Whispers at the Fire

  • Dwin and Z are seen spending long hours in the Union Hall. Several times the emerge with large boxes of old records that go into the fire. It looks like they are cleaning out an office or something.

  • The levender-haired, lavnder-eyed girl, Cherry, granddaughter of Cera the herbalist and witch of the Romani camp to the north is more often than not sitting in quiet prayer or meditation near Selene's shop, clutching that small stone of hers tight. More than once she's given a frightened shriek and run off in a panic with nothing seeming to be around to cause such terror. Not unsual perhaps considering she sually could seemm..frightened or paronoid, the way she almost constantly keeps her gaze to the ground and looks around with a wary eye even when things are quiet.

  • _The Secretary of Norwick, on behalf of the town, offers deep gratitude to those participated in the battle against the drows and demons that resulted in sacrifices involved.

    With that, she wishes the Legions to approach one of the militias or Norwick officials, to provide further details of what exactly had happened._

  • _A lavender-haired and lavender eyed young, half-elvenlass was seen shrieking at the top of her lungs, screaming apparentlly in uter fear about things that from the cmmon observer's point of view were obviously not there. It's not the first time this girl ahs been seen in suc apanicked state. This time, however, her panic carried her straight out south toward Old Norwick.

    Somtime later, brave villagers dragged the unfortunate girl's body back to the new chapel. in her fright she had apparently run afowl of something very real, a monsterous rodent of unusual size.

    Yet her spirit must have been tenacious for or the gods saw fit to return the girl for she walked out of the chapel under her own power if in a quiet and seemingly paranoid, jumpy state._

  • *General Lyte of the Legion is rumored to have been heard warning guards and citizens of Norwick of a recent portal opening up next the the Temple just north of town, and of a battle with drow fighters and a mage, some dretch demons, a succubus and even a horrible Herzou demon, that ended up slaying a couple of young brave folks before the portal was finally brought down with a keg.

    She is said to have reccomended anyone spotting any wierd portals, teleportational glyphs or other drow arcanic dabblings to immediately inform the town guards, and not to try to take matters into their own hands, due to the perilous nature of these enemies.*

  • _A Featherlights Tribesman is seen seeking audience with the Secretary of Norwick, who is then offered the sincere hospitality of Norwick as he awaits for her by the Hall.

    When the audience was made between the two, it started off awkwardly due to Harmony's lack of knowledge how to receive greetings and speak in words which may not bring offence to the culture of the tribe she lacks knowing of.

    The topic they speak of be the kind that the Tribe has come, to bring gifts to Norwick in forms of food. Gifts that were accepted sincerely by Harmony on behalf of Norwick, and more gifts he said, will arrive in a week's time that will come in forms of smoked and salted meat in a weight of a tonne.

    Awkward exchange continued between both, as neither is familiar with the culture of each other. Regardless fo the obstacle, the gesture made on behalf of the Featherlight Tribe by the hunter, was one gratefully and humbly accepted by Norwick.

    The conversation was ended with a promise made by Harmony, that hopefully soon when Norwick is ready, she will visit the tribe personally on behalf of Norwick to offer personal thanks to the Chief, with gifts Norwick will bring and give, in hopes for a blossoming friendship._

  • only a day or so after the Harmony incident, Lucidious is seen walking into town in his formal robes, heading straight for great hall. There, after a brief chat about these recent rumors of edmund and what damage was actually done,if any, Lucidious hands Fendon a letter to be delivered to the current chancellor and sets a small crate at his feet filled with bottles of ale, fine wine and various potions all mixed together in a jumbled mess.

    ".. this crate would be for the Lady Harmony, to help with her endeavors. Though, I should give my apologies for not having sorted, or even labeled them properly…but then his thoughts turn to the brutal assault from the small soft spoken woman...sending him into a violent coughing fit...no no, this will just have to do as is. "

    and with a respectful bow, the elf then turns to leave town heading north.

  • The Current Chancellor sits back and avoids the confrontation, mumbling to his personal guard that "there's more than meets the eye between those two…"

    Later, in the baracks while dowing some ales with the off duty guards, he is heard to have said something to the effect of:

    ".. it seems our dear Lucid has entered the infamous ranks now of ex-Norwick Chancellors, following in the footsteps of such noteworthy men as Rando…May Moradin strike me down if I one day take that path!"

  • Watching Nym forcibly thrown from the Great Hall by a pair of burly guards without even being asked if he would walk out on his own at least one local adventurer is heard to comment on the return to the total brutality of the days before Lucid's reign.

  • A fairly handsome white haired mage wanders into Norwick, hearing of the incident between Harmony and the former Chancellor. He immediately begins laughing hard, nearly killing himself while he cant seem to take a breath through the laughter…

  • _A furious Harmony, perhaps the ever first time the people of Narfell had witnessed, is heard screaming and shouting with vile awkward cursings that was heard echoing throughout the barracks with the former Chancellor.

    Apparently the cause of such anger was due to the former Chancellor's irresponsibility of letting his slaad loose in town, instilling much fear to the people and militia who were caught off guard of its presence. In addition, it helped itself in gourging a month's worth of Norwick food supplies in the storehouse that had taken weeks to organise. What eventually hit the nail into the coffin, was the former Chancellor's seeming uncaring behaviour in taking responsibility for the damages done.

    The Secretary of Norwick was last witnessed giving a hard kick in the former Chancellor's male elvenhood, which some observers thought, is enough to completely turn one into a female without the need of the Gender Changing Belt.

    Norwick is certainly full of surprises is it not?_

  • When Dwin sees the 4 Militiamen with indelible marks on them, he rolls his eyes and groans.

    You four… go back to the Wigglers and tell them that The Chancellor himself has ordered that this tomfoolery be removed. I wont have my men be made mockeries!

  • Other rumors have the undead bleed water or talk like a properly foul sailor. Some of the rescuers accuse infamous and recently banned Mercy of having sent this abomination. Even though, Sabre and Pavel both also Black Sails clearly helped destroy the vile thing and rescue the abducted.

    //Edit: shortened

  • Lana is telling folks about being captured by some sort of undead sailor. Gemli seems to be backing her up on this. She says that Sabre and Pavel seem to think that it might be part of some treasure ship buried deep beneath the town.

    On an unrelated note, Selene is having a hard time keeping shovels in stock and the local churches seem a bit short on holy water.

  • _Harmony could be seen intructing idle workers in Norwick, to assist her in moving the stoned militiamen in the Friar's to be transported to the Spellweaver Keep.

    Those complied immediately place the four statues into a wagon and carefully proceed to roll them to the Spellweaver's doorstep with Master Bingo greeting them.

    A day later, four militia men can be seen walking out of the Spellweaver back in flesh form, looking bemused as they return to their respective duties.

    Curiously though, each of them has words marked upon the top of their forehead which reads if all of them properly aligned:_





    _Apparently, when they were in forms of statues, someone had been playing cruel practical jokes, or simply expressing their love for the former Chancellor by carving those words on their head which, unfortunately seems it is not removable for life.

    The reputation of the four shot over night, and are now known as the famous four in the militia, victims of the "Lucid jokes" for the time to come in Norwick._

  • Fendon approaches the center of the new town center and stands on one of the large boulders that people have become accustomed to sitting on. he slowly unrolls a scroll and clears his throat in the annoying way he tends to before making an important announcement.

    Hear Ye, Fine Citizens of the Realm!

    By the order of his Honor, Lord Dolvak, I make the following announcement…

    The following criminals are hereby banned from the Realm of Norwick:

    The Banite and Highway-Robber Zanetar
    The Vile Cut-throat and Black Sail member Mercy
    The Shrewd Follower of No-good, and Fellow Black Sail, known only as Hawk

    Should anyone witness one of these 3 within our realm that stretches from the verdant forests of the Rawlins to the icy crossroads in the north, please contact a local Militiaman immediately. Do not attempt to interact with them directly, as they have reduced themselves to be common criminals, and possibly dangerous.

    Fendon rolls up the scroll he read from, and hands out several more to guards who take them out and post them at each of the gates and in several key locations within the realm.

  • Rumour has it that a bow dropped out off the air infront of Cherry, Cera's granddaughter, with her name carved into it. Some people insist that it burst into flame and killed everyone present, but popular opinion seems to be that she took it.

  • Council of Moradin

    _Word spread that the dwarf Farly Toebuckle came strolling up to the fire. While this in itself was not odd, what he had attached to the end of the rope in his hand was. Farly lead a twisted goblin into town, and asked for Harmony. The details of the actual capture of the goblin are speculative, but some are saying something about the dwarf digging a pit trap that the creature fell into.

    One thing is certain, though; The goblin was lead off by Norwick officials and taken to a cell, while the dwarf was rewarded handsomely._

  • Word passes on across Norwick, that a Norwick Scout by the name of Fredericks informed the militia of the administration of a curious news:

    "Fogs nay been aroun' in the night for weeks ay' tell ye. One moment 'dey POOFED from now'ehere, next momen' it turn tail an' disappeared to now'ehere!

    Som'thin fishey ay' tell ye. Makes no sense but again dis be Norwick. Nuthin' makes sense eh?

    Pass da word on to the big boss of Norwick fellas."

  • Recently near Norwick, just outside the gates in fact, a dark clad figure bearing a bow walked the perimiter of the town in the dead of night, not hunting anything in particular, but observing much.
    This is a face that was known around Norwick to some, and even a song is sung about him, possibly still to this day.

    IS this half-elf of rumor returning to Norwick after dissapearing without a trace? And where is the wolf that was always at his side?

    Villagers who say they knew him swear they saw him, but it is likely no others did. They will likely be discounted as drunken tales of a nearly forgotten accquaintance.