Johnathon Von Ulgath's Campaign

  • _Word spreads by some youths and younger adults through the docks and commerce district that Senatorial Candidate Johnathon Von Ulgath was seen leading a large wagon from the docks towards the commerce market and is now seemingly waiting upon the Rant Stand as the Wagon is unpacked. The youths speak that it seems he’s to make some kind of speech, though how they know or what about specifically is not really answered.

    Either way, a crowd grows and while not as big as some of the larger early rallies, it is sizable almost out of pure curiosity for what was in the boxes the wagon brought. Unlike most rallies though there are no fanfare or streamers, no signs or banners, just the boxes finally unloaded from the wagon and the young charming noble standing upon the podium.

    Citizens of Peltarch, I plan to speak to you about a humble message of hope and of change; a message of a better Peltarch, a fairer Peltarch, and a kinder Peltarch. I wish to point your eyes to the future, rather than constantly looking towards the past. I want to help you see all the true heart and soul of this great city.

    But all that can be for another time, for today I have no come for a political rally.

    You see, rallies are an expensive thing. The cost of advertising, the fanfare and decorations, the land and the “donations” that the candidates give to get certain people to come listen to them, it all adds up. And in the end, after more gold is spent by these men of power than most people see in five years of hard labor, what do you the people have to show for it?

    The empty words of some politician that promises to be there for you but is likely indebted to some noble who, if the politician is elected, is whose real welfare will be of his concern.

    So it is not politics I come before you about today, but goodwill.

    Before you I’m sure you notice a number of sealed boxes that these fine men of the Porter’s Union I hired will soon be opening. Those boxes there -He says pointing to the two on the left- was purchased with what it’d have taken to book the balcony of the city hall. Those -he says pointing to the middle few boxes– were purchased with what it’d have cost to hire a platoon of bards to play music and for a grand banner of silk to go with a plethora of campaign signs. And there -he finally points to the right most box- is what I purchased with the money another candidate would’ve given to a guildmaster so that they may “urge” their workers to go listen to a candidate.

    But I did not use it for that. Instead, I used that gold to do what the government SHOULD have used ITS gold and power to do. Provide for those that are struggling to get by while making this city great.

    -he Porters open the boxes. The two on the left are opened from the front and pre-cut pieces of firewood roll out. The three in the middle are opened from the top, as a smell of spice wafts from them and near by observes spy them filled with food. The final one is opened as the Porter scoops up a handful of various threaded bundles before dropping them back into the box

    Wood to keep you warm. Food to keep you strong. Cloth to keep you well. Such simple things, yet people in this city do without while others stock pile hordes of gold as they go forth on lavish expeditions to other countries or host galas monthly. Any honorable and enlightened government would not allow such to happen.

    I am but a man, but I hope today that for at least some of you I have helped fix what the government SHOULD have done.

    And if you elect me, I’ll see to it that I try to fix it then too.

    But it seems that I am slipping into a bit of politics after all. -He gives a coy, playful smile- Oops. As I said, that can come another time. Please, be courteous to your fellow citizens but take what you need. Be warm, be strong, be well, and most of all keep hold of hope.

    Change is coming.

    And with that he heads off the Rant stand, moving over to two of his estates guards, heading back to his home as the crowd gathers and pushes forward eager to grasp the free supplies._

  • Adrian applauds after the speech, but doesn't seem to have any questions or remarks either.

  • Symone once again present to hear the speech seems unsure as if he has any questions. Not knowing much about the candidate to start with and unsure how to react to the speech and donation of basic needs, he decides to withhold comment for the time being.