Whispers at the Fire

  • Hen walks around norwick seeming to be puzzeled about something
    when she mumbles all is heard but "what one what one"

  • Albry is seen keeping a close eye on Keiji while he remains in town. Her watchfulness around him has increased due to the recent event of Keiji's imprisonment and the charges for it.

  • ((note my edit above… the guards could care less about Keiji once he leaves town or stops trying to peddle his junk... believe me you aren't THAT important 😉

    ...and a general reminder that any sales of items need to adhere to the DM SET pricelist that the union has nothing to do with beyond IC pricing...))

  • After discovering that he has had guards assigned to follow him around, Keiji can be seen grinning ear to ear as he makes their lives as miserably boring as possible, and trying to see if he can get them lost in the woods. He's heard remarking, "You sell a few battleaxes from fallen warriors at discount price, and you get a guard contingent? I'd hate to see how he handles legitimate competetors! Probably dispatches a group of guards to go rough em up for daring to mess with Big Boss Dwin and his crafting Union."

    ((Not everyone selling cheaper-than-usual equipment is trying to undermine the crafting guild.))

  • As soon as Word gets out that Keiji is offering weapons at discounted prices, a pair pf guards is assigned to shadow him just around town when speaking to other merchants or travellers and watch for underselling. Likewise, it seems the offer to be an alternate for the trusted Norwick guard was not taken lightly.

    ((assume that any attempts to undersell Union prices are being watched and will be dealt with accordingly…))

  • _After hearing about the merchants and loitering around somewhat, Keiji offers to provide them with "_A good supply of…eer...lightly used battleaxes at a very discounted price."In addition, he has offered his services as an alternative to the Norwick Guard, especially guarding supply caravans out of town.

  • Dwin hears of the new merchants and asks the young pointy-eared lass if she would like a tour of the town, in which he can answer any questions she might have.

  • Among the merchants arriving on the caravan is Stacey Aldawyn, a young elf woman, she mentions that while she gets settled in and her shop is prepared that she is looking for some information on the local area, she says that knowing as much as she can about the place she intends to do business will help her to offer the best deals possible and will greatly improve the chances of success for her business.

  • All across Norwick word spreads that a caravan of half a dozen wagons and several dozen merchants have arrived. Apparently, within a few hours, of arriving the leader of the band assisted in restoring several people caught by an evil spell and turned to stone. Word spread that after a few days of setting up their camp that members of the merchant band are now circulating around town offering an assortment of goods.

  • ICC

    Savage assault at the crossroads gate happened when a grey-haired
    mage in dark clothes struck down the fat, ugly, half-orc known as Grak.
    Identification of the mage was made more difficult by a blurring effect
    on his person, before he fled invisibly.

    _Workers, who were finishing up the construction of the crossroad gate speak rumors that the fat half-orc named Grak was actually in middle of a conversation with a respected blond haired woman paladin. Workers overheard that Grak was actually collecting donations for poor and less fortunate. Just after the paladin woman refused to give donations, Grak was zapped from the shadows with a powerful spell.

    After the spell, Grak was sprawled on the ground, motionless. Paladin woman's reclutance to lift even a finger was noted among the workers. After some unknown passerby's and brief time, two figures in black legion armor showed up; brutish Half-orc and a halfling. Half-orc checked Grak's condition, which must been critical since Grak's ears didnt even twitch, when phases like "Look! Gold on the ground" or "Oi! Its Chesty Larue with an full ale keg" were cried.

    He was later carried towards the Temple of Kelemvor by the other half-orc halfling in tow. He later emerged from the temple with wobbling legs. The small group continued their slow pace towards Norwick._

  • Onlookers gape as the body of a dark gnome, sans a head, was presumed to be the one known as "Droido". A champion of no small infamy, perhaps it is a great day indeed. Aelhearn, Theoan, Lyte, and others were seen entering the jails with the body, and later returned with a bagful of ash. Lore says it was dumped into a powderkeg that Locrian had prepared for a celebration.

    The Lieutenant later led a cheery group to the foothills north of Norwick, and atop the hill, he lit the fuse, and blew the ashes far and wide.

    Lore may also suggest some ashes did make it out of norwick. As the General, Theo decided it would be best if some were kept in the Legion's latrines, to be fouled upon daily.

  • A savage assault at the crossroads gate happened when a grey-haired mage in dark clothes struck down the fat, ugly, half-orc known as Grak. Identification of the mage was made more difficult by a blurring effect on his person, before he fled invisibly.

  • Some of the guards speak of Locrian being led by a tall blond woman to the barracks.
    Some villagers speak of a knight from the Order of the Divine Shield.
    A well known dwarf in the village burps and says it was just Locrian.

  • Apparently someone overheard someone saying that Calendel the Town Healer entered the Jail with several healing balms and came back out muttering something about how they almost killed the Banite they had locked up.

  • Word has it that screaming could be heard from the depths of the Norwick Jails. Afterwards, Dwin and several guardswalk out to the courtyard and wipe some bloody daggers in the grass, and then wash themselves up a bit before enjoying a late afternoon ale.

  • _Rumours spread that the Chancellor's Advisor has been seen around town wearing outfits other than his plain brown robe or Legion armour.

    May of the young girls have been heard to be disappointed that the handsome and single Advisor might be smitten with someone other than them._

  • Rumors spread that the Militia has captured a banite and is holding it in their cells under close watch. There is no word about the identity of it, or what it might have done, if anything.

  • Those with a sharp eye in Norwick might have noticed a cleric of Tempus frequenting the graveyard and slaughtering the undead there. When asked what he was doing, he would reply that he was doing Tempus' holy work by bringing rest to the fallen warriors, occasionally breaking conversation to behead a skeleton.

  • _Long before news of Dwin's reward offer is heard, a search party made up of Norwick scout leader Aelhaearn, Peltarch far scout leader Juster, Norwick healer Calendel, Troff Legion general Theaon, Norwick militiaman Mord, Nicahh, Sûldîn, and Ginger headed east into the woods not long after hearing of Cyrian's capture.

    The unhappy group later returned to Norwick carrying two bodies. They reported having seen no sign of Cyrian or the minotaurs. There's some speculation that the minotaurs retreated but put deadly traps along their exit route. Some of the group vowed to search other caves in the woods once they'd recovered._

  • Dwin orders an immediate search and investigation for his long time friend, Cyrian's body. A large reward is rumored to back the effort.