Whispers at the Fire

  • A well known Bard of the region has been inquiring at the fires of stories of ogre activity in the Pass. Seems he happened on a pair of ogres acting suspiciously, near what he terms as "Ambush bridge".

    If pressed he is of the opinion that the orges were negotiating with the Hobgoblin but states that they made off quickly to the south before he could pick up any specific information.

  • _After dragging the statue halfway to the Spellweavers, a crowd forms and the wiggler known as Peppy emerged.

    it was the work of a couple finger wiggles and some chanting to break the curse and bring the Chancellor back to his normal self, who unfortunately still thought he was in a raging battle with the Minotaur.

    Later that day, a large force was assembled of Militia, Legion and may others. The small army made its way through the Rawlins leaving little but trampled greenskin corpses in its path. RUmor has it that they entered the cave and likewise left nothing living in their path as they searched the entry level of the Twisted Lair for clues as to why they are here and what they might be guarding._

  • Rando notices how short the statue is, but does not make any comment

  • _After hearing that his statue at the old south gate was too far destroyed by the fog tobe salvaged, Lord Dwin must have commissioned a new one. Smack in the center of town is where it sits, quite lifelike!

    The sculptor must have been quite gifted, as the axe and shield that the statue holds are identical to the ones that the Chancellor himself uses.

    The only odd thing is that Dwin isnt there to show it off–usually he'd be the first one to admire it and show it to everyone... odd!_

  • Pylith is learning how to read common and farken hates it. She was heard reading an elven counting book given to her by jerr and had very little trouble pronounceing it. But when it came time to read her one in common she throw it and started to throw a fit, not understanding the reasoning behind learning to read outside her native tongue.

  • Rumour speaks of a great stench and a chill rising from the south as undead attacked the gates leading to the Rawlins. Wave after wave of skeletons, zombies and mummies seemed to rise from the earth itself to charge at the small party of defenders. Rando, Ragnhild, Vine and William, along with two other brave adventurers, held fast against the foul attackers, when stronger foes appeared. Spectres and wraiths proved a tougher challenge. One appeared particularily powerful, threatening and taunting the group. This dread wraith dealt a great deal of damage before a raging Ragnhild nailed it to the ground with her dragon fang spear, closely aided by Vine and William. With the defeat of the wraith, the stench lifted from the forest, for now…

    //my apologies for not remembering the character names of the other adventurers present, feel free to add to my feeble recollection!

  • Council of Moradin

    _Tainted goblins were reported to be in Old Norwick so a group of adventurers went to look. The group included Aramuil, Cherry, the dwarves Bran and Farly along with a few others (sorry cant remember exact names). They were later joined by Moradim, Q and Sywyn.

    Before even entering Old Norwick, a man was found turned to stone. While investigating that, the group was attacked by goblins. The battle lead them deeper and deeper into Old Norwick until finally they decided to head back on the account of overwhelming numbers of goblins swarming them. More than once the call for retreat was ignored by Sywyn as he put the whole party in danger by rushing the horde of goblins coming at them. The dwarf Farly could be heard yelling at him and cursing in dwarven.

    Finally they made it back to Norwick and behind the gate, but the reprieve was short lived. Goblins came and destroyed the gates and continued the assault. The battle was furious, but finally wagons were moved to block the opening. Many goblins fell before they finally retreated. The dwarf Farly was said to have stood his ground between two wagons, defending the opening at all costs. Everyone involved fought bravely and it is because of them Norwick is safe today._

  • Rumours are that Rando is enjoying himself in Norwick after his long absence and to a few people surprise he has not killed anyone

  • ((that'd be "Hark", player name "Dark Raven Shadow"))

  • @192a6df9d4=Wannabe_Irish:

    Rumour has it a brownish-yellow skinned half orc was causing trouble just north of Sam's Hill.
    Picking a fight with a group of three elves and another half orc turned out to be a bad idea, for no matter how much he pushed or shoved, he was beaten to the ground every time.

    Eventually, one of the elves grew tired of the whole ordeal as the orc shoved another elf and ran off.
    The orc was shot down, and the elf seemed just about ready to smash in its skull, when the orc was taken to a cell by the guard.

    ((our dearest gypsywych has placed him in a cell, if someone would let the troublemaker out at some point?))

    ((whats the criminals name?))

  • Rumour has it a brownish-yellow skinned half orc was causing trouble just north of Sam's Hill.
    Picking a fight with a group of three elves and another half orc turned out to be a bad idea, for no matter how much he pushed or shoved, he was beaten to the ground every time.

    Eventually, one of the elves grew tired of the whole ordeal as the orc shoved another elf and ran off.
    The orc was shot down, and the elf seemed just about ready to smash in its skull, when the orc was taken to a cell by the guard.

    ((our dearest gypsywych has placed him in a cell, if someone would let the troublemaker out at some point?))

  • _Following the Walk of the Dead that interupted Fight Night (although, Fight Night was over when 2 dwarves, kicked some serious arse) and the brief conversation between the Chancellor and the Heyokarr warriors within the graveyard, Dwin and the other folks vacated the Graveyard.

    Kara and Dwin spoke a bit, and then Norwick Guards were deployed at the Graveyard gates where they erected a barrier under the orders to not let anyone in, excepting any Heyokarr tribe members._

    ((Please take note, no one (banned or not) should be entering the graveyard via normal means, as they would be arrested/beat down first. Also, if someone did make it past the Norwick Guards, there is a large contingent of Featherlight warriors inside that would need to be dealt with.

    I am fairly sure that this is not all IG due to resets, so consider this fair notice. (DM's and players alike)


  • After having a nice meeting with the Secretary of Norwick and another woman known as Syclya, a quiet young monkish woman wearing yellow robes is seen exploring the new town's settlement. She seems to pay special attention to note what kind of people are currently trying to establish new homes, and which of those have families and kids. Should anybody try to great the woman, she offers a kind smile and a wave or bow but never speaks.

  • People were just leaving the fighting circle when the first tremors shook the ground. At first there were cries of fear and then wonder then fear again as the rumble turned to ground quivering drumming. A runner came from the north calling out of the undead approaching.

    The Chancellor calmed everyone and pulled them off the road as the first skeleton clattered through town. All stood back as the stream of undead shambled and stumbled through the town. For nigh on two hours the dead flowed unstopped through town and then trickled off. The chancellor moved all back then he and the commander of the guard moved south toward the graveyard, not returning for several hours. The night seemed eerily quiet.

  • Walking back north, having shedded his umberhulk form, Ezachiel can be heard to softly grumble about people complaining about him damaging the building materials, only to then detonate the rest of the town.

  • The Head worker with an expression of little care, picking his dirt covered nose as he overhears Zee's remarks.

    "Pshhht. Private property me arse. Ya wanna complain? Deliver it straight ta da' administration 'stead of whining out 'ere, breaking me mood in watching fireworks! Tssk, capitalists.Grunts

    Ohhh! Ohhhhh! SUNRISE! MEN! FOLKS! GATHER 'ROUND! Ready yar tankards of beer and cheese in hand! Fireworks ta see!

    Jus' let meh fire this baby up… WHEEE! HEAD FOR COVAH' BY DA' HILLS!"

    _In the distance, the songs of Jerr or others who be making morning prayers to Lathander are then immediately rudely interrupted by a series of deep rumbling, earth shaking explosions. People from across Narfell claim to have witnessed a cloud of smoke, sprouting up in a form of mushroom in Norwick's direction.

    And then sounds of laughters and merry drunken songs can be heard echoing through the pass.

    Ah… another lively day in Norwick._

    //Assume the former town of Norwick is completely flattened with only the defence walls still standing.

  • As Z walks into town and notices what has happened, his normally cheerful demeanor seems to suddenly shift and become uncharacteristically angry…very angry.

    What the HELLS??! :omg:

    His pace quickens as he makes his way through town with a purpose. He he can be heard muttering and (gasp) cursing...

    It's fine if'n they want ta tear down the town's buildings, but they better not be touchin' private property without farkin' permission. Even if it is rotten...

    At the very least, they could have...SHOULD have...given us farkin' notice. :x

  • Dwin nods and smiles I am sure they would appreciate us asking… les see if they have any interest...

  • The Secretary appears from nowhere by Dwin's side, answering his question she does with her usual soft melodic tone.

    "The Head druidess, Fadia, can be seen consistently in Norwick, during certain periods and days. Perhaps I could provide an announcement or offer, for their expertise and assistance?"

  • Dwin watches the progress in the Old Town with interest. Seeing the age-old buildings and foundations disappear is bittersweet; so many memories of the town, both good and bad.

    he then inquires to no one in particular:

    Anyone seen any o them Circle-Druids around? Be good fer them to start lookin into replantin' some trees and whatnot in this old area…if they'll grow...