Whispers at the Fire

  • As soon as the Umberhulk is told to be more careful, he eases up a bit, trying to limit the damage to the raw materials, though one might wonder how much more damage simply blowing the buildings up might have caused.

  • At times, the workers would be seen hopping up and down on the spot angrily at Eza's reckless destructive actions in smashing the buildings to the point where some stones and pillars are not salvagable.

    "Whad a gud waste of stones ya twit! Ya know these stones comes all da' way from the bloody mountains up da' north and be a rare sturdy kind to find?!

    Pick 'em up gently now! Pull 'em apart gently like ya treating a lass! Hurmph!

    Now lissen to ma' instructions or ya'll be here jus to stow da wagons!

    Now again! Ya see da pillar dere? Pick it apart like ya openin' some lass's leg! Gently… steady... DOH!"

    Ah, another lively and busy day in Norwick.

    //sorry, some miscommunications between DM and player that resulted in an unintentional delete of posts. My bad and once again, I'll make sure it won't happend again.

  • For some reason, the wizard Ezachiel accompanies the workers going south. Rumour has it that, once there, he somehow transformed himself into one of the aberations known as Umberhulks by some, a huge beast with the head of a warped insect.

    After that, it is said that he set himself to the task of tearing down the buildings which are still standing, simply ripping out huge beams and crashing throughs walls, even digging down into the foundations, putting his inhuman strength to good use.

  • _Groups of workers pushing wagons of barrels from Norwick can be seen being led by the Secretary of this recent and escorted by some heavily armed militia into the former town of Norwick.

    With vague instructions provided by the Secretary, the workers seemed to be busy working upon any of the remaining still standing stone buildings in the area with the militias close-by to provide protections for their activities._

  • An old familiar face is seen near the Gates of Norwick

  • _Dwin is heard commenting that it is no surprise that "whips" are being used for "alternative" uses in Peltarch.

    Bath-house freaks!_

  • Selene is handed a poster and asked to put it on a beam near herself. It advertises a

    Greengrass Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((If there's fees to be paid, please contact me (Pavel) about these))

  • @cae6026f83=elor_danna:

    Rumour has it that Ezachiel is looking for a bodyguard for hire, preferably of some skill but not -too- strong ((somewhere around level 5 if possible))

    Rumour also has it that the pay might be good, and rumour certainly makes it clear who the bodyguard might be for.

    //blatantly it doesn't or who it was for would be mentioned in the rumour >.<

  • Rumour has it that Ezachiel is looking for a bodyguard for hire, preferably of some skill but not -too- strong ((somewhere around level 5 if possible))

    Maybe it's for Cera's granddaughter?

  • Rumor speaks of the fog having wandered to the not yet marked goblins in the western woods. A small group of sails accompanied by Jerr made their way back from there, but they broke apart in an angry mood, none willing to give more information than what is already known: the warzone stretches into the western woods, Norwick is now behind the front of the demon goblins.

  • ICC

    After one of Kull´s patrols in the rawlinswoods, he was seen entering norwicks´s south gate draging a good deal of elite´s armors straped together

  • Dwin and Z are seen spending long hours in the Union Hall. Several times the emerge with large boxes of old records that go into the fire. It looks like they are cleaning out an office or something.

  • The levender-haired, lavnder-eyed girl, Cherry, granddaughter of Cera the herbalist and witch of the Romani camp to the north is more often than not sitting in quiet prayer or meditation near Selene's shop, clutching that small stone of hers tight. More than once she's given a frightened shriek and run off in a panic with nothing seeming to be around to cause such terror. Not unsual perhaps considering she sually could seemm..frightened or paronoid, the way she almost constantly keeps her gaze to the ground and looks around with a wary eye even when things are quiet.

  • _The Secretary of Norwick, on behalf of the town, offers deep gratitude to those participated in the battle against the drows and demons that resulted in sacrifices involved.

    With that, she wishes the Legions to approach one of the militias or Norwick officials, to provide further details of what exactly had happened._

  • _A lavender-haired and lavender eyed young, half-elvenlass was seen shrieking at the top of her lungs, screaming apparentlly in uter fear about things that from the cmmon observer's point of view were obviously not there. It's not the first time this girl ahs been seen in suc apanicked state. This time, however, her panic carried her straight out south toward Old Norwick.

    Somtime later, brave villagers dragged the unfortunate girl's body back to the new chapel. in her fright she had apparently run afowl of something very real, a monsterous rodent of unusual size.

    Yet her spirit must have been tenacious for or the gods saw fit to return the girl for she walked out of the chapel under her own power if in a quiet and seemingly paranoid, jumpy state._

  • *General Lyte of the Legion is rumored to have been heard warning guards and citizens of Norwick of a recent portal opening up next the the Temple just north of town, and of a battle with drow fighters and a mage, some dretch demons, a succubus and even a horrible Herzou demon, that ended up slaying a couple of young brave folks before the portal was finally brought down with a keg.

    She is said to have reccomended anyone spotting any wierd portals, teleportational glyphs or other drow arcanic dabblings to immediately inform the town guards, and not to try to take matters into their own hands, due to the perilous nature of these enemies.*

  • _A Featherlights Tribesman is seen seeking audience with the Secretary of Norwick, who is then offered the sincere hospitality of Norwick as he awaits for her by the Hall.

    When the audience was made between the two, it started off awkwardly due to Harmony's lack of knowledge how to receive greetings and speak in words which may not bring offence to the culture of the tribe she lacks knowing of.

    The topic they speak of be the kind that the Tribe has come, to bring gifts to Norwick in forms of food. Gifts that were accepted sincerely by Harmony on behalf of Norwick, and more gifts he said, will arrive in a week's time that will come in forms of smoked and salted meat in a weight of a tonne.

    Awkward exchange continued between both, as neither is familiar with the culture of each other. Regardless fo the obstacle, the gesture made on behalf of the Featherlight Tribe by the hunter, was one gratefully and humbly accepted by Norwick.

    The conversation was ended with a promise made by Harmony, that hopefully soon when Norwick is ready, she will visit the tribe personally on behalf of Norwick to offer personal thanks to the Chief, with gifts Norwick will bring and give, in hopes for a blossoming friendship._

  • only a day or so after the Harmony incident, Lucidious is seen walking into town in his formal robes, heading straight for great hall. There, after a brief chat about these recent rumors of edmund and what damage was actually done,if any, Lucidious hands Fendon a letter to be delivered to the current chancellor and sets a small crate at his feet filled with bottles of ale, fine wine and various potions all mixed together in a jumbled mess.

    ".. this crate would be for the Lady Harmony, to help with her endeavors. Though, I should give my apologies for not having sorted, or even labeled them properly…but then his thoughts turn to the brutal assault from the small soft spoken woman...sending him into a violent coughing fit...no no, this will just have to do as is. "

    and with a respectful bow, the elf then turns to leave town heading north.

  • The Current Chancellor sits back and avoids the confrontation, mumbling to his personal guard that "there's more than meets the eye between those two…"

    Later, in the baracks while dowing some ales with the off duty guards, he is heard to have said something to the effect of:

    ".. it seems our dear Lucid has entered the infamous ranks now of ex-Norwick Chancellors, following in the footsteps of such noteworthy men as Rando…May Moradin strike me down if I one day take that path!"

  • Watching Nym forcibly thrown from the Great Hall by a pair of burly guards without even being asked if he would walk out on his own at least one local adventurer is heard to comment on the return to the total brutality of the days before Lucid's reign.