot from where it was stolen from, he agreed to let the group speak to the elves responsible for the attack. The group was then attacked by 2 ogres, Tomek stood on the bridge to face them while the group with bows stood back to shoot, Aurelia using mystical lightning arrows and a bit of magic was able to fire an arrow through the neck of one ogre, and then fired a second arrow to finish it off, the rest were able to take down the other one fairly quickly, the group decided it was no longer safe and agreed to meet in three days to speak with the goblins.

    When the time came the group headed out again, this time they were guided by Tomek into a cave to meet the goblins, the goblin chief spoke a little common, he explained that the woman who owned the crystal was an evil witch, her gaze turns even the purest heart to evil and that she had captured a dragon wyrmling and was using it for evil purposes, the wyrmling it is said came from the sky with the cure for the "dark ones" which was believed to be the tainted goblins in the east. Aurelia decided it was imperative that the evil woman be destroyed, the goblin chief said that only an elf with significant arcane power could find the woman with magic, the group returned to town and found Elridith whom they asked to use magic to find her, using the crystal as a focus Elridith, Cherry, and Aramuil performed a scrying ceremony.

    Upon completion of scrying, Elridith informed everyone of the location, and implied that we must leave immediately to slay her and rescue the wyrmling._

    ((Great thanks to Lucid for our lowbie event :D:D:D sorry i left out a crapload of detail, i started the story in detail but when i realised it would turn into a 3 page short story i decided to cut it down))

  • Rumors swirl throughout the town of Norwick of Four Ogres and a Man in green armor ambushing folk in the pass. Some speak of a group of Ogres being manipulated by Banites as a possible source of the attacks. Some of the more outspoken loose lipped citizens could be heard suggesting marching into Oscura and bringing down the Church of Bane

  • Later, after the guard disappeared, Aramuil, Elridith and Moradim went into the graveyard, and came back later with the corpse of the creature that has caused Norwick so much trouble floating upon a red disc. Aramuil took the corpse to the Kelemvorite temple to be destroyed.

  • Word spreads of another Red Cloak being drawn off and murdered by ghouls near the south gate. They say his body has yet to be found.

  • :: elves visiting the elf camp quickly come back complaining it is haunted and several mysterious deaths have happened there since::

  • The elven archer known as Aurelia has been spreading the word to all those of pure elven heritage that she feels the location of the former elven encampment in the northern rawlinswood is as safe as it has been in centuries, she hopes her elven kin continue to spread the word in hopes that Elves from afar will return to the outpost.

  • The rumors spread quickly…A cure for the dreaded shade's "Rotting Disease" has, indeed, been discovered by Lady Tristina....

  • Council of Moradin

    Rumors spread about a hin and gemli. Some say the hin peed in gemlis favorite mug, others say that gemli tossed the hin. One thing everyone is certain is that the hin and gemli will propably end up in a never ending vendetta.

  • Recently there has also been some bustle inside the Great Hall of Norwick, sounds of nailing, hammering, and sawing echoes throughout out the hall, usually only in the morning and the afternoon. One dwarf is seen carrying a large blueprint, and laying it on the ground looking at it from a distance. He nods in satisfaction and picks the paper up, walking into the Hall. Later, several more bodies can be seen carrying in a bunch of new things, such as carting in a rectangular shaped stone, a gong, statues, tables and chairs. A few rolled up carpets lay outside the hall in the sunshine shortly before being taken in by them.

  • ICC

    Kull was sitting under the shade of the watch tower at norwicks south gate when the group of adventurers passes by. They look beat and tired, and show evident signs of beeing envolved in skirmishes, judging for the bad condition of their armors

    Guess y´all been havin sum fon, eh ladds? * nods his aproving nod at the brave warriors.* Dats d´spirit !! raises a bottle of ale at the group and gulps the ale down in just one go

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • _A half dozen dwarven masons and construction workers begin work building what appears to be a largish warehouse looking building in the Northern area of town.

    The Dwarf known as the "Foreman" supervises the work, passes out the food and ale 3 times per day, presides over morning prayers, and makes general comments on the progress.

    The Chancellor stops by regularly and chats with the foreman, and any who are within earshot would hear discussion of the newly formed "Norwick Trading Company," and its future use of the new building._

  • ((

    can we get some clarification on what this means:


    On a side note, the number of random deaths in and around the village continues to rise in count by one with each passing day.

    this is the first i am hearing of it….

  • Recent activity around the south gate and then farther, perhaps as far south as the abandoned camp, has centered again on the Apothocary as a haphazard band of mis-adventurers was seen leaving Norwick in the cover of darkness. They were gone for most of a whole day then, with several upset greenskinned foes on their heels, they appeared again, beaten, bruised, and generally worse for the wear as the sun was again setting over the village. Since their return, Trisitina has been noticably absent from her usual post in the Apothocary.

    Looking for her in her usual stay will be difficult as it is rumored she has retreated behind locked doors to the second floor of the building, busy at work on something.

    On a side note, the number of random deaths in and around the village continues to rise in count by one with each passing day.