A new face

  • _A new face can be seen about the city, a man calling himself Symone Au'Etine.
    Symone was seen speaking with the Magistrate in the common area for some time talking about the city of Peltarch's laws and political structure.
    It seems that Symone has displayed a keen interest on the subjects and had asked the Magistrate for a job as a personal assistant in hopes that he may learn more of the city and its laws. The goal being to one day offer his services to the city as one of the administrators of law.

    The Magistrate politely turned down the offer for the time being but did agree to help the man in his endeavors as he could.

    Symone has been spending a lot of his time in the courthouse and city hall reading books on Peltarch Law and political structure asking questions when clarification was needed. He also leaves notice with the Herald that should there be anyone who may be in need of an assistant, who would be willing to help teach him more about the city, that he would be much obliged to meet._

  • It seems Symone has become quite interested in the elections, doing brief on the spot interviews with candidates, listening to what other people have to say about them, and on the occasion offering political or campaign advise to any of the candidates.