::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Recent events in the crafters hall have left great big holes in the floor. The master crafters seem rattled, ranting on about undead creatures emerging from below. A party of adventurers ventured down into the sewers to investigate the matter and were spotted leaving after a lenghty period of time, all alive but looking much worse for wear. The source of the undead infestation remains as yet unknown.

  • [A young man with light brown hair is often seen in the Peltarchian commons, chatting casually or studying from a small dark blue book, the holy symbol of Mystra embedded on it's hard cover.]

  • _Foilir Dolvak, puts his feet up on his desk and instructs Nor that the Master Smith does not meet with dead men.

    Eating an apple and drinking an ale, he laughs as he prepares to go visit the Stonemasons._

  • Though officially declared dead, the Gondar priest Dentin Strauss walks into the city gates late one evening, looking older and greyer than before, and non too pleased, heading directly to the Defender HQ. In morning, he walks around the city, meeting with many craftsmen and merchants. Apparantly, he is attempting to set up a gathering of the city's workers.

  • Sir Richard Luis is seen leaving the city numerous times to train Squire Frazh. It appears the commute is slightly taking a toll on him for he is spending less time speaking with people in the commons. His dedication to the children is unwavering and is seen still helping with the orphanage. His eyes show of a knight that is tired but his heart and atittude show that of determenation and perseverance.

  • His mental fatigue seemingly passed, Dentin has regained his former dedication, despite an apparant death to a wild animal. More open and social than before, he seems to have found his balance once more.

  • Fairbright Glass, young Imam of Torm, was seen sadly carrying the body of a young woman in from the Western Foothills to Priestess Daisy. When asked he claims to not know the woman but only found her lying in the field, near to the gate. He gathered what he could of her things and holds them in the hopes that someone comes to claim them.

  • In the past few days, not long after a lenghty venture into the Underdark, Dentin has become increasingly more depressed.
    He wanders the city aimlessly, attending to his duties as a Defender on only a marginal level and often found sitting in corners with a dull stare.
    While some whisper that the cause lies with his venture underground, others blame lady trouble, and yet more claim that his spirit simply broke down, similar to an old and rusty machine.

  • _After considerable controversy, the trial of Senator Roland Brynmor has concluded at last. Among the crowds seen leaving the courthouse are nearly every high ranking political and military figure in Peltarch. It is said Senator Torin Bravickus led the prosecution with impressive ferocity, but Brynmor was defended ably by Sir Shannon D'Arneau and the famed (infamous?) former Magistrate Zyphlin Re'cual. At least one witness was apparently struck dead by dark magic, while another was dragged from the courtroom by guards. City Herald Hark Thril was attacked in the streets on his way to deliver testimony, but survived with the help of Defenders and Cerulean Knights. Magistrate Barrim Asbravn looked quite exhausted at the trial's close.

    Brynmor was acquitted of the major charges, including over a dozen counts of murder. He was seen leaving the court denouncing his accusers as "criminals and assassins" who would face the city's justice soon enough.

    Still unanswered are questions concerning the Blood Spiders and their involvement in the fight and subsequent trial._

  • It began as a just a conversation overheard between the bard Meril and the high priestess of Tyr - talk of demons and devils warring in the pass; from pit fiends to greater demons. But before long, the rumour has made it all through the city, though how much exaggeration remains unclear. Some speak of the pass filled with warring extra-planars, others tell of small skirmishes. Either way, the message is clear: the Blood War is spilling into the lands of Narfell a little bit more every day.

  • North Springwater can be seen again shaven and healthly looking as he walks around the city in a merry mood. He seems to be studing the city or merely admiring the beauty of it. His cheeriness is contagious and many in the inn have talked about his wonderful company around the bar.

  • more and more citizens of the city see Cyrian walking around often wearing nothing but his boots and street clothes with the Peltarch defender badge around his neck so that he is noticeable as a defender, he always wears a smile and is eager to offer assistance to commoner who ask for a hand, he is even more bright when he is in the company of a priestess of Lathander wearing shining brass armor the color of the sun

  • The elven artist, preformer, and buisnesswoman most know as Ting has clearly not been her normal self in the past month. People recall her as not being her normal bright self, some saying that she probably recieved tragic news. Mostly she just seemed exceedingly nervous untill just recently she was seen in a full sprint through the commons looking either distressed or just very preoccupied. After this point people don't really recall where she went. As a further note, no one can seem to recall her smiling for the past month.

  • _A face not seen in this fair jewel of the North for 12 years has reappeared recently, like an apparition from the past. The Sellspell, Shimmer, who made a name for herself trading in applications of magics over a decade ago, has traveled back to the city, and looks not to have aged a day. She remains the fair girl of twenty she was when she left the city, with neither wrinkle nor crow's foot to marr her visage, outwardly at least.

    One small ragamuffin child speaks of how she reached out when she spied him hiding for fear, but not with a hand of flesh, but one of bone. Another speaks of how she became pale and transparent, like a ghost. Then, he states, she just walked through the walls of the city and out into the night. A local farmer claims his prized cow's milk soured the very night the mysterious woman returned. (DC 14 Intelligence check: Either through word of mouth or first hand knowledge, you know his cow's been producing sour milk for the past year now)

    Often the woman wanders to and fro, and when asked where she has been, she merely replies as though gazing at an unseen presence, as if she were searching not her own mind but the aether for her answer. "Waterdeep…I have been in Waterdeep," is all she speaks, before shaking herself out the reverie. All who asked have been too unnerved to press the issue.

    As the days pass, no more answers are given, though her movements become more and more erratic, and rumors become more and more incredibile. Some report her sobbing the shadows, drinking heavily, and performing dark rituals with the vagrants of the city, but all the sources are equally incredulous. A rumor from Jiyyd states she stepped out of the trees to lay waste to horde of demons, while another states she summoned them then smote them down when they failed to do her bidding.

    Has she succumbed to the darker side of magic?
    Has she become a wraith, a tormented soul doomed to wander the land?
    Or is the rumor mill working overtime and there's perfectly reasonable explanation for this. She is, afterall, a mage._

  • _Rumours were circling around in the tavern of the three legged mule about a group of adventurers representing Narfell participating in a "Dowcher Trials".

    Little is known regarding the nature of the Trials but it is known that whoever managed to complete the trial will receive a handsome reward of ten thousand coins amongst other items which can never be bought with coins.

    However, as the gossip of the matter deepends, it was known that the Team Narfell who participated in the trial did not go well. The number of people who participated begins to dwindle as they retire out of exhaustion both physically as well as mentally. Finally, a key member fell during the trial which results in the group fighting for survival rather than for contest.

    In the end, the group of adventurers who represented Team Narfell was seen returned in the Three Legged Mule Pub looking very weary, severely injured. Some of their faces reflecting one with utter disappointment while others reflects one who had learned much from their journey looking pleased.

    In the end, this is merely a rumour that will soon be forgotten and die as other more interesting rumours begins to surface. All is forgotten until perhaps, the time comes for the next "Dowcher Trials" to begin again._

  • _Prisoner Olivia Lyonsbane is said to spend most of her time in jail quietly except when she takes time out of her lonely day to do excercises in her cell that would impress most men of strength. The physical appearance of the imposing woman looks much better than it did when she first arrived to her cell. The heavy claw and bite marks that she received during her last battle are healing well even though it seems that they will leave plenty of noticeable scars on her body and face where the attacking druid managed to slip through her armor.

    When not undergoing her heavy excercises, she seems to be in some sort of meditating state. Another thing that has been noticed is the visitors she's been receiving. Dwin, the leader of the Crafter's Union, has been paying visits on an almost daily basis. Also she has been visited by a member of the Grey Company, a hooded elf known as Sywyn, and even one of the men responsible for her arrest named Dentin._

  • Hanadros, the highly cloistered high priest of Kelemvor who cares for the shrine to the south, has been seen in Peltarch. He seems to have cloistered himself in the libraries before they were hit.

  • Rumor has it numerous libraries including several private ones were broken into last night with a goodly number of texts stolen. Oddly the thieves only took books and left valuables though they were out in the open.

  • A small procession entered the city, lead by the Defender Dentin Strauss and the Cereleun Knight Cae'lin Cor'aval, holding a battered and bound Olivia Lyonsbane between them. They delivered the woman to the guardhouse, at which those following them dispersed.

  • _Those who frequent the temple would notice that Kara appears to have started talking to herself, only, it seems that she's holding a conversation with someone else…someone invisible? In some cases during her evident conversation, she appears defiant, or on the occasion, defeated.

    Whoever is talking with her, it's clear she's hearing responses._