Candidates for Election to the Senate Announced!

  • Herald Damien Fisher makes a well attended public announcement, as well as posting up outside City Hall the following list of officially registered Senate candidates;

    _Senate Election Candidates

    _Chadwick Whyte of the Seafarers Guild

    _Ryan Fisher of the Fisher Family

    _Wesley Hardin of the Wavebreakers Guild

    _Martouscha Leaffall of the Royal Troff Legion

    _Ludo Lightswell

    _Johnathan Von Ulgath of the Crimson Stag Trading Coster

    _Calen Ashwynd of the Royal Troff Legion

    _Barriston Shift of the Peltarch Guard

    _Baron Gormonlythe of Damara

    _Adrian Petrarch of the Harmonious Order

    _Rilia Dedralle of Spellweaver Keep

    _Ronan Redralen of Norwick

    _Clayton Nightwind of the Order of the Divine Shield

    _Kaster Lavindo of the Peltarch Defenders

    _Parsley Tealeaf

    The talk of the City quickly turns to discussing the announcement, though the discussions range from curiousity to surprise depending on which candidate holds the conversation's attention.________________

  • ICC

    Lord Parsley Tealeaf- A handsome hin with a silver tongue. He is a cousin of Ginger Tealeaf, and the two are on excellent terms. He is married to Peppermint Tealeaf, and has one son, Marshmallow. He is a well known ambassador of Silver Valley, and is a member of the ruling council in the Valley. He claims to have strong ties with multiple people of notice around Narfell, and perhaps even has contacts into strange realms far to the south west. He smokes a pipe and grows the finest pipeweed in Narfell.

  • Rilia Dedralle ~ is a long time resident of the city. She has in the past hosted special events for couples known as Secrets of the Heart Dinners. These occasions are in part a celebration of Hanali Celanil, her patron, and also a time for the forging of friendships with those of the city. She has been associated with the Sisterhood, formerly based outside of Jiyyd, almost since she arrived in Narfell and with them, and in conjunction with the Peltarch Orphanages she has worked to protect widows and children. Most recently during the war she was noted to have taken several of the children from the former Sisterhood home on a journey to her own home of Evereska. Although she is known to be a sorceress of some power she is known to be humble and refers to herself as a woman with a few small "tricks." Well known for her love of the arts and things of beauty, she fosters fledgling romances and seeks the beauty in all people and things.

  • Adrian Petrarch - Clad in armor seemingly made of solid gold, and wearing a purple white-fur-lined cloak, Adrian has the appearance of a charming and radient prince. A young, energetic and idealistic knight of Milil, he has lived in the city of Peltarch for a few years now, during which time he has married the bardess Kallista, and has committed much of his time to the interests of the theatre, the arts and the city's bards.

    One of his (or perhaps the) most notable achievements was the creation of the Icelace Tournament, as Peltarch's answer to Norwick's Fight Night, and to reawaken an interest in the knightly virtues and skills in Peltarch's people. Unfortunately, the tournament was cut short by the N'Jastan invasion, and has yet to continue.

    His part in the N'Jastan war was a relatively small one, similar to that of most soldiers, involved mainly in the earlier skirmishes in the pass. When the N'Jastan army overran the commerce district, he kept a small group of people who had taken up refuge in the theatre safe from harm for the duration of the "occupation".

  • Legion

    Martoushca (Marty) Leaffall- Most folks would know Marty from her gardening work around the city. Some would know that she joined the druid Circle of Quercatha Terr a number of years ago, and has worked with them to ensure the fertility of the fields surrounding Peltarch. Her work with the underprivileged and the dwellers of the “Tent City” are also well known. As a scout in the Legion of Troff, she located the mines of Ostromog, enabling the legion and a small group of adventurers to destroy the demon spider and her eggs. Had the destruction of her eggs tarried a little longer, the land would surely have become infested with her spawn. During the war she fought against the N’Jast advance right up until the day of their retreat.

  • Ronan Redralen - A charismatic sorcerer, born in Waterdeep. He may be known for his many adventures in Narfell. Though of most importance in the city was his help during the N'jast war. He aided in defending the city, and was the one to kill the evil catapultist known as Dentin Strauss, who with is catapults, destroyed much of the city. He is quick to brag of his deeds. That aside, he always seems pleasent, and has a good sense of humor.

  • Local Knowledge of Current Candidates:

    Chadwick Whyte is one of three people on the leading council of the Seafarers Guild, making him second only to Vaster Ashald in the Guild's heirarchy, as well as a very wealthy man. He has been credited with saving the Guild a fortune during the war by investing in very secure barricades completely sealing off the guild before the Walls were breached, keeping it largely intact, he is also said to be possessed of an excellent grasp of commerce and a charming personality.

    Captain Wesley Hardin is the leader of the Wavebreakers Guild, a recently popular figure due to his Guild's charity and assistance to the local populace during the siege and in the aftermath of the war. A man of the people, he is skilled at making deals over a nice ale.

    Ryan Fisher comes from the noble, but numerous Fisher family, the majority of whom work for the City in some official capacity as clerks, tax collecters, historians, librarians etc. Ryan is in fact the uncle of current Herald Damien Fisher. In times gone by it was very typical for there to be a member of the Fisher family on the Senate, but this has not happened in some time, something they hope to change.

    Baron Gormonlythe is a distant cousin of the King of Damara, and baron of a small estate of land bordering Narfell. Little enough is known about the foreigner, other than that he was born in Peltarch when his parents were visiting the city in their youth.

    Johnathon Von Ulgath is the head of the noble Von Ulgath family and maintains a decent business in the form of the Crimson Stag Trading Coster.

    Sergeant Barriston Shift is a member of the Peltarch Guard, who has been especially noted for exemplary service during the war, particularily after N'Jastian forces breached the City Walls.

    Kaster Lavindo is the recently retired General of the Peltarch Defenders, credited with leading the City to Victory in three major wars; the Peltarch Civil War, the Eastlander War and the N'Jast War.

    ((PCs feel free to post in this thread with -short- descriptions of what you think might be common knowledge in the City about your characters.))