Kaster Lavindo's Campaign

  • The following painted banners and signs appear across the city;

    "Kaster Lavindo; Nobody has done more!"

    "Soldier, Captain, General, Hero. Kaster Lavindo for Senate!"

    "Experience, courage and conviction. Kaster Lavindo."

  • The Noble Brynmor Family officially backs Kaster Lavindo.

  • The Stonemasons Guild officially announces its support for Kaster Lavindo.

  • Symone may be heard commenting to himself as he claps along with the crowd

    Simple speech, honest, and without fanfare or promises that may never be fulfilled. .

    he then nods approvingly to himself and hangs around to try and hear if anyone else in the crowd might say something

  • Calen stands in the back applauding then quickly exits to give Lavindo as much space as needed to meet the crowd

  • ::Mariston Thel is seen at the speach, adding his own cheers to that of the others::

  • After some time, word is spread by criers and pamphlets that Lavindo's first rally is to be held in the Residential District, at the lakeside in front of the wreckage of the sunken and flooded Defender HQ. At the appointed time, the old man himself steps up onto a makeshift stand, his broad shoulders and built frame hinting that despite his age one would shy from getting into a fight with the man. His voice is familiar to the many Defenders in the crowd, commanding here, or considering there, though he has to start his speech a couple of times as he is drowned out by cheers and applause, until eventually he gains an amount of quiet.

    "Peltarch, thank you for listening. We've been through the hells this past while, and I've sometimes felt like I was at the helm of a ship with no mast. And here we are, out the other side of it at long last. Over the years, I've gotten very affectionate to this City. This has made me fight all the harder in her defense. There are things though, a General can't fight, things a General can't stop, things a General can't even say.

    And that is why…aside from by bones being a bit stiffer, I am running for the Senate. I've had the chance to watch how the city has been run for a long time while I was its General, and I like to think I might have picked up a thing or two. I'm not saying I'll be the best, but you can all count on me to always have the best for you in mind. Thanks for listening, I hope you'll consider giving me a vote."

    The end of Kaster's speech is drowned out by thunderous cheers, banging of armoured arms on shields, stamping of feet and the clatter of applause. The chant of "Kaster" is quickly taken up as the man steps down from the stand, and is lost briefly in the throng of people wanting to clap him on the shoulder or get the chance to personally thank him for all he's done.

  • Symone Au'Etine reads the banners as he sees them, if he sees anyone putting the signs up he asks if General Lavindo will make a public appearance and be available for questions. If asked why, Symone mearly states that he has heard good things about the candidate from many sources including other candidates and would like to meet the man in person.

  • Though it may raise eyebrows, Adrian is heard to comment "Ah, yes. I believe that non of those campaigning deserve a seat more than General Lavindo. He has served the city with duty, honour and loyalty for many years, and no doubt he will do very well as a Senator."