::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Anakore, the ex-captain of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, is seen less and less in the city. Rumor has it he spends most of his time traveling with his young son across the land, paying occasional visits to the city. His demeanor is friendly and he seems to have reached a certain peace of mind that comes to men of his age, finally out of the mire of politics into a state of observancy.

    He regularly visits Nicahh at the Sisterhood house near Jiyyd, but doesn't mingle in important events, preferring to stand aside and watch._

  • Word begins to spread about something happening at the Kelemvorite Shrine. Exactly what it is, no one knows for sure, but apparently all the people there seem quite on edge.

  • A lithe black shape has been seen running around the rooftops and flitting to and fro into and out of the shadows at night in all four cities. A few of those with any types of additional vision report seeing female figure with a mask and cowl hiding her head and in the company of one bird flying alongside. Some say it's an owl, and more than one drunk dwarf with allusions of ornithology say it's clearly some sort of species of dire swallow or finch. Still more say "No, it was a bat. Had to be." When spotted, she dives off a roof and vanishes, leaving behind only a black feather. ((Anyone who finds such a feather who takes the time to have it identified finds it to belong to the common species of raven.))

    More than drunk dwarf say it's the advanced guard of an invasion of bird ninjas. BIRD NINJAS! "Ack, they're more ninja than bird, and they'll pluck out yer eyeballs from the all concealing shadows!"

    In entirely unrelated news, the unruley third daughter of House La'Thayet, a small clan of traders who purchased their patence of nobility several generations ago, just returned from "Charm School" located in parts unknown. Speculation runs wild as to where she's actually been, because no one with brains in their heads buys the idea of a noble actually going to a school to learn ettiquette and social graces. Theories include but are not limited to an unplanned pregnancy, a brief stint as a female pirate captain on the Sword Coast (a favorite tale down at the docks, and evidence is given by her skill with cutlass and saber and her prominent rack (and they're not talking about a shelf)), a two-year internship with the red wizards of Thay, leaving some tattoos hidden in places that'd make a seasoned whore blush, and another says she went out, found religion (which one varies from person to person), joined a church, then had a falling out with the clergy and high-tailed it back to Narfell.

  • It seems the same girl that was arrested twice for cooperating with ghouls has once again been cleared of the charges and released, she was seen leaving the city soon after.

  • A conversation overheard at the tables

    “Ere Bron.”

    “Whut ?”

    “Ya know tha college master ? The foreign elf…the barbarian one ?”

    “Barbarian elf college master ? Ye been drinkin brainrott, Farfrhd ?”

    “Nah, but I’ll see ya later in the goat fer one. Beer ere stinks. Nah, ya know the one…tha Adladla…whatever. Tha one. ‘E lives in Norick don ‘e ?”

    “Oh yer, im. Well, whut aboot im ?”

    “Well I ‘ear e’s retiring. Eard two of ‘em talking over it last tenday. One of ‘em was im, imself t’ other one was tha bint wi the accent. Ye know Sterr’s girl, she’s college an’all, i’nt she ?”

    “Aye she is Farfrhd….well no loss there then. Couldna give a flyin cuss aboot any o them bards. They can pull the whole college doon while they’re at it. … Noo, aboot tha pint…..”

  • ((a previous rumour deleted with apology))

  • Ocean on hearing some of the rumours and speeches going around the tavern pauses in her usual harp playing and rolls her eyes.

    "Yerz oll puttin wurdz in ma mouz tha wuz nevva thar. Ah nevva zed the far zcoutz ordu'd Defenduz ter do zhyte. Aye they wuz thizk az two zhort plankz and led ter tha dethz o' many morran three guardz an defenduz. Ah'z pizz'd a wha happun'd tha day, aye, an a' Aghila tha did it. Bu' ah haz nay zpecific hatrud fer enny o' tha Defenduz. They iz an' haz, on tha whole, dun a grand job. Tharz juz a few bad appulz tha need remindin' o' thar rank an' rezponzilbity. An if they haz the rank ter cummand then mebbe ha'in it ztripp'd til they ern it, proply. Dun culler tha entire forz tha' kipz uz oll zafe by wun or two ijjetz, an fer fakz zake dun tell peepul wha tha fack ah thinkz wi'out firzat azkin me.
    Ah haz nay perliticul ajenda. Ah holdz nay offiz. Ah juz wunt ter zee tha Jewel zafe an prozperuz an be abul ter ha zum fackin peepul bak me up wen ah triez ter defend tha', nay have them oll dragged off on wild gooze chaziz by pizz-ztreak azzholez who zhud noe betta.
    Ah sez cheer tha defenduz, aye. an Cheer tha Far zcoutz az a unit fer tha wurk they duz. Juz mek zure zumwun zumwaer teechiz Aghila trer think now un then, an lootin tha dedd afta tha fight wuz fackin' low evun by hiz ztandudz.
    Now, whoz fer a reel drinkin zong?"

  • Belade goes around telling people that the final date for their entries is fast approaching, and that even if they don't have any talent for art, why not give it a try? 4000 gold is a nice sum to win, along with a secret price by Lacey…

    //you have 'till thursday people, come on 😛

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Aghila ignores the numerous rumours about the incompetence of the Far Scouts during the ghoul attack. Though if asked about it, he just tells what really happened.

    All you hear are lies…. I didnt issue any order to a defender... because there were no defenders there. Only three guards were at the gate, and they were killed by the first waves of ghouls. I just commanded my scouts and the adventurers that helped us against the ghouls.
    And about incompetence.... well what evidences are there about incompetence? There was a massive ghoul attack and only three guards died and a gate had to be replaced. I dont think you can call that a disaster.

    When asked about Ocean, he just shrugs.

    Who knows why she is so hostile to us?

  • Oreth begins inquiring as to the ownership of this new "pelt trading post", trying to arrange a meeting on behalf of the Circle before any hunting begins

  • amused chuckling was heard comming from a shadow behind zyphlin in one of the taverns. Though a thorough investigation was conducted by a drunkard, who also, later, acused the shadow of taking his goldpouch once he relised his friends left and it was time to pay, no signs of whoever it was chuckling was found

  • Zyphlin hears the rumors circulating of the far scouts and starts spreading word about it in different taverns as well

    Well, i heard Deacon finally actually recognized he had a daughter again…who'd have thunk it? And Ocean was right to voice some concern. But on the same token, I ask you all this...where was your praise for the numerous good things the Far Scouts have done? Where were the thanks for thier dangerous missions that few hear about because they do not wish glory. Did they make a mistake? Yes. But perhaps make that fact known, let the military handle it, and see if it keeps happening instead of trying to cruficy them. Now you have idiotic rumors like Hjoichi...one of the oldest defenders of this city and most stalwart...being a pedophile. Please, give me a break. These rumors are absolutely ridiculous and I would bet you'd find some rather sick and twisted people in thier own right spreading such.

    Simply put, you have snot nosed kids who are good at cheating and that's about it having thier heads stuck far to up the asses of political motivation to really give a care about what the scouts are really doing out there.

  • Rumors starts to circulate about the preparation for the upstart of a pelt and meat trading station. It is belived that this station will specialize in different pelts specifically and that crafters and other individuals will be able to order the pelts they need..

  • _The young Defender Mark stays out of the discussions about recent events as much as he can.

    When confronted, however, his replies are usually the same.

    When asked about the incompetence of the Far Scouts during the ghoul attack, he replies that the Scouts do should not issue orders to the Defenders, especially when this means them abandoning their posts, as they are in an entirely different field of expertise.
    As for non enlisted defenders, following the Scouts was their own choice, and the blame for that should not be put on Scouts' shoulders.

    When asked about Dentin's behaviour, he explains Dentin was in the wrong.
    Within the city's walls, arrests are to be made by the Guard, not the Defenders.
    His thoughts on accusing a living being of coöperating with ghouls, he keeps to himself, but when no one really pays attention he lets slip it's not too different from accusing them of being weresharks

    When asked about the rumours surrounding Hjoichi, he seems to very much disagree with hjoichi's behaviour, and had expected him to have more patience.
    The accusations, however, he deems to be purely childish._

  • _Hjoichi, while having his breakfast ale, takes the good natured ribbing of the Tavernfolks he has known for years with a chuckle. Anyone who has spent any real time with him knows where his heart lies and give him a small consoling pat on the back. The old man takes a healthy swig of ale and declares that if giving a swat to a girl old enough to confront him with blades him a pedro pile then so be it.

    The gathered friends of Hjoichi chuckle and laugh at that then go back to worrying about Mecizq, the docks, and their next ale. Those of the Tavern who are not Hjoichi's friends continue to plot against him, likely in league with the Menace, gazing with a mean hateful glare over their morning extra-bitter ale._

  • The same young girl who was supposedly arrested and released for cooperating with ghouls has been arrested once again as she prepared to leave the city. She was seen walking peacefully to the jail with a guard.

  • //Deleted. Poor choice of words, never intended to cause OOC offence to any. The rumours were predominantly untrue, as is the nature of rumour as I thought it. I apologise to the community if any felt unhappy with what I posted.

  • "It is easy to complain. If you can do better.. enlist.

    I thought so."

  • The phrase 'Dentin is a total ass' is heard on many more than one pair of lips.

  • _A small group comes out of the Nars, Dentin the defender walking with his crossbow, the name Mec comes up on occasion during the conversation. Supposedly he had arrested a woman for cooperating with the ghouls.

    After her refusal to go with him Lisa ended up arresting Dentin for disturbing the peace. The young girl was later seen walking into the mermaid with another Defender officer and walking out after in a more pleasant mood than before.

    She is heard commenting occasionally that not being a soldier constitutes treason in the city now and all civilians should be careful at what professions they pick._