Whispers at the Fire

  • Word spreads quickly among those entering Norwick of a coming ball to celebrate the retaking of Norwick. It is heard that the proceeds of the ball will go towards rebuilding Norwick and aiding the families who lost everything in the attack. No one seems to know exactly when or where the ball will take place.

    "I'll finally be able to wear the dress daddy bought me," one young girl can be heard exclaiming.

  • Militia members can be seen moving contantly in rotation around town. Those not on guard or at rest are helping with the clearing of rubble, always with weapons near at hand. Those in command are often seen working along with the other members with sleeves rolled up and dirt smearing their clothes. Patrols often go out to the wood after laboring in town, often coming back, bloody but more at ease. Appetites seem unending in the constant motion, and the stew pots simmer over the fires often with mixtures no one is longer sure of

  • Niamh arrives from the refugee camp and busies herself with helping out. She's happy to act as a bear of burden for heavy haulage or tending to the numerous cuts and scrapes incurred in rebuilding.

    Off-duty she seems to take a personal fervour in killing goblins between the Southgate and the Druid Glen - as a lesson to the little greenskins that some paths shouldn't be contested.

  • Landing in the middle of Norwick in eagle form, Ezachiel arrives to aid the defences of Norwick, and seeks out Dwin to speak to him.

  • ICC

    _Guardians are often seen down by the sout gate aiding in keeping the border safe. Often they lead patrolls into the woods and come back looking a bit messy but satisfied.

    Horbag keeps the local pot filled with stew at all times.

    "Comes get its!"_

  • Dentin and the Sentinels have since moved back to the Jiyyd front, taking their catapults, ballistae and more exotic devices with them, keen on finishing the war soon.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia can be seen doing similarly to Wolf, often attempting to do so in tandem with him…always offering small smiles and kind words when accepted, and just plain helping when not

  • Wolf wanders into Norwick on occasion, helping to grow and heal the damaged crops and check outside the southern gate for any injured or frightened animals. When the day is done he returns back to the Gypsy Camp, looking exausted. The druid speaks to no one and just carries out what he thinks is his duty.

  • Militia woman Corana can be seen around the makeshift camp frequently with her greataxe at the ready in the event of any bugbear counterattacks. When not being used for patrols, she aids those clearing the rubble with strength and freedom of movement spells.

  • Legion

    Many Legion folk can be seen helping with the aid and rumble in town. Also, many trainees were sent to do Dwins bidding in town including one named "Ry Ry"…

  • Calendel, Advisor to the Chancellor of Norwick, is seen providing aid to workers suffering minor work-related injuries and such while also summoning Large Earth Elementals to aid with cleanup. Even Calendel himself occassionaly transforms into a Troll or Umberhulk to aid in the removal of damaged building materials and the like.

  • As the smoke rises and the full damage to Norwick can be witnessed, people begin to stir, and get to work.

    The Militia's tents are moved from the Crossroads to the center of town where a makeshift camp starts to take shape. Some of the Norwick residents do the same, though the threat of a counter attack seems to still linger and keeps a good many folks in the refugee camp north of town.

    Defenders from the Dwarven camp arrive and help supplement the Norwick Militia to guard the broken gates and walls around town. Other dwarves arrive with Rothe and start dragging large pieces of rubble away where they can, carefully sorting out material that can be reused… which isn't much.

    It does not in any way resemble the town that everyone remembers. The spirit of regrowth is something that some of the old-timers say they remember and many tales are told about the "last time" Norwick was rebuilt. Even it it is only a simple camp, the spirit and the desire to rebuild is here.

    Dwin and Lucid are seen helping as much as they can, and are commonly seen watching over the small camp with an almost paternal outlook.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _A disheveled and often at least slightly drunk Gears has become a common sight in the camp's general area. Dressed only in a pair of Gypsy pants and boots, with a large amulet jangling around his neck and a bottle of Romani wine near-constantly in his hand, he shuffles morosely from the top of the hill overlooking Norwick to the Jiyyd gates facing the battlefront and back again. He rouses himself from his stupor only at the promise of a fight, and once all hope of further violence is extinguished he goes back to his "informal wear" and pulls out a fresh bottle. He does seem to fight remarkably well for a moderately inebriated halfling, however.

    On several occasions the guards on the hill by the Norwick camp have been startled as a small mound of snow, surrounded by empty bottles, has risen up from the ground and revealed itself to be the white-blond hin, apparently having passed out. How he hasn't yet frozen to death is anyone's guess._

  • _Rumors brew around the small fires positioned throughout the Refugee Camp. There is talk of an attempt to retake Norwick, with the Ten Hillsheart Clans leading the assault. Some people take these rumors to heart, scurrying about as they prepare their equipment and stock up on supplies for the coming siege. Yet others say the dwarves are only there to help rebuild Norwick after others have taken it. After all, it is not their town to help retake.

    Whether either of these rumors are true, the presence of the dwarves alone seems to lift the spirits of any who witness their large numbers. Those who approach the Dwarven Hold will notice an increase in activity with each passing day. Surely, something of great importance is about to occur…_

  • Over the last few weeks more and more dwarven folk and been seen going in and out of the hold and along the lines just north of Norwick. New entrenchments and defences are in place under the direction of Dwin and his militiamen. With the dragon dead it seems the tide has changed and and the once confident warpartys of orcs bugbears goblins and other nastys are takeing a more defencive stance in order to try and hold what they have gained. Dwarven defenders of all the hillsheart clans can be seen marching threw the pass to the dwarven hold. The standards of many a clan can be seen flying over the entrance to the hold now and it would seem that a major battle wont be long off with so many dwarven worriers in the southren nars lands.

  • After returning from the Fugue, Elyl receives some upsetting news about his family and immediately starts packing. He lets everyone know he needs to return to Marsember and will return once the situation is resolved

    OOC: I am going to give this character a rest for a little while.

  • _Other than required guard duty or patrol, Kresha has not been seen outside of her tent often. When she does share some time around the fire with the residents of the camp she looks pale and tired.

    One night she was overheard stating, “This new armor is SO heavy. I don’t know how that could be though. I just don’t understand, it felt fine when I bought it.”. She then went back to eating her food…staring at the fire with her darkened sleepy eyes._

  • Several members of the Troff Legion along with a couple of Hins and a cloaked and hooded mage are seen heading through the Crossroads towards the West. They carry ropes with them and their faces have a look of apprehension but determination. They are gone for at least two days before suddenly entering the Crossroads along the road from Peltarch looking happy, healthy, and walking slowly and holding their overstuffed bellies. One refugee swears he saw pancake chunks on the cloaked and hooded mage's chin still. The adventurers all part their separate ways at the Crossroads after many pats on each other's backs and hugs and handshakes. All of them smiling widely.

  • Jeremy has been seen at the warfront constantly now, fighting in any battle or skirmish he can. When asked about his strange behaviour in protecting places he dosen't even care about, he simply responds with "It's like the good ol' days aye."

  • The Grape is heard sadly commenting on how the guards seem very content with remianing on the ground they were given on the hill rather than holding their fort on the southern hill that faces the gate, which they won.