Whispers at the Fire

  • Strange things have been happening around Norwick. Things repaired druing the day are distroyed or seem to fall apart at night. Porgress is verry slow in the rebuilding and almost seems to be at a stand still.

  • _A strange cloaked man has been spotted lurking by the south fire in town. He seems oddly displaced, but appears to be making some effort to fit in.

    Most recently he was seen dispensing advice to a shy elf who had lost a loved one, although the hooded human's relentless use of logic was probably not much consolation._

  • Rilia has been seen looking for Dwin. She seems interested in speaking with him about several things.

  • _Wren Halfabrick is seen in the Boarshead getting loudly but peaceably drunk after her guard shift, and tells the clientele a long story about the things living under the ground, in caverns beneath the town and woods.

    She rambles on about 'planar ants' and pairs of umber hulks and 'red clacky packs, with hooks', but when she gets to the part of her story dealing with the 'rubble of conquered Arnath' a note of fear enters her voice._

    "It was like a gnoll, bout seven foot, only shaggier… an white-haired, pale... came charging outta the gate... laid into Elyl and wouldn't let up... I musta stabbed it inna groin ten times, an it wouldn't fall down... jusssst kept chopping... Elyl was at death's door by the time it fell down, with the other three a us having thrown everything and the kitchen sink at it for way too long... no gnoll can take that kinda punishment... or give it out... hells, that thing was to gnolls as.. as... bugbears are to goblins..."

    She concludes her bout of drinking with a warning to stay away from that place… although several people noticed her purse seemed far more heavy than usual for the perpetually-broke Wren.

  • _More excitement at the south gate, as evil gnomes appeared and caused the odd stones east of the gate to go berserk, spitting out various magical effects and gating in demons. The chancellor, his advisor, the Norwick Militia, and nearby adventurers repelled the attacks and closed the portal, leaving scores of dead demons and three dead defenders to be raised.

    Old-timers say such behavior from the stones was common in the past, and fear this could become common again…_


  • _It is rumored that a white haired mage, known as Ronan, saved the guard Mord and Seth from a permenant stone fate. Its said that they were turned to stone by a minotaur and then Ronan bravely chased it off with a fantastic display of magical skill. He then dragged the bodies to the lake and a few days later, they were restored to normal!

    It is also said Ronan cleaned the bird droppings off of Seth and Mord after they were restored._

  • It is rumored that for a few days a memorial to the guard was seen on the island in the lake south of Norwick. Two warriors, swords drawn with a rearing bear in the background. Now nothng but some stone fragments remain.

  • Recent events seem to fuel the fear in the citizens that ghosts and spirits haunt Norwick. Ghosts of all sorts of deceased have been seen of late, Rando, Jandor, old friends and loved ones are said to walk the fog. Some say the ghosts seek to destroy all life as evident by the death the fog is causing and seemingly, no one can stop it.

  • Dwin and several of his Dwarven friends are seen in the Norwick commons with a large blueprint of sorts. Anyone that gets close enough to see it can get a look at what seems to be the plans for a giant bellows, similar to what is used to blow air into the forge to make it hotter.

    One of the Dwarves, the one known only as "The Foreman," seems to be the proudest of the plans, and is presently in the act of "selling" it to Dwin.

    "With just 3-4 horcs a pushin and pullin, I bet we can blow that farkin fog right on outta here when it blows in!" Dwin studies the plan and rubs his baldness in that familiar, frustrated way that many are used to seeing a lot of these days.

  • much talk in and around Norwick is of a familiar face that has returned. Some talk in hushed tones when they say the name…. Rando

  • Rumour has it that Juster, Raryldor, Shannon, and a few others took a trip east and searched Vinessa's cave. The rumour goes that they found absolutely no minotaurs. Not even a stray goblin. They killed a few rats, chipped away at a few rocks, and heard nothing but chittering and their own echoes.

  • Word spread throughout Norwick that a group of people including a Militia Guard took a trip to Vinessa's cave and slayed five or so Minotaurs, without so much as a scratch upon returning.

  • Much to the amusement of many of the dwarven inhabitants of Norwick, it's said that a frail elf collapsed for an unknown reason near the southern lake.
    He was apparently carried to the healers in a state of questionable consciousness, and released the very same day, without any formal diagnosis of whatever caused him to fall.

    Dwarven medical experts chalk the incident up to acute sissy elf disorder.

  • The storm came in suddenly and violently, darkness decending and lighting stabbing the hills and trees in continuous snakes of vilolence. The ground shakes and the darkness closes in. A small group is seen hurrying toward the cemetary and the ground shakes violently twice more and then a silence decends. The mysterious storm leaves as quickly at it came and sun shines down on the town. Murmurs of dead and more odd weather move from mouth to mouth about fires.

  • Later in the week, a familar red head in a short skirt was seen running through town, seeking help to rescue some fallen companions. It is said that the leaders of the Knights, Kenton and the paladin, Elenwyn had fallen to some minotuars in Vinnessa's cave. Later the two were seen walking around town, looking a bit dazed.

  • Nicahh is seen asking around Norwick on one of her trips to visit a certain leader of the Scouts, about the children or anybody else effected by the fog. She mentions to those parents worried for their families, the Sisterhood is close if they wish to house their children there.

  • Talk flows about the fires as darkness decends again upon the town. The silence from the Druids circle in the face off this deadly fog is on the tip of many tongues. Are they overtaken? Are they the cause? What has been done to try and stem the tide of this unrelenting enemy that no one can grasp.

    The Upper ranks of the Militia move about constantly reasuring their men but even that brings no comfort tot he townsfolk. What can they do against an enemy that you cannot grast or kill.

  • _The heavy fog rolls into town blanketing Norwick in darkness. The fog seems to seek out heat and life, seemingly clawing at fires and all life. Fires all over Norwick flicker out, guards caught outside grasp their chests and stumble inside. Quite quickly villagers stumble into the main hall seeking protection. Seems the fog is eating through tents and penetrating the walls of lesser construct. Very quickly the town is consumed in a seemingly lake of fog.

    The next morning reveals the destruction. All plant life seem dead, grass, crops, trees. Animals left outside are now walking undead and are quickly dispatched. To the horror of many cows that survived give soured milk for several days and chickens lay eggs that when opened smell as if been rotten for several weeks. Several buildings now sag as recently placed wood rots and crumble.

    Possibly most disturbing are the 4 children rushed into the Norwick Healers white and near death. Only after several days of constant care by the town healers are they expected to recover.

    Quite a few Townsfolk grumble that it's the slain townsfolk from the goblin attack that have come to seek revenge for their deaths._

  • A lovely golden haired elven woman has been seen going too and fro from the norwick town hall. It appears she has a key to the upstiars of the town hall as she disappears in there often for hours at a time. She appears to be unimpeded by the guards.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    It is reported that the archdruid was seen heading south around the town, with a large, old male lion and a smaller female tigon in tow. She has not, however, been seen since, save a fleeting glance here and there by adventurers passing through the eastern woods.

    Oddly, she is even occaisionally seen hunting.