The election campaign of Lord Ryan Fisher

  • Lord Fisher chooses to begin his campaign with a rally in the Commerce district, at the rant stand like Johnathon Von Ulgath. Like Von Ulgath he too shows up with three carts, though unlike him he clearly has gone to some lengths to publicise the event, and the area is festooned with banners and flags with the Fisher coat of arms. He ascends the stand, smiling genially, his silvering hair blowing slightly in the wind giving him a fatherly look.

    "My dear fellows, it is good to be able to stand here today. There was a time not too long ago that we all remember, when it looked as though we might not get to do this again. When it may have been the wicked queen of N'Jast standing here demanding obediance, instead of your fellow citizens begging votes. Clearly the gods have sided with the righteous, the courageous and the favoured!

    I am here today to promise you two things, things I know you not only desire…but you deserve! The first is peace. A simple sounding thing, for when one has it, one rarely thinks of it. But after its loss, it is a heavy worry weighing on all minds. Peace in Peltarch and peace in Narfell, these things will give you peace of mind! To do this there are three simple things we need to do; spend gold on restoring the Defenders, the Walls, the Gates, and eventually when we can afford it, the Outer Walls and Watchtowers. This will keep us SAFE. The second thing is we must come to an accord with those in control of the Nars Pass, who claim to be decendants of the Eastlanders. Uncivilised though they may be, we must not invite their blade to our throat while we rebuild our City's glory! The final thing is that we must count strongly our allies, for the loss of noble Jiyyd still weighs heavily among many hearts here. We must work with the brave Legion, who I am happy to see loyal members of running alongside me, and with fair Norwick to ensure war does not tear narfell apart again for many years to come!

    The second thing I promise you may sound naive, folks. Yet it is something I think we are ALL in need of, something that should be promised, guaranteed! And that is happiness. Ah-ah, before you scoff at yet another vaguery from yet another foppish candidate, let me explain. I am a Fisher, ladies and gentlemen. We are planners, bureaucrats, servants of the People, we do not deal in vagueries! We deal in RESULTS! How can I make you happy? I will keep your children fed, I will keep you employed and I will make it a CRIME for anybody to be fired by their Guild employer unless they have BROKEN A LAW themselves, or the Guild simply cannot afford to keep them on! The days of honest Peltarchans being damned to the poorhouse every time some petty dockchief has a bad day will be over! The days of being replaced by a half-orc too stupid to ask for more than half the going wage will be over!

    So you SEE my fellows, when I say "happiness", that is the RESULT, and I am more than capable of promising the DEEDS to go with it, to make it so! If you desire a Senator who will give RESULTS, then I, Ryan Fisher, am your man!

    Now, I believe a shrewd man came along a day or so ago with the Porters Union in tow, and I am not above the unoriginality of following a good example when I see it! Therefore, in accordance with the promises I have made you today; ALE to keep you happy, BOWS for each household to keep you safe, and FOOD, well just to say thank you for listening to me ramble on for the afternoon! Enjoy!

    As the wagons are opened up, sure enough they are filled with a selection of ales, shortbows (without arrows to prevent any incidents resulting from the consumption of the ale) and tasty looking food. The Porters Union distribute them to the crowd to ensure some even diffusion and Lord Fisher can be seen prominently teaching a young lad how to use the bow.

  • _Within a day of the speech, posters go up in the neighborhoods where Fisher has shown strong support.

    They show ballista bolts arcing up from a tower to pierce a recoiling dragon, as lightning bolts strike the wyrm from the clouds at the direction of a small figure in a rooftop garden.

    Bold lettering reads:

    **Foresight. Wisdom. Mechanical prowess. The power to electrocute large flying beasts. These will keep us safe from the RED MENACE.

    Only two brave candidates have adopted an anti- 'red' plan.

    (This message paid for by Ecological Voters Interest Lobby for DRUIDS.)_

  • As news of the dragon attack on Norwick spreads through the City, Lord Fisher makes a speech relating to the issue of dragon attacks, with him on the stand in the Commerce district is Captain Neverith of the Defenders.

    "My friends, I have no doubt that by now we have all heard the frightful news of a dragon attack on the southerly township of Norwick! It is not the first time this despicable red dragon has terrorised this land, and I for one am tired of it! I am tired of seeing my fellow citizens so on edge every time this vile creature is sighted. I am tired of people flinching at shadows passing overhead.

    But what is worse that the fear is the actual possibility of a Dragon attacking us. To address this possibility, I have gone to our brave Defenders to inquire what they think can be done to counter the threat of a dragon attack. I discussed with them their reaction plan, which is quite appropriate and contains all the precautions and steps one might imagine, such as making use of basements, sewer entrances and water trains.

    However, aside from limiting the damage these beasts can cause and protecting the civilians as best they can, there is no real way of combating such a terrible foe. I put it to Captain Neverith here that we should come up with a means of correcting this flaw in our city's dragon plan, and I think you will be pleased with the results. Captain, if you would."

    Captain Neverith unveils a large technical drawing, clearly identifiable as what appears to be a somewhat larger version of a ballista. He then addresses the crowd.

    "On behalf of the Defenders, I would like to thank Lord Fisher for his generous donation of the funding required for Peltarch to purchase the materials and pay the craftsmen to build a large, advanced ballista, specially designed to be capable of piercing the tough scales of a dragon with enough accuracy to at least give them pause in making our City the target of their marauding. When completed, we will be deploying the dragon ballista atop City Hall, so that it is high enough to target a dragon within a wide range in the Commerce and Docks districts."

    The crowd cheer at the plans, seemingly the idea of a dragon gun is rather popular, given the recent news.

  • At a well promoted rally in the Docks District, Lord Ryan Fisher speaks, with the prominent statue of Kaster Lavindo visible just behind him.

    My dear friends, I have come to you today after meeting with many people and talking to a great many of you, especially those of you living and working here in the docks. I've learned a thing or two about what life here is like. And I'll admit I wasn't as knowledgeable as I thought I was, which even if I am unsuccessful in my campaign I will be glad I rectified.

    I have found out that while there is no lack of work for you all, many of your bosses treat you like cattle, to be whipped and brow beaten into working, and to be tossed aside for the smallest of errors. Lets just say that this won't wash with me, if I am elected. It is certain that the good Guilds we have here are the heart of our dear City. Yet, as vital as a heart is the blood, and it is certain that the life blood of Peltarch are its people, the hard working men and women!

    It is important in times like this that we expect the highest standards from those in positions of influence, and when those standards are not met, that we are not afraid to take action. As my noble colleague Martouscha Leaffall has, in highlighting the disgraceful conduct of the Harvest Union in their attempts to bully Mister Duncan Hertwell out of his rightful mill and farm. I applaud her bravery in scolding the shameful and indeed money grubbing actions of Lord Filtan and his cohorts.

    In times such as these, we should be encouraging the prosperity of the City as a whole, and not looking only to our own coffers. It is a pity that not all Guilds are capable of seeing this, and this is something I will do my utmost if elected to encourage them to adopt more broad minded policies…and if encouragement does not work, I am not afraid to take actions to ensure petty profiteering is shut down wherever it threatens our City's best interests.

    As I have said before, my fellows, I am interested in results, and this is one front where I believe we can and indeed must achieve them. Thank you for listening.

  • Lord Fisher includes a small number of actual posters in each district, along with campaign banners and signs, the posters containing a slogan beneath a well drawn image of his genial, smiling face.

    "NO MORE WAR; Vote Ryan Fisher!"

    "Food, Safety, Prosperity; let Lord Fisher return these things to Peltarch!"

    "Lord Fisher; a man of RESULTS!"

    "Kind, Genuine, Helpful; Lord Ryan Fisher"

    "Vote Fisher for a return to the Good Old Days!"

  • Symone standing among the crowd just seems to shake his head, when the speech is over and the handing out of liquor, weapons, and food begins, he simply moves to the back of the crowd and takes his leave… Before the sound of the crowd is faded, Symone stops and turns around, he returns to stand in the shadows and watch the festivities that follow the speech, mainly out of concern for anything that may go bad as a result of giving untrained citizens a deadly weapon and mixing it with liquor, even though no arrows were given out, they are not that difficult to acquire.