::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _The young Defender Mark stays out of the discussions about recent events as much as he can.

    When confronted, however, his replies are usually the same.

    When asked about the incompetence of the Far Scouts during the ghoul attack, he replies that the Scouts do should not issue orders to the Defenders, especially when this means them abandoning their posts, as they are in an entirely different field of expertise.
    As for non enlisted defenders, following the Scouts was their own choice, and the blame for that should not be put on Scouts' shoulders.

    When asked about Dentin's behaviour, he explains Dentin was in the wrong.
    Within the city's walls, arrests are to be made by the Guard, not the Defenders.
    His thoughts on accusing a living being of coöperating with ghouls, he keeps to himself, but when no one really pays attention he lets slip it's not too different from accusing them of being weresharks

    When asked about the rumours surrounding Hjoichi, he seems to very much disagree with hjoichi's behaviour, and had expected him to have more patience.
    The accusations, however, he deems to be purely childish._

  • _Hjoichi, while having his breakfast ale, takes the good natured ribbing of the Tavernfolks he has known for years with a chuckle. Anyone who has spent any real time with him knows where his heart lies and give him a small consoling pat on the back. The old man takes a healthy swig of ale and declares that if giving a swat to a girl old enough to confront him with blades him a pedro pile then so be it.

    The gathered friends of Hjoichi chuckle and laugh at that then go back to worrying about Mecizq, the docks, and their next ale. Those of the Tavern who are not Hjoichi's friends continue to plot against him, likely in league with the Menace, gazing with a mean hateful glare over their morning extra-bitter ale._

  • The same young girl who was supposedly arrested and released for cooperating with ghouls has been arrested once again as she prepared to leave the city. She was seen walking peacefully to the jail with a guard.

  • //Deleted. Poor choice of words, never intended to cause OOC offence to any. The rumours were predominantly untrue, as is the nature of rumour as I thought it. I apologise to the community if any felt unhappy with what I posted.

  • "It is easy to complain. If you can do better.. enlist.

    I thought so."

  • The phrase 'Dentin is a total ass' is heard on many more than one pair of lips.

  • _A small group comes out of the Nars, Dentin the defender walking with his crossbow, the name Mec comes up on occasion during the conversation. Supposedly he had arrested a woman for cooperating with the ghouls.

    After her refusal to go with him Lisa ended up arresting Dentin for disturbing the peace. The young girl was later seen walking into the mermaid with another Defender officer and walking out after in a more pleasant mood than before.

    She is heard commenting occasionally that not being a soldier constitutes treason in the city now and all civilians should be careful at what professions they pick._

  • Deacon can be heard speaking proudly of his daughter, using her as example as how everyone in the city should act when danger arises. "We are being governed by fools so it seems! And protected by cowards! Where will this stop? Will the undead need to take all the kids before something is done?

  • At hearing the rumour Juster just frowns, shakes his head and walks away.

  • Rumours abound that Ocean, the bardic Founder and manager of the Peltarch orphanages is furious following two waves of ghoul asaults on the western gate of the City near the market district. Her fury seems directed at the farscouts who drew off the entire defence bar three soldiers and herself in the middle of the first ghoul assault leaving miss Ocean to defend the gate single handedly with bow and invisibility spells when the soldiers were slain valiantly keeping the Jewel free of the undead.
    Insult was added to injury when the same far scouts disappeared as the second assault started only to return at the end from their supposed trip into the sewers to start picking over the dead for trinkets and then vanish into the city not a word spoken.

  • Rumour circulates that some kobolds decided to gather right at the western gate. It is said that there were monks, elites, mages, a few few sneaks, and some other tougher fighters. They were quickly destroyed by a group that didn't want their picnic interupted.

  • Some people may have seen that Juster sat in the temple thinking to himself quietly for a very long time after the incident was over. He just stared into space with an expressionless face not talking to anyone.

  • Reports from residents fleeing the docks during the ghoul attack indicate that Umberlant priestess Corana Lyonsen was in the thick of the fray, beating back the undead with her silver morningstar with an anger and fury that seemed out of place for even her. One dockworker that escaped indicated that he could hear her shouting "Get out of our city!" as she crushed one undead's skull. After the battle, she was seen carrying a body over each shoulder toward the commerce district market where she raised them both from the dead. Bystanders report that one of the individuals was almost certainly Senator Aaron Ashald. In the days following the attack, she has returned repeatedly to the area, patroling and checking for any lingering signs of the ghoul presence.

  • A long absent sight was seen during the chaos of the attacks plaguing the docks district. Among the dreary green armour of the defenders and the darkened leathers of the majority of the adventurers, bright silver and golden armour was seen whirling about, bringing death to ghoul after ghoul. It would seem the Thorbrands reemerged and chose an apt time to appear at that.

  • Rumor has it that with the latest ghoul attack a dozen ships were sank, several blocks worth of buildings were burned, countless homes vandalized and oddly several hundred civilians and guards missing. Whereabouts unknown.

  • Word spreads that Senator Aarron Ashald after a long absense from the public view has returned and fought valiantly for the city, dying in its defence against the ghouls. Afterwards he is seen in the temple of Tyr talking with his advisor Nyda for some time, looking quite happy.

  • _From the smoldering ruins of the Docks, Hjoichi Olsen limps back through the smoke and fog. The old man looks tired and a pair of deep scars beneath encrusted blood are visible through gashes in his armor. Gildor and Linah assist him through the rubble. He's heard to mutter something about the uselessness of the guard.

    Hjoichi pats the backs of the men and women he organized into a loose fire brigade as the undead attacked from the water. Their faces streaked with soot and ash, they all head home hearts hung low for the fallen and the destruction._

  • Word spreads of a bark covered man and a priestess dressed in red and black armor, running from the foot hills being followed by an army of kobolds. The kobolds where dispatched, though the defender guards where nearly killed. Patrols of far scouts where sent out soon after.

  • Word spreads that some one called Slipshadow has a set of Elven War Braids for sale, all reasonable offered will be considered

    ((find me ic or send me a forum pm if interested))

  • Dentin has been visiting the many craftsmen and related merchants of the city one by one, apparantly gaining autographs for a petition of sorts