Clayton Nightwind - Planks of the Platform

  • Clayton Nightwind began his campaign in a somewhat unorthodox way, no speeches, no long winded "I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that" he merely strode to the dock area and set up a "Free Clinic" to ease the aches, pains and ailments of the citizens of Peltarch.

    Within minutes word of the clinic spread to other districts and soon there was a considerable group waiting to be cured of what bothered them. The crowd got so big and one point that he called in his brother Nial to help. Most of those that were treated needed only ointments and salves from the healing kits that Clayton and Nial provided with a courteous smile.

    Some notable treatments of the afternoon were:

    A dockworker named Ulysses who was nearly crushed to death as a rope broke on a block and tackle snapped while he was helping unload a cargo ship. Clayton managed to be called to the scene in the nick of time.

    The Nightwind brothers also delivered a seven pound baby boy to a woman named Merigold who promptly named the boy Clayton Nial Meriman.

    And finally the Nightwind's treated the entire crew of the SEA WENCH, for an outbreak of syphilis. It seems that when the SEA WENCH docked last week all visited a young lady named Roxanne who was doing business upstairs at THE PISSING GOAT INN. Clayton urged that any others that have seen upstairs at the GOAT to come and see him and he would "ease" their suffering. He also educated many sailors to the hazards of syphilis and assured the sailors that their tool would not fall off.

    With the popularity of the one day clinic Clayton Nightwind decided to dedicate more of his time to improving healthcare for the citizens of Peltarch, setting up and manning these free clinics at least twice a week. He urged other adventuring clerics with time on their hands to offer their services as well.

    PLANK 1 of Clayton Nightwind Platform

    Healthcare - Organize low-cost health care for the sick and needy citizens of Peltarch.

  • The day following the election finds Clayton manning his free clinic in the dock district dealing with the aches and pains of Peltrach's civilians one person at a time.

    He thanks those that say they voted for him and politely smiles to those that say nothing.

    He continues until the line is gone then retires to the Temple where he attends his ritual prayers before going upstairs and continues his research.

  • Clayton Nightwind spends election day within the sanctums of the Order of the Shield headquarters only venturing downstairs for his ritual prayers.

    It is only after the polls have closed does he venture forth into the cool night air and walk through the the city in quiet contemplation.

    He eventually meets up with his brother Nial for supper before venturing out into the wilderness.

  • The Wavebreakers Guild announces its support for Clayton.

  • A good number of posters appear in all districts bearing the following slogan as well as a sketched likeness of the candidate:

    Ride The Winds of Change - Elect Clayton Nightwind

    ((Caoimh: see me for all gold payments, rallies included))

  • The rally in te dock district is pointed mainly toward the working man. Refreshments are served but for the most part it's a very business like affair.

    At the appropriate time Clayton delivers his message:

    **There's an old saying: "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you'll feed him for a lifetime." This metaphor lives in Peltarch in more ways than one.

    We as citizens of the Jewel of the Icelace are not interested in handouts. How do they help us? A single fish certainly does nothing for our pride. It does not keep families fed or build houses.

    The goals that I have for the immediate future are these:

    Better wages for those that do a fair day's work: any man who's earned his keep through sweat in the docks will know of what I speak.

    The creation of more jobs: it pains me to see men with two good hands who are not afforded the opportunity to feed their families.

    More housing made available within the city walls: I will hold the guilds to their promises. I also believe that the government can take steps to further housing development.

    The physical defense of the city needs to be improved: We must look at what failed during the war, what changes can be made to improve them and get it done. With improved defense comes the improvement of the cities militia, more men, and better equipment. Such a project, alone, will create new jobs and new opportunities.

    Our industry in housing and defense will mean new jobs as well; the value of skilled labor will increase and wages will rise.

    The task of rebuilding is great and will take time - but I do believe that the Jewel will regain its luster. However, Peltarch can only accomplish this with its true source of illumination: its people.**

    At the end of the speech Clayton spends time listening to those that are in attendance and answers whatever questions they might have.

  • Posters are put up in igh traffic areas stated that Clayton Nigtwind will be speaking at a rally in the dock district.

  • Clayton Nightwind returned to the dock district a second time, spending considerable time asking as many questions as to the dockworkers concerns. The only payment for his services were answers.

  • Symone after observing the comment of the candidate and the clinic afterwards does not seem to have any questions though he does go away hoping that the candidate might have some words on what his plans may be, as charity work is always welcome but not so much a requirement of the work that a senator may be required to do.

  • ((Please don't post the actions and reactions of NPCs, only post what your character does and we'll take care of the rest, thank you.))

  • Sedea snickers watching the free clinic.

    Lets see how long this stays open once ya've voted. Ya know how these politicians work folks, nothing be really fer free.