Whispers at the Fire

  • A savage assault at the crossroads gate happened when a grey-haired mage in dark clothes struck down the fat, ugly, half-orc known as Grak. Identification of the mage was made more difficult by a blurring effect on his person, before he fled invisibly.

  • Some of the guards speak of Locrian being led by a tall blond woman to the barracks.
    Some villagers speak of a knight from the Order of the Divine Shield.
    A well known dwarf in the village burps and says it was just Locrian.

  • Apparently someone overheard someone saying that Calendel the Town Healer entered the Jail with several healing balms and came back out muttering something about how they almost killed the Banite they had locked up.

  • Word has it that screaming could be heard from the depths of the Norwick Jails. Afterwards, Dwin and several guardswalk out to the courtyard and wipe some bloody daggers in the grass, and then wash themselves up a bit before enjoying a late afternoon ale.

  • _Rumours spread that the Chancellor's Advisor has been seen around town wearing outfits other than his plain brown robe or Legion armour.

    May of the young girls have been heard to be disappointed that the handsome and single Advisor might be smitten with someone other than them._

  • Rumors spread that the Militia has captured a banite and is holding it in their cells under close watch. There is no word about the identity of it, or what it might have done, if anything.

  • Those with a sharp eye in Norwick might have noticed a cleric of Tempus frequenting the graveyard and slaughtering the undead there. When asked what he was doing, he would reply that he was doing Tempus' holy work by bringing rest to the fallen warriors, occasionally breaking conversation to behead a skeleton.

  • _Long before news of Dwin's reward offer is heard, a search party made up of Norwick scout leader Aelhaearn, Peltarch far scout leader Juster, Norwick healer Calendel, Troff Legion general Theaon, Norwick militiaman Mord, Nicahh, Sûldîn, and Ginger headed east into the woods not long after hearing of Cyrian's capture.

    The unhappy group later returned to Norwick carrying two bodies. They reported having seen no sign of Cyrian or the minotaurs. There's some speculation that the minotaurs retreated but put deadly traps along their exit route. Some of the group vowed to search other caves in the woods once they'd recovered._

  • Dwin orders an immediate search and investigation for his long time friend, Cyrian's body. A large reward is rumored to back the effort.

  • _The white haired mage, now known as Ronan, is seen more often within Norwick. It is rumored he was hired to help with the gnome problems, since he has dispelled two of their demon portals thus far.

    As for the missing painting… he seems to give those who accuse him a glare before heading off in a huff._

  • _Lieutennant Cyrian of the norwick Militia was heard to have been spotted in the near east wood fighting off a number of minitaurs like creatures, along with some very feral looking goblins, he was severely wounded, and it appeared he had been doing battle for a long time as the forest was littered with corpses, a group of people arrived at the scene and immediately came to his aid, shortly after thousands of goblins rushed from the deep east woods and attacked the group, everyone fought bravely killing the goblins by the hundreds, eventually more minitaurs and tougher goblins joined in the battle, including clerics, casters, and very heavily armored goblins and minitaurs, Cyrian was able to stand up the the masses despite the goblins efforts, he was able to take down many of the minitaurs and tougher goblins being forced to consume many potions and berries used for healing, as the odds became overwhelming the group began to fall back until it was just Cyrian, the sorcerer Ronan, and a large Black Panther (Tindra) eventually everyone had fallen back to safety with many goblins in persuit, Cyrian was flanked and his escape cut off as he fended off two of the minitaurs, as his last bit of strength failed him and all his healing consumed he drank an emergency invisibility potion and fled the battle limping heavily, as the battle moved on he slowly made his way back towards town while concealed magically. . .however luck was not on his side today, as the caster Ronan ran around the corner towards where Cyrian was last seen a minitaur cleric appeared out of nowhere casting a hammer of the gods on the sorcerer, Cyrian standing near a patch of trees nearby and still invisible was caught in the blast of the spell and was killed instantly…

    rumor has it that his body was either never recovered, or that after it was recovered somehow it managed to go missing again..._

  • Albryanna, along with Lieutenant Locrian Danister and several other militia-men, were seen taking the familiar face of Keiji Kusari to the Norwick jail. He was charged with persistant mocking of the militia and planned attemps of assaults on the militia trainee Vescar. While in the jail, Lilin informed the militia that a painting had been stolen from the Chancellor's personal quarter. Shortly thereafter, Locrien led Albry to the Great Hall. Those who followed, or perhaps heard from his raised voice, witnessed his accusation on Albry for forgetting to lock the Chancellor's quarters door leading to the reason for the stolen picture, only to be informed , to his surprise, that is was in fact Ronan Redralen and Amy (Beautiful Woman) who has left it open. Followed by the trainees, they were seen marching towards all possible areas of which Ronan might be. They returned many hours later, seeming unsuccessful in their search.

  • ICC

    A mighty storm draws over Norwick, axes, cows and other items fall from the skies, forcing people to take refuge indoors. After the storm a gnome and a hin come into town asking that any stray axes that have been dropped by the storm be gathered. "Mustn't let the children play with such dangerous object"

  • Rumour has it that the militia trainee Ezachiel hasn't been seen in Norwick for over a week now. Other rumours say that he has been pressed into service as a guard in the Gypsy Camp for some offense, and that he's been standing on a ridge overlooking the Nars pass for all that time, not being allowed to leave the spot he's standing on. No one knows when he might return, even though it looks like Norwick might be able to use his magic, with the recent attacks.

  • The grape is overheard telling the guards to watch for goblin assassins. It would seem they are out in large numbers. He makes sure to emphasize the power of assassins, especially when in groups of five. He seems to be talking from experience, or perhaps he's overrating himself as a sneak? Eh, doesn't really sound like him…

  • After a closed door meeting in the Town Hall between the Chancellor, Advisor, and Commander of the Militia rumours abounded of a seemingly pleased Advisor and Commander exiting the Chancellor's office and the Chancellor himself seeming a bit distraught but otherwise calm.

    The town herald Fendon mentioned seeing a servant girl entering the hall just after the meeting came to a close. Apparently Calendel confronted the servant who indicated she was there to clean the windows. After letting her proceed with her chores Calendel shortly came back out of his office and, running into the Chancellor re-entering the Hall indicated to the Chancellor that the servant girl was cleaning the windows in his office. The Chancellor replied "Oh good good" at which Calendel further stated "Sir, your office doesn't have any windows!". Fendon then saw them along with Harmony run into the office. Right behind them a young girl ran into the Hall bleeding and bolted straight into the Chancellor's office, shortly thereafter the Chancellor, Harmony, the girl and a bark covered Umberhulk emerged from the office at full speed. Citizens recall seeing Harmony, the girl and the Umberhulk run out the South Gates and after meeting Juster there the even larger group headed out into the East Rawlins.

    Rumours have spread that upon the parties return along with a new member, Briar, that Briar and Calendel were knocked unconcious and captured by goblins and nearly cooked in a pot full of water before managing to escape!

    Rumour also has it that before they were captured and the reason for the party running into the woods was to recover the body of Locrian Danister who was killed while battling an Umberhulk. Some wonder if it was the same Umberhulk that left the Town Hall or if that was just the Advisor taking unusual forms around town again.

    Upon his return to town, people say, Calendel carried a small red servants dress that is rumoured to have been left out in the East Rawlins. He also was overheard mumbling to himself something about a Goblin Order or Cult or something…

    Any way you look at it, the town has had much to talk about lately.

  • _Howls were heard in the western woods one beautiful day. Soon after the howls, four figures came from the west to the southern gates. One was a badly scratched noble woman in fine red robes, her face with a look of shock on it. Another was a young elven woman, carring a badly wounded and unconsious white haired male mage. The last was the militia woman, known as Albryanna.

    Thanks to the healings from a cleric of Tempus, the ones who were injured are still alive. Though, the white haired mage and the noble woman seemed to be missing some of their fingers. The male sorcerer, after he was healed, looked incredibly angry and upset, stomping off to the healers with a quick pace.

    What happened next is unknown to onlookers._

  • _Norwick is seen, to be facing the ravages of time in this period of unrest. Already the morale of the commoners of Norwick are at their lowest point for after the war ended, a moment of respite and peace they are unable to savour.

    Undead and goblins remained a threat to the town currently, in the midst of rebuilding. But it did not end here.


    People whisper in tone, one of recognisable fear that the demons had return to to haunt Norwick. For one faithful night, it all began with an encounter of gnomes attacking Norwick, with reasons unknown to all why they did. Pursued the gnomes the brave Legions, militia and adventurers did, into the northern rawlins.

    Once the gnomes were slain, the group returned to town, only to be followed quickly with a horde of demons attacking Norwick out of nowhere!

    Cries of horror.

    Cries of death.

    Cries of courage.

    All the kind of cries one would made, in the face of death, all can be heard.

    It was indeed a bloody battle, with many fell onto the onslaught of the horde, the horde that came from the darkness of the woods. The horde that do not belong in this world. The horde that only exists, in the imagination of many. The demon horde.

    But the bravery held by the defenders of the town, be it the Legions, be it the Militia or be it simple adventurers. The blood they shed, the fear they were willing to embrace eventually returned with victory.

    Victory it was!

    The demon horde were slained and pursued the brave men and women did into the rawlins where the demons came from, in form of a endless flood they were.

    Days passed, nights came. The time spent by the defenders who stayed behind the mostly defenceless Norwick be a moment of unease and uncertainty. Waiting they did, for the return of the brave adventurers from the rawlins, or simply the return of the demon horde.

    Bless them in the end! Bless them all, for no demons returned, only worn and weary, but brave and chilvarious men and women stride back into the town, from the dark rawlins they had entered days ago. A victory! But one that is not without a sacrifice. One had fell amongst their rank, a fine hunter he was.

    With an air of somberness, all returned into the town with their fallen. A victory, but one that is not without heavy costs. Many fell, and their sacrifices managed to buy Norwick, at the very least a moment of peace and respite for the time to come.

    Norwick now as we see, falls into a dark future. One of uncertainty in the times to come._

  • Rumour has it that the Banite halfer Grak was beaten into submission by militia trainee Ezachiel, and tossed into a jail after, according to some, Grak pushed Ezachiel, though not very hard. Some say that Ezachiel first gave him multiple chances to go peacefully, though others might say that he attacked Grak out of nowhere with no warning, letting out an evil laugh all the time, before chopping him into pieces and tossing him outside the gate. Such is the way of rumours about a former Banite.

  • The elven Lady Rilia Dedralle was seen at the most recent fight night. Apparently she arrived in high style fit for any court ((cha 27)). She was escorted by one elven male by the name of Celebring. She spoke politely to all there offering encouragement to the bards and smiles of and kind words to others. Rumor has it that many of the men folk were left staring and to keep from distracting people from further festivities she left early.