Special Delivery

  • As it became later in the day - Elidur Ginen could be seen in the streets of Peltarch playing his bird-pipes and tossing bright flower-petals along his path. In particular, he took the road leading toward the Temple of the Triad.

    He piped his merry tune and laid a broad trailing path of petals from the commons, all the way to the temple. In his bright red and blue performers silks he danced and played in the hopes of gathering a crowd - luring them with the promise of song and cheer.

    He had finished several short melodies, played on the bird-pipes, when crowd began to form about him infront of the Temple. Elidur called the name "Shannon!", and then bagan to sing in a balladey manner ;

    "_Shannon –- do you know Jack? She paid me to deliver - - this lyrical attack!
    She wants to be your friend, and hopes your relationship will mend.

    Oh Shannon - Shannon, what have you done? Your scorn pushed off the Umberlant -
    And in return she sent you this pretty plant!_

    [At this point he produced a little bouquet of forest flowers in one hand, his singing tone becomes firmer. He sings over the flowers, but retains the balladey feel with the music]

    _Hey Shannon, Shannon hey! Don't you know this little J'. She sent you these flowers just to brighten your day!
    She doesn't even mind that you - just tossed her away Oh Shannon! Just friends, she wants to be your friend!
    Oh Shannon I heard her say - just before she sent me this way.

    Dear Shannon…

    Don't spoil what might be...

    Oh Shannon...

    The note reads Shannon ----

    The song's about you, Shannon ---

    Shannon won't you be - my - friend..._"

    As the song ended, Elidur was stood facing the Temple door, with his arms outstretched, bouquet in one hand, the other open and plain.

  • ICC

    A silver-clad bodyguard stands off to Gully's side, his features hidden by a grey hood.

  • A red bearded sailor, that some know as Gully, guffaws and tosses Elidur a few coins in appreciation at the conclusion of his ballad.

  • Adrian for his part watches the performance, as most if not any performance, with a smile and even lets out a reserved chuckle at the show.

  • Sarah gawks at Elidur's topical choice. Covering her mouth after a time she quickly beats a hastey retreat to watch whatever happens next from much further away

  • Legion

    Marty applauds at the end of the performance… then dark thought begin to creep into her mind

    "… Where did this bard get all those petals? Was that bouquet made with flowers plucked from the common?"

    shaking the thoughts from her mind, she continues to applaud.