Whispers at the Fire

  • ICC

    // lol 😄 im having a blast hihihihi 😄

    with kull´s recent acquired fame, he walks in the streets of norwick standing proud, enjoying his new celebrety status. Passing by norwick´s citizens some look up at kull,respecting him, others… giggle a some what moking giggle as he passes by, and throw a line at him "go kull the bull!!! and other words that ryme with "ull". Not aware that some coments are of moking intent, he moves on, showing off

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • A broadly proportioned dwarven lass lays face down on a particularly hard and comfortable rock. She seems to be enjoying the warmth of the sun on her body and the heat radiating from the rock. She wears a thin shift, and apparently little else, that has apparently surrendered its original shape to the needs of her ample bosom and buttocks. Her face is screwed up in concentration, her tongue sticking out to the side as she jots down a list of words on a narrow scrap of parchment. When she's done, she sets the list on one of the stone benches by the fire with a small rock on it to keep it from blowing away.

    The list reads:


    Then a short break before continuing…

    She totters off, swigging ale and scratching her ass, singing off key:
    "Dwin's 'ammer's vary funk-shunull
    When 'e uses it te thump da skull
    O' dat fren'ly 'alf wit Kull
    Jest fer bein' un numbskull…"

  • A lovely looking dwarven lass in light purple, blue and grey armor was seen hawking ale and wine at the last fight night. She apparently kept threatening to bellow at people until they purchased all her ale and wine.

  • A small undead attack occured, and it seems that one of the guard was killed in it. Oddly, Aramuil and a guard took the body to Tristina to be recovered and the guard was apparently restored to life, but later ran from the apothecary, screaming in madness, and then impaled himself on his sword just north of the crafting hall.

  • The Chancellor hears of this and quickly issues orders.

    The bugbears mightbe stakin their claim again in that cave.

    he turns to the closest Red Cloak

    Go find one o me senior officers and tell them to go take some men and check it out. I dont care who.

  • While visiting Norwick, Aurelia informs the guards of a Summoning Portal in the small cave south of old Norwick, she tells them there was blood at the entrance and two humanoids staked on pikes outside the entrance, she did not see anyone who may be responsible for the scene.

  • There was a massive, day-long struggle between those that defend Norwick and a massive force of undead, which seemed to appear out of thin air. One powerful skeleton even entered the Great Hall and there was some external damage to the Great Hall by an earthquake. Commander Mord Cabro, Advisor Arcane Aramuil Holimion, Theaon Thorn and Kelemvorite Natasha tried to enter the graveyard, but large boulders seem to block entrance to it. In the end, the battle was won in favor of Norwick without major casualties, but many were wounded and the entire fighting force of Norwick was left exhausted from the long struggle.

    Many notables were involved in the fight, but of particular note to many were Aramuil Holimion, Norwick's Advisor Arcane, he was involved in the combat from the beginning and downed many many undead with powerful magics. Others point to the heroism of Militia Commande Mord Cabro and Divine Shield Knight Elenwyd whom combated the undead up close and personal. Still others point to the clerical powers of Theaon, Natasha and Jirka.

  • Legion

    General Grag was seen entering Norwick he was seen by Kull and Orcish grunts were flown in Kulls way for a bit then Grag seemingly was paying these bards to Stop singing about Kull the Dull " I nae ned ye makin a specticle ovra sum damm undeeders… Legion nut glory hounds!" then he slips the bar maid some coin and buys everyone in there a round of Dolvak Dark and swiftly left clinging his cloak back over his shoulder

  • Several of the Red Cloaks, including Plato (who is normally found near the fire) chuckle about the rumor that the Chancellor is going to outlaw any further bard-singing about Kull, mostly on account of the fact that nothing good rhymes with "Kull" and the songs thus far have been very disappointing to the ear.

  • There's one bard in Narfell that never put fingers to lyre, or tongue to lyric, that had anything to do with any adventurer named Kull. The obvious distaste in his eyes if any kind of request was put to him said it all.

    "What does this "Kull" do, go around paying bards to sing of lesser exploits?" is heard from him when asked. "Well he certainly hasn't payed me."

    The bard, dressed up in white and copper, then proceeds to sing about himself, sending the last few stragglers of the decaying and worm-infested inn he is performing in – the only place his few measly gold pieces would get him into -- screaming for the comfort of a wet and cold moss bed in the woods.

  • ICC

    all over norwick, folk talk about the undead attack that happend in the night before. Folk talk about the brave group of warriors that go about by the name KULL, Sywin, Aramuil, Sald , Belia , Moradim and Eluriel. Bards in norwick write ferneticaly on pieces of parchement their next new songs about these courageous group of men and woman. thier songs not only talk about the outstanding victory of good before evil.. but also talked about the two Norwick Guards that fell defending their home town

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • ICC

    // lol hihihihi 😄 😄

    Bards in norwick have stoped singing in public about mighty kull´s and his two side kicks belia and sald, great dids, with fear of beeing locked up

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • :: a great new game has spread throughout Norwick for a couple weeks. Apparently after hearing that Kull stopped a 'possible' attack it is now common practice for a commoner to claim something similar to much rejoicing and drinking by his fellows. Common ones seem to be:

    "Ay kill'd a possible dragon today"
    "Ay slept with a gurl that possibly the chancellor's daughter"
    "I possibly drink more than ye!"
    "It possible I might stop drinkin today!"

    All and all it seems good natured leading to many happily drunk commoners::

  • The Lord Chancellor orders all singing bards locked up if they don't stop singing that Kull-Killed-Him-Some-Zombies Song.

  • ICC

    Along the main towns in the nars, all bards sing in the main inns, the tale of three adventurers that go about by the mighty warrior KULL, and the druids Sald and Belia for defending norwick from a possible undead attack. The bards sing about the bravery shown by both Sald and Belia for fighting dozens of undead minions and last but not least their chieftain, they sing about the epic will to resist all the temptions and offers of unlimited power offered by the very master of the undead

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • the guard known as Scott the Good is seen stumbling his way to the Apothocary. he looks like hell and smells about the same…

    He enters the place and remains...

  • :: The familiar voice, now stopping in Norwick more often now that its a more reasonable southern alternative than the mind befuddling "Legion town" scoffs at hearing of the Legionairre's victory ::

    "Must be the new envoy from the hamlet formerly known as Jiyyd using his diplomacy skills."

    :: Speaking with unusual eloquence, changing his tonality for emphasis ::

    "Is this what Norwick can expect from the new bully regime to the north east?"

    :: In between his passioned phrases, he makes sure he offers and buys more and more embibement to anyone gathered who is willing to receive it, hoping to achieve the effect of a well liquored mob ::

    "Where does this Maythor stand anyway? Is he more Legion or Former Chancellor of Norwick? A drunken boast by one of his half orc of superior intellect leads to him beating the Champion of Norwick! But what of the Legionaire who's drunken ramblings started this mess? Where is his beating?"

    :: As the melodic voice ratchets up the tempo to a forceful staccato, the cloak covering the familiar shape opens, revealing a blue armor familiar to some. ::

    "Hasn't Norwick been razed enough times to have learned nothing good comes from Legion diplomacy!"

    :: The barkeep can barely keep up with the quantity of ale being consumed and ordered ::

    "There is more intelligence and diplomacy but less consequence from the actions of a herd of swine! Just a bit of a smell!"

    :: In the drunken uproar its not hard for the cloaked form to slip our the side door and into the night quickly moving away from anyone who may still be awake at this late hour. ::

  • _Fendon later looks for Maythor to let him know that he has been summoned to speak with the Lord Chancellor about his 'issue'.

    Maythor emerges from the Great Hall a short time later, smiling, and smelling of ale. He's also munching on a new sack of cookies._

  • It is said Maythor came into town, rather angry, looking for the person or persons who were speaking bad about the legion. It is also said that Maythor and Maya fought unarmed, with obviously no malice, and the though the battle was close, Maythor proved victorious.

    Maythor helped Maya off the ground, and they spoke quietly afterwards.

  • After a recent incursion by ghasts, Cherry who was found laying in her own dried vomit on pillows under Selene's canopy, recooperates for aseceral days in the pothecary.After being tore near all to peices by the first wave of ghasts, it seems she had been bitten too and was physically incaapble of traveling more than for fresh air once in awhile.