Whispers at the Fire

  • _When Calendel isn't scribing plans, he is out with some of the returned refugees aiding with re-tilling the local farms and gardens and replanting hardy crop such as potatoes and carrots that may grow even in the current conditions.

    Calendel is see often praying and providing blessings from Chauntea onto the injured Norwick land and aiding the commoners with healing and blessings as well.

    After taking care of everyone else, when Calendel has a little time to himself he can be seen summoning Elementals to aid in the reconstruction of the Friars from his encampment out front._

  • _Work continues in Norwick, with improvements visible almost daily. The contingent of dwarves that was busily fortifying the south wall before the invasion is back and working to repair the damage.

    A team of the dwarves using even more Rothe is seen entering town from the north and dragging some very heavily looking covered stone slabs towards the south gate.

    Its the work of almost 2 days to get the stone slabs in place. They appear to be rough statues, as one can easily discern the shapes, but they are not yet hewn to any level of detail that will be recognizable.

    Lucid and Dwin can be seen paying close attention to the southern defenses, as well as pacing out different areas in the center of town. Calendel can be seen trying hard to keep up while he takes notes of the conversations and does his best to transliterate the conversations into some type of actionable plans._

  • _In chain mail that looks as if it were taken from a rather small goblin, Kresha has been seen roaming through the refugee camp and into the rebuilding town of Norwick. As she roams she seems to be gathering up adventurers and lay abouts along the way. It seems that a promise of a fair cut of the spoils is incentive enough to join a scouting party headed for the Rawlins. She makes it known to all who seem interested that the patrol will last a few days and upon returning and a few days break will re-form for another ranging.

    Those that know her well notice that she has been keeping better care of her appearance lately. Straight shiny hair and freckles have replaced the dirt and grease of camp and battle._

  • @5d4d49fea5=sciolist:

    a brave party of adventurers led by Jerr the Magnificent .

    I am so gonna get the publicist who made that moniker . . .Jerr left before the division of spoils saying that he was satisfied with the lesson and did not need to take too much of the reward.

    He did leave saying he would get something offn of keira later to which they both smiled wickedly before he jogged (and joggled) off into the forest.

  • Taking some advantage of the fearful exodus from the East, a brave party of adventurers led by Jerr the Magnificent forced their way into the goblin hold slaughtering all they found and their beetle minions. The group returned in good spirits having gathered a significant amount of trade items and well-made saleable weapons. A single shaken goblin whelp was left alive to carry word to any surviving brethren of the consequences of attacks on the Heyokarr camps.

    Noticeable at the South Fire for the loot distribution were Keira, Dentin, Arikess, Vine Gelin, Thorn Drumheller, Laucian and Seth.

  • _A handful of goblins seem to have been crudely crucified in the Eastern Rawlins. Their bodies nailed with seems like bone slivers into the wood. The hearts were then removed and left with a message in goblin using blood painted across their bodies.

    Behold the coming of the Divine, bow or flee

    Needless to say a goodly number of goblins seem to be traveling from the east wood into the west wood with great eagerness._

  • The third time Rhistin and Horbag met, they came to talk about helping out the citizens of Norwick by supplying them with cooked meat and clothing. Rhistin vented her frustration with obtaining cured hides for the needy to her, and was pleasantly surprised when Horbag offered her to be her teacher in the fine crafts of curing, quilting and dyeing hides. In return she promised Horbag to hunt for food and clothing and to supply the needy at Norwick. A friendship bloomed.

  • ICC

    A day or so later a smaller band of Guardians is seen returning to Norwick after patrolling the woods. They seem confidant and tell the good residents of Norwick to go about their business as all is, at least for the moment, under control

  • ICC

    A large group of Guardians and some others, including the mighty Maythor are seen heading south into the woods talking about harassing the bugbears and goblins. As the night turns into day they return looking a bit tired, but very content.

  • Neal is seen patrolling the walls, getting back into his guard duties, and appears even more confident in these last few days as he strides around in his uniform and staff.

    During his off times he is doing whatever personal errands he has to do, from studying at the Keep, an extended lay over in Peltarch, completing a patrol of the woods for crafting supplies, or aiding in some grand adventure.

  • Word spreads quickly among those entering Norwick of a coming ball to celebrate the retaking of Norwick. It is heard that the proceeds of the ball will go towards rebuilding Norwick and aiding the families who lost everything in the attack. No one seems to know exactly when or where the ball will take place.

    "I'll finally be able to wear the dress daddy bought me," one young girl can be heard exclaiming.

  • Militia members can be seen moving contantly in rotation around town. Those not on guard or at rest are helping with the clearing of rubble, always with weapons near at hand. Those in command are often seen working along with the other members with sleeves rolled up and dirt smearing their clothes. Patrols often go out to the wood after laboring in town, often coming back, bloody but more at ease. Appetites seem unending in the constant motion, and the stew pots simmer over the fires often with mixtures no one is longer sure of

  • Niamh arrives from the refugee camp and busies herself with helping out. She's happy to act as a bear of burden for heavy haulage or tending to the numerous cuts and scrapes incurred in rebuilding.

    Off-duty she seems to take a personal fervour in killing goblins between the Southgate and the Druid Glen - as a lesson to the little greenskins that some paths shouldn't be contested.

  • Landing in the middle of Norwick in eagle form, Ezachiel arrives to aid the defences of Norwick, and seeks out Dwin to speak to him.

  • ICC

    _Guardians are often seen down by the sout gate aiding in keeping the border safe. Often they lead patrolls into the woods and come back looking a bit messy but satisfied.

    Horbag keeps the local pot filled with stew at all times.

    "Comes get its!"_

  • Dentin and the Sentinels have since moved back to the Jiyyd front, taking their catapults, ballistae and more exotic devices with them, keen on finishing the war soon.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia can be seen doing similarly to Wolf, often attempting to do so in tandem with him…always offering small smiles and kind words when accepted, and just plain helping when not

  • Wolf wanders into Norwick on occasion, helping to grow and heal the damaged crops and check outside the southern gate for any injured or frightened animals. When the day is done he returns back to the Gypsy Camp, looking exausted. The druid speaks to no one and just carries out what he thinks is his duty.

  • Militia woman Corana can be seen around the makeshift camp frequently with her greataxe at the ready in the event of any bugbear counterattacks. When not being used for patrols, she aids those clearing the rubble with strength and freedom of movement spells.

  • Legion

    Many Legion folk can be seen helping with the aid and rumble in town. Also, many trainees were sent to do Dwins bidding in town including one named "Ry Ry"…