Adrian's Campaign

  • The Temple of the Triad
    _Though not a regular adherent, Adrian can still be found in the Temple of the Triad now and then, to give homage and a short prayer to the three different gods of the Triad. With the electoral compaign now having begun, he visits the temple more often, doing his best to visit at least once a week.
    During these visits, he asks Tyr to bless the senatorial race to be fair and just, and result in Senators with wisdom and temperance, regardless of who they might be. He also asks the Divine Justice to bless his own efforts, if the god judges his person and cause to be just.
    He asks Torm to keep his heart and mind humble, that he may never grow arrogant and always remember his place as servant, not ruler.
    He asks Illmater to give him strength in what will no doubt be a trying and taxing time, and to guide him to always hold the interests of the city's people before all else.
    He finishes with a prayer to the three gods together, asking for their blessing and support as patrons and protectors of the city of Peltarch.

    One particular day, when there is a notable gathering of faithful, knights and priests, he politely asks for attention and begins a short speech.

    "Faithful of the Triad. My fellow knights, and those bound to honour, virtue and justice. You are no doubt aware that the Senatorial campaigns have now well and truly begun, and I would ask for but a moment of your time to hear my words.

    For the past year, Senators Thel and Brynmor have done admirable work on the Senate, and the city has flourished because of it. With the cult responsible for so much trouble now uprooted, Peltarch has finally shedded the last of its reputation for corruption, and is now looking towards a brighter future than ever. It is truly regrettable it had to come at such a high cost.

    For those of you who do not know me, I am sir Adrian Petrarch. A knight of the Harmonious Order, in service of Milil. Though our patrons may be different, in essence they are all paragons of goodness, and our knightly code of honour, justice, humility and compassion varies little at all.
    Though I have noted that the Order of the Divine Shield already has a candidate to represent it, I would ask that you would consider me worthy of your support, and your second, or perhaps even first, vote.

    No doubt you wish to know why you should do so, and the reasons are simple and many. Firstly, like yourself, I am a servant of the divine. I understand the challenges and rewards that comes with such strong devotion, and I will take this understanding with me into Senate.
    Secondly, just like many of you, I am a knighted man. My life is bound to the same oath that unites us regardless of race, faith or origin. And I will act by this oath regardless of my place in the city, to serve with wisdom, temperance and virtue, as they are thought by the Triad.
    The third reason, and I will keep it at three as to not take up too much of your time, is that I combine these first two reasons with an understanding of the more liberal spirits and adventurers that this city is rich in. No doubt you have taken notice of them, and may have found their words and actions to be difficult to comprehend in the light of the Triadric virtues. I will not deny, nor do I see need to, that I serve a bardic god, and live my life together with them. But trough this an understanding of those not bound to our codes has been placed upon me, and I believe that those serving the entire city, must have a true understanding of its entire population.

    Perhaps I cannot convince you to vote for me above all others, but it is my hope that I may earn your respect, favor and support, and if possible your second vote."

    He then takes a seat on one of the benches, patiently awaiting any questions or remarks that may come._

  • _On election day, Adrian is seen walking about the city with Kallista on his arm, smiling and talking about everything and nothing. He doesn't seem particularly nervous about the results. Perhaps he's utterly confident that he will win.. or perhaps he simply doesn't care if he does.

    What's certain though, is that after the hectic few months, he seems happy to be able to relax with his lovely wife, if even for a little while._

  • Legion


    _A man in a white robe laughs at the argument, his usually expressionless face full of amusement. He calls out to both of them:

    "Pardon this man's interuption of what seems to be a splendid argument, simply loaded with purpose.."

    He smirks, and gives a half grin.

    "…but may I ask both of thee a simple question? If not, do go on with the afore mentioned verbal sparring. It makes the audience and myself chortle to see our 'future representatives' slandering each other in public."_

    Slander eachother sir? Nae! Adrian is a fine enough fellow and he has my respect. I'd prefer we were simply sparing to correct some misconceptions we may have had or have been communicating about eachother.

  • ICC

    _A man in a white robe laughs at the argument, his usually expressionless face full of amusement. He calls out to both of them:

    "Pardon this man's interuption of what seems to be a splendid argument, simply loaded with purpose.."

    He smirks, and gives a half grin.

    "…but may I ask both of thee a simple question? If not, do go on with the afore mentioned verbal sparring. It makes the audience and myself chortle to see our 'future representatives' slandering each other in public."_

  • Legion


    Adrian, ignoring Grak's comment if he even heard it, nods to Marty.
    "I agree. Now, let us leave this debate be before it degrades to pointless bickering. I believe we have both made our point clear now."
    At that he politely excuses himself and leaves the stand, moving trough the crowd of his rally to answer any other questions.


  • Telli wanders by with a handful of seeds and saplings as she catches Graks words turning she drops a half dozen seeds on the cobblestone ground. Waddling over she lowers her voice as much as she can so that he's the soul recipient.

    "Dats enoughs Mr Grak… yuh had yers say... and dis da seconds times yuh boderings me friend. Yuh don'ts gits a third... wander on ta anoder person runnings fer da senate. If yuh don'ts... yuh'll see whats a girls good at...

    Telli grins dopely looking down at her metal grieves then back up at him flatly.

    "And Telli don'ts use words ta resolve tings..."

    *Tellis warm smile turns to a cold glare as she turns waddling back down the cobblestones towards the northern docks.

  • Adrian, ignoring Grak's comment if he even heard it, nods to Marty.
    "I agree. Now, let us leave this debate be before it degrades to pointless bickering. I believe we have both made our point clear now."
    At that he politely excuses himself and leaves the stand, moving trough the crowd of his rally to answer any other questions.

  • ICC


    A senator needs open eyes, a heart bold enough to speak, and a will strong enough to take action

    Grak happens to be present. He murmurs in the crowd, not raising his voice too much to be heard within the podium itself

    Grak bes amazed of city's stupidity. How dem think to git strongest boss, if they just bicker aboot it und let even dimwittest beggar to have its say on dem matter?

    Und it bes obvious dem mere puny female foolishly tries to grasp sumthing dat females are not meant fer.. Har har, female should stick with gardenin dem grass und plants, at least they bes on dem same level… snickers

  • Legion


    How can you claim to think of the best interests of everyone, when you are already speaking out against one of the largest, most populous organisations in the city?"

    I don’t need to speak out against the largest and most populous organisation in the city. From what I understand Vaster Ashald pleaded guilty and chose exile for his crimes. They say that when you cut off a snake’s head the body will wriggle till sunset. There is still much cleaning up to do, and I trust that our powerful and wise magistrate will serve the city as well in this case as it has done in the past.

    But as I have said before, I feel the need to say again …


    And again, as I have already said, I believe that the guilds are the life blood of this city! I have blessed them in previous speeches and will bless them again in the future!

    What I AM against is too much power being in the hands of too few people. I AM against bullies. I AM against injustice and inequality. There must be balance in the senate. I don’t feel that balance can ever be maintained by tiptoeing around, handling each situation with velvet cloves! A senator needs open eyes, a heart bold enough to speak, and a will strong enough to take action.

  • _"The head of the largest guild is suspected for conspiracy to murder, and the investigation is entrusted to our most capable magistrates. Workers are living in tents because we continue to rebuild, and every day more and more are able to move off the streets into the comfort of new homes. Orcs at the west gates.. well, there is always -something- at the west gates. We have held off the kobolds for years, until they simply left by themselves. Did you truly expect something would not step in to full the gap? We have endured before and we will endure now.

    Yes, our situation is not perfect. But it is far better than it once was. You claim to represent no guild, yet represent the city. The guilds -are- the city. Whether knowing or unknowing, willing or unwilling, your words and actions favor some over others.

    How can you claim to think of the best interests of everyone, when you are already speaking out against one of the largest, most populous organisations in the city?"_

  • Legion

    Seems utterly stunned

    Peltarch Farmers are being forced off their farms! The head of the largest guild in the city is suspected for conspiracy to murder! Workers are still living in tents! The orcs at our west gate! … Free?! I'm not sure who has pulled the wool over your eyes sir, but our true freedom is yet to be purchased!

    And when did I speak of dispensing justice by myself?

    Listen folks, the senate is like a set of scales. When a decision is to be made, the senators vote. That means that the one who owns the most senators has the most power in this city.

    If you remember your history lessons well you will remember remember that the times of greatest civil strive in Peltarch came about by an inbalance in power ... I refer primarily to the revolts just before 1208 of course.

    I do not represent any guild or faction. I represent the welfare of all who live in Peltarch, high and low. My vote on the senate will be a counter ballance against the vote of senators who represent the self interested - to tip the balance in favour of the welfare of the people.

    THAT is how the senate works! THAT is how anarchy and chaos are kept at bay. And THAT is how I plan to help bring freedom to Peltarchs people!

  • _"Marty, I meant no disrespect towards you. But you seem to focus your campaign on providing freedom for the people? Are you saying that, after all this time, and all the effort by many good people, and a terrible war that, despite the horrendous damage it did, revealed the true corruption amongst our midst.. that we are still not free?

    I would say the opposite. For the first time in so many years, we are free! Free from corruption, though ever watchful for its return. Free from the harassment of bandits, though watchful for new bands to rise. Free from traitors, though watchful for new enemies.

    I do not see a city pulled down by the chains of corruption and oppression, but a city that has freed itself.. and now has a better chance than ever to shine!

    I believe in freedom, Marty, but I also see you.. already lashing out at those you perceive as threats, disturbing the fragile state we are in with unnecessary chaos. Is the city truly served by a Senator who personally goes and stomps out every little threat she sees, without regard for proper law and trial? We have not come this far to descend into anarchy, and the Senate needs to set an example. Not by going out to dispense justice by oneself, but by providing ways for justice to be done.

    That, is how the Senate serves the city."_

  • Legion

    *Not too long after Adrian makes his speach, Marty rounds up the crowd again and takes the podium. *


    Bless you all for coming out and giving me your ear this morning!

    During his last speech, my fellow candidate made mention of me. I feel honoured and flattered that he would consider me worthy enough of an opponent to publicly oppose my campaign! You may recall that he brought into question my intellectual faculties, suggesting that I lack the education or the understanding to navigate the “labyrinth” of politics.

    Please allow me to retort!

    I may be many things; a soldier, a gardener, an elder among the druids … but a simpleton isn’t one of them! It would be obtuse of me indeed if I sought to run for a seat on this city’s senate without spending the last three years studying our political system! I think you will find that I am not uneducated, and that I possess the wisdom needed to see social justice and prosperity reign in this city!

    But if Mister Petrarch still believes that I am lacking, then perhaps he will consider joining me as my aide? Winks at him if she spots him in the crowd

    Knowledge verses good intentions”!? My dear Mister Petrarch, I believe in this city’s beautification more than most! But I have knowledge enough to know that this city’s TRUE beautification will be in its freedom! The Jewel will be made truly beautiful not with cobbled streets or statues, but with liberty for her people, justice for her workers, the strength of her walls and the satisfaction of the hungry belly! It is this knowledge that I will bring to bear on the senate! I may not be high born or raised with privilege, but I have not risen up the ranks of our lands most elite military force, or attained the position of Elder amongst druids by being naïve!

    And that said I believe that “good intentions” are at the VERY HEART of what makes someone worthy of representing the people of this city on the senate! Selfish intentions, ill advised intentions, intentions that see traitors to the south prosper while our own sons and daughters go hungry … “good” intentions are EXACTLY what we need on our senate!

    My name is Marty Leaffal!

    Holds her hands up high, making a “V” sign with her fingers.

    DEEDS not BLOOD!

  • _A few days of preparation go by as a rally for Adrian is prepared in the civic district. On that day, a stand similar to those found during his docks rally is set up near the temple of Tyr, though it is larger, and the drinks and food served there have been changed to fit those with more refined tastes. There are the same colourful banners, and pamphlets with a sketch of Adrian's likeness and the words "Peltarch Will Shine" are hung in the nearby area.

    When enough of a crowd has gathered, Adrian steps onto a small stand. He has made certain he looks particularly dashing today, with his golden armor polished to a shine, his purple white-furred cloak cleaned of dust and grime and himself clean and well-groomed. His speech seems calmer and more reserved than the others, though he still speaks loudly and clearly as to be heard by all those who have gathered.

    "Good people of Peltarch.
    Let me thank you for coming out today. The reason I have put up this event, is to better reach you. I already know many of you from earlier in my campaign, but with the elections now only days away, I thought it only proper to outline my ideas one last time to you all. Please, help yourself to the refreshments provided. Nothing should go to waste, after all.

    Ah, Peltarch. It is home to us all. From the workers in the docks, to the merchants in the middle district, to the highborn here. We all have our place in the city, and the city gives us all a place. Everyone deserves a place of safety, peace and comfort. But not everyone can provide it.

    Managing this city, or any city, is not an easy task. It is no less than moving trough a thorny web of administration, as to provide for the needs of as many as possible. Moving trough this web requires more than ideals and goodwill. It requires understanding, wisdom and knowledge.

    Good people, I'm sure you have seen many of the candidates already. And many bring excellent points, and have strong and good hearts. But it takes more than that to serve as a Senator. Take the esteemed Martoushca for example. She has an excellent agenda of providing for all. She is strong-willed and has already proven to be dedicated to the good of all. But I cannot help but wonder how well she will do in the labyrinthe of politics. Does she have the education, the temperance and the vision to understand the nature of law?

    I may not hold the same record of battle as she does, nor do I have the same understanding of nature as she does. But I understand law, and trade, and diplomacy. I understand how some of the former Senate's decisions were not popular, but necessary. I understand how, while many mock him, Magistrate D'Arnaeu has been a paragon of law and order in the city for many years.

    It is because I understand the nature of the city's structure, the bureaucracy, and how good intentions are nothing without the knowledge to put them to effect.

    I have prayed long and often to the Holy Triad, that they may guide me in this campaign. And with their blessing and your support, that they may guide me as Senator, to be tempered, fair and just. I was born into a merchant family, I am educated as a minstrel knight and I continue to study the city's past and present at the College. I am confident in my background, my education and my skills, and I am confident in my ability to do well for you and all people of the Jewel. All I ask is for your support, for your vote, and I will not betray your trust.

    Thank you, and enjoy the remainder of the day, and all days."_

  • _On the day of the commerce day rally, the theatre has been given added decoration, and signs are placed nearby inviting people in. Inside, college students are found displaying their creations or playing their music, and the central stage is filled with storytellers, weaving tales of Peltarch's glorious past, present and future, and the many heroes that the city has known. Drinks and small things to eat are provided for those wanting them, but everything stays simple and focused on the performances.
    Once a decent crowd has gathered, and been ushered into the main theatre hall, Adrian steps onto the stage with a bright smile, taking a bow before beginning his speech.

    "Good people of Peltarch, it is wonderful to see you gathered here today.
    I won't pull you away from what the theatre has to offer too long, but I would like to take a moment of your time to tell you more of my vision of the city.

    I have heard many of the other candidates speaking of what could be different about the city. What should change. And many of them speak the truth. The city can do with more prosperity, and the terrible war that fell on us so sudden and uninvited only outlined our need for safety and peace. These things are important to live our lives, and live them well, and I am committed to make them happen. But I will not deny my focus, nor what I choose to represent among the other candidates.

    My friends, the other candidates are committed to bringing peace and prosperity for all in the city, and I of course support this. But there is something they seem to overlook. Something that turns this city from a grey, stone refuge to a true home. Something that adds flavor, colour and spice to our daily lives. Something that few would notice, but many would miss.

    I am talking of course of the beautification of our city. There is no doubt we all see our glorious city as beautiful. A true jewel of civilisation in this often cold and dangerous land.

    But I see a city that shimmers, while it could shine! I see a city with beautiful avenues and public gardens! I see a city with colourful banners and bell towers! I see a city where bards and artists can, and do, entertain everyone.. not just the priviledged! I see a city that truly lives up to its title as Jewel of the Icelace, brilliant and beautiful!

    Ah, but of course.. many say that these are nothing but luxuries. That we should concern ourselves with taxes, and law and administration. That we should focus on oiling the wheels. But good people, I ask you.. who enjoys a wagon whose wheels turn, but are rusted and unkempt. Who enjoys streets that are filthy, cold and bare? Who enjoys buildings that are no more inviting than a cave?

    I certainly do not. And though I do agree that it may not be an immediate need, we are already well underway with restoring the city to it's former glory. The time will soon come when we will have the prosperity to support a cleaner, more beautiful city. When we cannot simply claim to be the corner of civilisation, but have the obvious evidence to show for it.

    Good people.. if you would vote me into the Senate, I will ensure that your hard work does not remain unnoticed. That your efforts can be seen on our streets, and that your daily lives truly become more pleasant.. not just more comfortable.

    That said, there is but one more thing I would share with you.
    I believe non of us can deny the importance adventurers, caravaners, explorers, sailors and freelancers hold to the safety and prosperity of the city. They ply the often dangerous trade routes to bring us their goods.
    They freely and voluntarily patrol the areas near the city for those creatures that would threaten the city. They are at the forefront of great and small battles for the continued existence and prosperity of the city. How many adventurers stood side by side with our brave Defenders during the war? How much have they done to ensure that we did in fact win? How much great stories and wonderful items do they continue to bring back from their travels? How many of you find them loyal and able customers for your own goods?

    I see adventurers as crucial to this city, and should you see fit to vote me into the Senate, I will strive to ensure that adventurers continue to draw to this city, and continue to add to that which makes our city great.

    That is all from me for now, good people! Enjoy the rest of this wonderful day, and do not hesitate to ask me any and all questions you may have.

    Thank you!"

    He then takes a bow and steps down from the stage, moving trough the crowd to talk with the people gathered, and answer any questions that may arise._

  • News and flyers spread that Adrian will soon be holding another rally, this one taking place in the commerce district.

  • _Over the course of a few days, flyers are spread and bards spread word troughout the docks district that Adrian will be holding a rally to present his points to those living there.

    On the day of the rally itself, a number of simple yet sturdy wooden stands have been raised at key places of traffic troughout the district, as well as outside the Wavebreaker guildhouse. Each stand is decorated with a few colourful banners and a stylised drawing of Adrian himself, and manned by two or three people that pass out free ale, mead and other simple drinks and small meals, as well as a small group of musicians that plays music most enjoyed by those in the docks. Rather than a lavish display, the rally seems to hold to an ideal of simplicity and familiarity.
    As the day goes on, Adrian moves between the different stands to speak to the people gathered there, as well as answer what questions there may be. He always begins with a speech however.

    "Good people, thank you for joining me here today. I'm happy to see you all here, and I'll do my best not to waste your time.

    The docks are the beating heart of the city. The lifeblood of the city, its trade, flows trough this district, and yet it is often neglected. Even before the war, there was poverty here.. there were those living in the streets, forced from their homes.

    Ah, this has always troubled me. That a city that is otherwise such a civilised and cultured place, could have such dark and untended corners. That it could have people with no place to sleep but the bare stones of the streets themselves. Clearly, within this part of the city, the division between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless, is the most clear of all.

    I consider myself fortunate, having been blessed with comfort and opportunities that I know many do not have. But I also know this gives me the divine responsibility to use these blessings for the good of those who are not as fortunate. There are those in this city who do not see this, allowing themselves to be blinded with their greed, and lock themselves away from the hardship around them. People would be wasting in the streets, yet they would only care about their coffers. War would be upon the city, yet they would only care about their profits. Truly, the city could do without such men.

    Fortunately, however, there are those who are different. Those who see not only what the city could do for them, but what they could do for the city in return. They see people, not simply numbers. I have seen Captain Hardin of the Wavebreakers, I have heard his words and I believe he is one such a man. I have no doubt he will increase the city's prosperity, not only for himself or his own guild.. but for the whole city. I belief he will not simply remove people from their homes to make room for more profitable undertakings. I belief he will not allow people to survive on the table scraps of those in the great halls.

    No! Captain Hardin will provide a better way, a fairer way.. and I am honoured that he has chosen to support me, as I have chosen to support him. Because, good people, our beliefs in this are the same. It is simply inexcusable to profiteer on the misery of others, or to be able to improve the life of others yet choose not to do so out of simple greed.

    But we both know that we are but single men in this, and though we wil try all we can, we can only do so much. We need your support, good people. This is not simply a commitment of myself, or of the good Captain… this is something we must all work towards, together, so that everyone can benefit from it.

    Good people, give us your votes.. your trust.. provide us both with the tools, and we will provide you with a brighter future than ever before.

    Thank you for your attention. Enjoy this day and all days, and freely help yourself to some of my offerings."_

  • The Wavebreakers Guild declares its support for Adrian Petrarch.

  • _A few days later, Adrian is seen doing the same in the civic district, though he is able to spend more time on individual people and households, as the civic district is simply less crowded.

    To those who are interested in hearing what he has to say, he speaks of his own background (being born in an upper merchant class in family), his thorough education and his knowledge of politics and law. He explains all his viewpoints and goals, though he makes no secret of the belief that he comes from a fortunate background and is blessed with many opportunities to help those less fortunate. He quotes the words of Siamorphe in this, saying that those with the rescources to lead should do so for the good of all. Even if it may make him unpopular with some of the more insular families, he does not sway from this belief, though he does not press the matter further.

    He also brings a stack of pamphlets into this district to aid in explaining his points. Though their layout and stresses may be somewhat different, tailored to the high-born, the essence of it is the same as those in those spread in the commerce district, promising a greater and brighter city, to match a greater and brighter future._

  • _Over the course of the following days, Adrian sets out together with a good stack of pamphlets moving from house to house in the merchant district, and approaching people in the street. He politely excuses himself if it is immediately clear that those he approaches are not interested and leaves them be, though those who are hear of his views on the city, and his goals as a Senator, and are engaged in a series of queries as to what could and should change with the arrival of the new Senate.

    The pamphlet is written in a graceful yet clear script, outlining each of Adrian's major points and headed with such short slogans as "Petrarch for Peltarch", "Vote for Hope. Vote for Adrian." and "Peltarch Will Shine!"_

  • After hearing the speech followed by the parade and then some time after hearing the opinion from John at the rant stand, Symone seeks out Adrian to offer him a few pointers with his campaign.

    ((Via PM))