Whispers at the Fire

  • _Fendon lets it known to all those interested or already signed up for the wood harvesting expedition, that the expedition will be on xx-xx-xx (This Saturday, 9pm EST).

    He also lets it be known to those who signed up to provide martial expertise, that the entire escort operation is the Legion's responsibility. This would mean that in matters of security, all must adhere to the Legion's instructions and orders. They are also free to turn down the aide of certain groups or individuals whom they may deem them as unreliable. With that point agreed upon, then can these people participate in the expedition.

    For those with further inquiries, Fendon propose them to submit to the Secretary of Norwick for clarifications._

    //PM me if you have questions or need clarifications.

  • The young Albryanna has likewise sent a letter to Harmony, informing her that she will lend her aid as a guardsman and a woodcutter, should it be required.

  • Calendel has sent a letter to Harmony indicating that he will assist in the wood gathering as a volunteer. His efforts to both cut and haul wood will be of no cost to the town or it's people. He will perform this as both a servant of the people of Norwick as well as a member of the Troff Legion offering their services.

    Rumor has it the people of Norwick upon hearing that Calendel will be a part of the expedition sign up their strongest sons to join in. "It's not everyday your eldest son gets to walk alongside the mighty Advisor for the good of our town" one was overheard saying.

  • _The Secretary of Norwick of this recent, had been persuading and rounding up capable and sturdy men of Norwick, whom they may be idle from the lack of work or were former woodcutters before the war.

    She informs them, with a hint of optimism in her tone and choice of words, that despite the difficult road Norwick will still be facing for the years to come, it will return to its former richness and wealth if all are willing to work, one that Norwick is prepared to employ to the present unemployed.

    Those who expressed interests, she urged them to report to Fendon to sign up for work, which involves harvesting lumberin the Rawlins. These people were given assurances, that they would be fairly paid with bonuses in consideration, as well as one of the best reputable security they will receive while venturing into the dangerous woods.

    With that, she gives words of motivations as best as she could to those who sign up, as well as words of humble gratitude on behalf of Norwick._

    "Let us strive for Norwick to grow. The soil may be poisoned where our town be planted upon, but the ample sunlight and rain the heavens gives in generous quantity upon us, we can still grow into a strong and wealthy town nontheless.

    Endure I ask, in enduring we will all grow strong. The saying that had echoed throughout the ancient times itself, had been proven to be one of a wisdom kind it reflects.

    Let us do this together, with the strength each of us can give, that will make a difference to the future generations of Norwick!"

  • Legion

    The generals of the legion were seen escorted in and out of Norwick by the Secretary Harmony. Pleasentries were exchanged and the one known as lyte had papers with a norwick seal on them heading out the gate….

  • ICC

    word of sighting of Ugluk Rumgut the foul orc and self-proclaimed leader of numerous orc attack to jyiid lands, have been reported in norwick. what business brought such savage and user of foul vocabulary to norwick is yet unknown… But some citizens that have had the displesure of talking with him, would say that he wnated to know the direction of norwicks graveyard

  • Council of Moradin

    _The dwarf Farly Toebuckle can be heard muttering in Dwarven lately. He openly speaks of his distaste for the Kelemvorite Temple and its members, especially the "Wench" Mel, whose condecending and greater-than-thou attitude sets the dwarf to muttering in Dwarven even more.

    On a similar note, he often askes how the Kelemvorite Temple came to be owners of all things, such as the Graveyard and items that other people found._

  • Daemons were seen near Norwick recently, and part of the investigative force perished in the process, including Aramuil Holimion, but he was later returned to life and seemed full of vigor when he left Friar Fred's, first running to the south gate and then running all the way back to the northmost part of Norwick. Shortly thereafter he went to the Temple of Kelemvor with Natasha and Melanie and later came back looking frustrated and somewhat angry.

  • After an attack by the goblins and bugbears, including tainted goblins for the east, the ever inquisitive mage Aramuil Holimion can be seen talking excitedly; talking about Orcus, the tainted goblins "source" and a variety of other things that most people don't understand, including something about a rude individual who is blocking a doorway.

  • People passing by Melidian Y'Mystique can hear him singing to himself, as he walks along…

    "If you go into the woods today, you're in for a big surprise. If you go into the woods today, you'll be lucky to stay alive.. for every gob that ever corrupts, is sure to be there surely because, today's the day the goblins attacked poor noooorwick."

    Rumors swirl that perhaps the poor Bard has lost his mind.

  • _Rumours swirls around Norwick, a news that perhaps one of good bearer, bringing hopes to the merchants and the unemployed that the economy in Norwick will in time make progress with a security deal with the Legions in matters of trade.

    The details are at the moment are left uncomfirmed. Perhaps in time an official announcement will be made?_

  • Whispers abound of crafty little flying demons to the south of town. Whether this is truth or the product of overactive imaginations has yet to be determined, but either way any threat seems to have been averted… for now.

  • The dark haired, often quiet elf named Vescar has been asking around for his "pet". He says that with disdain, as if it should be taken in jest … but seeing as most folk in norwick know exactly who he is talking about, and by their reactions taking his words seriously, puts him in a horribly foul mood...

  • _The Secretary of Norwick can be seen of this late to be highly active in participating domestic Norwick affairs.

    She is seen providing words of encouragement to the refugees, persuading hardy and strong men to participate in the construction process of the new Norwick through the means of moving existing stones that built the buildings of old Norwick to the new site as a means of reusing resource materials. Those with wood cutting experiences are accompanied with militia escorts to venture into the Western part of the rawlins, where the trees are not affected by the fog, to harvest wood for additional resources.

    Others she encourages them to to provide means of help at the construction site than being idle by clearing land, planting or foraging for food, the tasks which are easily done by women and children, on the land clearing East of the construction site of New Norwick.

    Men or women who expressed interests in martial knowledge to better defend themselves or their family are encouraged to take up courses with the militia in weapon handling, where their skills are much appreciated due to the over stretched and over worked militia force.

    Once she has done her best in persuading and encouraging the Norwick refugees to work and be employed, with hopes none are left idle, she ensures those who contributed are properly rewarded with additional food and secured shelter for their family._

  • Word has it that a group, apparently spurred by Aramuil Holimion, the inquisitive (or as some call it, nosy) elven mage went out, heading east into the Rawlinswood. They came back with the body of a tainted goblin, carried on a floating red disc that floated behind Aramuil; he then took it into Friar Fred's place. He came back out several hours later, looking rather worn out and a bit pale.

  • //grumbles as he was forced to log off by angry parents Sorry for volunteering to join the event and bailing inexplicitly. Wish I could have been there. Hope the low-levels had fun!

  • Rumours abound around town of the Norwick Advisor and Healer Calendel leading a party of brave adventurers into the Graveyard apparently looking for some type of Eye. The following day the adventurers were see coming back into town through the South Gates looking rather pleased and in good spirits.

    //Great Job to all the low-levels in my event. You all performed very well and bravely heldfast even when things looked grim!//

  • Rumours abound of yet another undead column marching its way to the Norwick graveyard.
    The first of the undead to arrive were said to be followed by at least a dozen elves. Night passed, the undead stopped coming and all those who entered the graveyard returned without wounded or dead.

    One wonders what even transpired there.

    On a side note, some Kelemvorites might be heard muttering about their gates having been jammed one night, not any longer, however.

  • _Several people report seeing Wren and Vescar escorting a protesting Hen south towards the bailey after placing her under arrest within Norwick's walls. They return some time later without her. Wren looks to be in an abnormally foul mood.

    Word has it that she's being denied visitors for now._

  • Hen was seen at the fight night some say she came to sture up a storm and other say she came to turn herself in.

    everyone also saw her make a complete fool out of the wizard that they called Eza fooling him at a game of "catch the Hen"

    all they know is that she came she played and left with a biger purse then she came and was never arested

    (sorry for this post being a little late :evil: )