Clearing the way.

  • Maythor and other legion members clear away the rocks blocking the safe passage to the legion base and points north. Posting guards so no more blockages can be placed.

  • _Silver walks up the bridge, not being ashamed at all acutally. She proceeds to the Legion Hall

    "Oy fellas, we knew they were gonna block off the passage south of tha Hall. rolls eyes Obviously they don't want ta lose business. We'd best nay start trouble.

    Also, it smells of dead horses near tha bridge. Cover yer noses goin' past."_

  • _Silver and a couple of Romani are seen chatting quite amicably near the Bridge, the Rom even stop their work to give the lady dwarf a deep courtly bow as they are introduced.
    After a long conversation, she's seen heading up east of the bridge with one of the Rom, and shortly there after comes away looking a bit ashamed of herself.

    After that, work is resumed on adding boulders to the blocked area without any harsh words from the other side_

  • ..

  • A couple of hours later, two mages from the Camp are escorted in and they clean up the caltrops using carefully summoned creatures, and then are escorted back to the Camp

  • The Rom exchange glances if they over hear that conversation….. then bust into wild laughter, since it was Maythor who laid the caltrops that killed the horses.

    Sounds like she's the one without a brain to think for herself.

    The Rom pick up the sign and put it back up, well out of the way of the booby traps the Legion laid, so travelers will avoid them.

    ((( Which reminds me…. Maythor, you are more likely faction bugged now due to the caltrops killing the horses and injuring Rom soldiers and then logging off before I could fix that.. .... see a DM if you experience issues)))

  • Hen does not make her presense known to anyone not even the eastlanders, she is there only scretly to watch for any spys or asassins the eastlanders may send

  • ..

  • _Romani Heavy Infantry, horses and wagons spend time pulling boulders out of the ground, and dragging them to the fence, placing them with great care. When the legion kills the horses, the Rom leave them where they lay, the stench adding to the pile of boulders and debris.

    They also put up a warning sign, noting that the Legion is laying caltrops everywhere, so travelers should watch their step_

  • ::Quin joins in on the effort aiding Master Maythor as best he can::

  • ICC

    Kull can be seen next to all other legionares helping clear the rocks blocking the safe way around the bridge