::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _From the smoldering ruins of the Docks, Hjoichi Olsen limps back through the smoke and fog. The old man looks tired and a pair of deep scars beneath encrusted blood are visible through gashes in his armor. Gildor and Linah assist him through the rubble. He's heard to mutter something about the uselessness of the guard.

    Hjoichi pats the backs of the men and women he organized into a loose fire brigade as the undead attacked from the water. Their faces streaked with soot and ash, they all head home hearts hung low for the fallen and the destruction._

  • Word spreads of a bark covered man and a priestess dressed in red and black armor, running from the foot hills being followed by an army of kobolds. The kobolds where dispatched, though the defender guards where nearly killed. Patrols of far scouts where sent out soon after.

  • Word spreads that some one called Slipshadow has a set of Elven War Braids for sale, all reasonable offered will be considered

    ((find me ic or send me a forum pm if interested))

  • Dentin has been visiting the many craftsmen and related merchants of the city one by one, apparantly gaining autographs for a petition of sorts

  • Recently a tall and muscular redhead was seen wandering the streets, she seems to be friendly and nice and some people call her Melody but she always seems surprised to be called by that or any other name and just keeps stuttering when talking. She also seems to stay out of dark places, seeking shelter under lampposts and walking around them whenever night falls. Often she seems to spend the whole night, then, under a single lamp post, never moving far from it.

  • For the first time in a long time harp music fills the Mermaid now and then as Ocean begins to perform ad hoc songs and reels in the Inn or in the commons. She seems to be very thin and without much of her usual jewelry on, but very cheerful and her eyes glow with fierce pleasure and enjoyment.

  • In hushed tones, word circulates from Temple lay servants, to pages and scribes in the in the civic district, then amongst the commoners in the docks and in the trade market. Secretive tales are told that the Divine Shield has come into possession of a necromantic artifact powerful enough to be the true Orb of Myrkul.

  • Days after the deaths at the watchtower, Dentin is dragged into the city by scouts, looking pale and worn. He is taken to the temple right away. Two days later he again leaves the temple, looking back as his old self.

  • DM

    The Magistrate is seen looking for a defender officer or captains to offer a full report of the death of the defenders at the outpost, and is reportedly highly displeased that their bodies were not recovered.

    "We will not have our defenders re-animated and sent back against up, who is responsible for this mess?"

    Also, he is seen striding about the city speaking to traders and pointing to an entry in an old book, he is also wandering about the city looking concerned for news on Mecizq a cleric of mystra.

  • _A beautiful red haired woman walks into the badger, she can't be more older than thirty winters, infact she looks to be perhaps twenty five or six years of age. She is draped in the robes of the late Syne Bloodmyst and sits down alone in the Mermaid, she stares from a corner table at the innkeep awaiting news to arrive her about those she seeks to hear word from. Ordering nothing but a cheese and fine winter wine she keeps to herself.

    When her eyes catch another looking over to her she offers them a polite smile and raises her cup in cheers_

  • _Rumour quickly spreads about how ghouls attacked the watchtower, and only a handful of Defenders were there to defend it. Those who survived speak of how Sergeant Strauss and a small unit of Defenders were killed within moments by the powerful undead, however no bodies were found afterwards.

    There are some who say that Dentin found a nemesis in the recent undead attacks, this being his second death to the ghouls so far._

  • A familiar sight around the city, the blue plated Cerulean Mecizq is conspicious in his abrupt absence, no word was apparently left of any trip, yet he is no longer standing around the commons or the trade house as he was often seen doing.

  • Rumor has it a ship sank this morning in the harbor. A small merchant ship anchored in open water seems to have just sank with no warning. No survivors or bodies were recovered.

  • Rumor has it it odd sounds have been heard from local citizens homes. Apparently from under the homes. This has caused a bit of a stir and talks of haunted houses run about.

  • Dwin Dolvak, dressed in his finest robes has been asking around the Mermaid for an enchanter that could assist him with a project.

    He makes it very clear that money is no object.

    He also mentions the name Attentus several times, in that someone has said that he would be one possible candidate.

    ((PM if anyone is interested))

  • Shortly after the supper hour one night, Hjoichi Olsen is seen exiting Mariston Thel's abode with a worried look on his face. For the next several days it was noticed that much of his time going between the Order Watchtower and the Town Hall Library.

  • An explosion, large enough to be noticed across the civic district, happened at the Defender HQ one evening. As only Defender personel normally allowed inside the HQ, rumours as to the cause of this explosion fly. Many bring up a possible connection to the explosion that happened in the sewers some time ago.

  • Two armoured figured returning from a kobold expedition can be heard as they pass through the commons, talking on the ghoul fever thats causing issues. Apparently it can strike the living, causing people to slowly turn, while still looking like normal humans, though it would be curable by Daisies magic, and they are heard to remark that any feeling ill should see Daisy for a checkup.

    Following this they vanish into the temple of Tyr and remain for several hours.

  • A young, pretty city elf who goes by the name of Caling is looking for work.
    She claims to be a 'relocation specialist and removal expert'. She can be contacted at Bjornik Halehammer's Locksmith and mechanition emporium where she helps out part-time.

    'Anything considered, except really bad things like killing and stealing, unless it's funny.'

  • Word travels around that the Kuo-Tua are becoming more active outside their caves. According to some people, they have been sending small raiding parties into the pass, but retreat back to their caves if they have the lesser force.