Whispers at the Fire

  • Mord can be seen moving around checking on guard rotations. He is seen in quiet discusson with the guard at the taylor shop then curses softly and is seen moving toward the Great Hall

  • The chancellor makes a visit to the building after hearing the news, escorted by a pair of norwick guard and his faithful slaad Edmund. The guard are posted outside the building while the chancellor and edmund have a look inside. The chancellor emerges after an hour or so with his notebook in hand and a frown on his lips. He makes a few final notes there in the doorway, then locks the door and starts on his way back to the hall, saying to the guards in passing…

    Board up the windows. No one goes in or out without my say. And send Dwin to my office if you should spot him.

  • There was a great commotion today. Rumor has it the militia were inspecting a strange odor coming from the Tailorshop. Quite quickly something was discerned as being wrong as a god awful stench quickly enveloped the area when the door was busted down. Several militiamen were later seen retching what they found inside. Apparently the owners of the tailorshop along with Wald were found inside. Blood runes covered every inch of the place and their decomposing bodies were found sprawled around a magical sigil written in blood and gore. Oddly they were seen just a few hours before fine and no one heard anything in the interim. Needless to say peopkle are paying more attention to the fog that rolls into town at night and doors are checked several times to ensure they are locked.

  • A pair of posters turn up, and are moved around, promoting a


    Feast of the Moon Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Saturday, May 19th - 7 pm GMT, once more… add it to the debt, Lucid...))

  • New songs are heard, from a stranger in Norwick.

    Songs that she hopes,
    would bring comfort from the sorrows of the hurt.
    Hopes to be given, from those fallen into despair.
    Love to be shared, for those alone.

    There she sings her songs, to the people of Norwick scarred by the conflicts, in hopes it be a form of another beginning, for healing to come.

    The Song Giver, she is known as by her title. Name she has none, as none she had given to herself.

    In this land of foreign and unknown for her to the days to come, innocence be a teaching she hopes to give.
    Generously she gives to the world,
    where such thing no longer exists.

  • Dwin can be seen pacing around the Boarshead with a sketchbook and a measuring-string making calculations. if you are close enough to hear, he is mumbling about "resale value" "cost to rebuild" and "should be condemned"…

  • after the announcement is made verbally by the herald, an announcement is tacked up outside the town hall for the next tenday that simply reads:


    The Chancellor announces that the Romani People are hereby welcomed within the walls of Norwick, to partake in trade and defense of the region as a whole as agreed to by Romani Elder and the Realm's Chancellor alike.

  • about two days after the Commander of the Black Dragons does her turn about norwick, the herald reads his announcements for the day

    Hear ye! Her ye!

    The Chancellor announces that the Romani People are hereby welcomed within the walls of Norwick, to partake in trade and defense of the region as a whole as agreed to by Romani Elder and the Realm's Chancellor alike.

    The Chancellor also expresses his sincere regret for the necessity to ban Romani forces from the Realm of Norwick in the recent past. The Chancellor wishes to make clear that the threats of one man, even the leader of the Romani people, will not sway him from doing what is right and just for the good people of Norwick, for our Romani allies and for the safety of the entire southern Nars as a whole. Hopefully the need for such rash decisions in the future will not be needed, as current Romani leadership continues to mature.

    from there, Fendon continues though his announcements of the day, including the defeat of the orcs in jiyyd.

  • _Though the boarshead doors are open, the place is still only a shell of its former self. The upper levels have been deemed unsafe, the door upstairs currently nailed shut. Some locals, with the help of the crafters union, have managed to put together a working kitchen in the back of the boarshead for the time being. The kitchen currently produces baked goods, breads and pies. Even so most everything made goes to the workers and townsfolk who still struggle to rebuild their homes and the southern defenses of their town. By the time most travelers reach the boarshead to make a purchase, all they have is already gone.

    Other than the kitchen, no further work has been done on the boarshead. Some around the town suggest that the old inkeeper Brane may put whats left of the place up for sale if the chancellor doesnt step in and do something. Others say the chancellor intends to tear the inn down and salvage what he can to put to use on the southern wall. But still, no one in town seems to have any idea when a working inn will open for business.

    With townsfolks still displaced in tents, it would seem a there is no lack of want for an inn either…_

  • The Commander of the Black Dragons is seen walking around Norwick, examining all signs and official notices. Apparently not finding what she seeks, she's overheard muttering as she stalks off towards the Great Hall

    Lucid ain't as quick with those official unbannings as he was with the official bannings…..

  • @70cd79d47e=Darkspyr:

    a small party returns from the Norwyck crypts bloody and half dead. soon word is out that an elven mage by the name of Lwyn will pay gold fer adventurers to go in and clean out a growing nest of undead

    ::Shae Aers, Keeper of the Watchful Repose, hears of this mage hiring people to help rid of the Undead infestation. And asks around Norwick, if anyone has seen this Lwyn, and if they do. To direct them to the Shrine of Kelemvor. To have a meeting with the Order. ::

    ((Note, everything is civil, and no hostility is presented in anything said. Contact Me IG and we can work something out, Character: Shae Aers, Account: Ulyetia))

  • a small party returns from the Norwyck crypts bloody and half dead. soon word is out that an elven mage by the name of Lwyn will pay gold fer adventurers to go in and clean out a growing nest of undead

    (Send Lwyn a tell in game if you are interested))

  • Z helps the Norwick rebuild any way he can, but now spends the majority of his time helping to rebuild the craft hall as quicky as possible.

    Rebuilding the hall is the key to a quick recovery. We can make tools, cut boards, craft weapons and armor for the defense, and so on.

    Rebuildin' the hall should be a top priority…


  • Rumors spread quickly of a great battle on the plains and the defeat of the orcs. Their fortress near abandoned and burnt to the ground.

  • Towns folk can be seen working on repairs and cleaning up of the town and things seem to be getting back to normal.

  • Elena, a priestess with the Divine Shield, has been seen in town distributing supplies to the Norwick refugees and dispensing medical aid.

  • Goblins have been fleeing the east in greater numbers. Seemingly whole tribes with women and children and the occasional giant bug are hurriedly heading west looking over the shoulders with goblin fighters gairding the rear. Whatever it is seems to have the goblins in a state of panic as they abandon their ancestorial homes.

  • ICC

    Horbag once again enters town with some furs and food for the locals. After talking to some adventures she and her new friends head north and return with a plentyful bounty of freshly cooked meat for the people of Norwick

  • Guardians Ragnhild and Zoma set out to patrol the eastern parts of the Rawlins, aided by their good friend Mark Kelben and sneaky scouting Wolves Vine and Suld'in. The group's aim was to try and find trace of whatever it is that has the goblins of that area fleeing for their lives. Troubled by the party's prolonged abscence, fellow Guardian Yarchum set out to find his friends, with the help of Sywyn. All returned to the south fire after some time, alive, but looking worn and weary. Whether or not they found anything of interest is as yet unknown.

  • One o me own kin accused me o buildin a temple to Bane himself here… I am startin to think that people dont trust us, Lucid. its down-right insultin.

    What's next? <mocked>We hear yer buildin a home fer retired orcs in Norwick and we're concerned

    Buncha fools.

    Dwin wanders off to supervise the continued work on the statues at the South Gate</mocked>