::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • ICC

    _Large and drunken half-orc has seen in the Pissing Goat Inn, devouring quite amounts of ale and spirits. He searched for a bold volunteer either to torch or throw an oil flask to a tree which resides outside Peltarch, next to the gate which leads to kobold infested hills.

    Before finally passing out, he claimed that the tree was occupied with aggressive demons and therefore he would pay some coins for seeing it burned to ground._

  • Word travels like wildfire about an offense in the Boarshead Inn, in Norwick, earlier. It seems the kind miss Alora, who has owned a shop and been a good citizen of the town for years, was attacked in a side room of the inn. A massive, naked orc halfbreed called Kull, who also seems to be a Legionair, was apparantly holding and squeezing the poor lass, with obvious bad intentions, when a small group of people cought him red-handed in the act. There is also mention of a young woodsy girl with a speech impairement, called Star, who seems to have taken the opportunity to rob the poor Alora of everything she owned, and dissapear into the woods.
    What times are these, when civilised folk can no longer enjoy a drink in the inn?

  • A huge Half-Human known to some as Kronk the smarts, can be seen waliking about, a bit red nosed, visiting all the inn's in peltarch, a wide grin on his face. Rumors has it he gets free drinks and stew after the grand effort he put in a wrestling match with a vile and cunning Minotaur.
    He seems to be aware of the expression saying all good things must come to an end, and has decided to enjoy the free drinks fully as long as it lasts….

    ((Thank you Joselito, we need more fare's and such events like this. Great fun! ))

  • @3b37a2b2ed:

    ** In Peltarch, the local talk is of Mel of Jiyyd and Kronk the Smarts. As the commonners drink they talk of these two wrestling a minotaur to the ground single-handedly **

  • Hjoichi Olsen is has a noticeably shorter fuse of late.

  • The Defender Engineer Dentin Strauss arrives into the city via the south gates one early morning, wearing a fashionable outfit en lieu of his Defender plate, which he carries along with his pack. The plates seem to have been dented and pierced in several places, and the armored boot and greaves that protect his left leg are almost entirely shredded and broken. Combined with the limp of his left leg that marks his stride, and his frustrated demeanor, it seems someone or something bested Dentin and dealt quite the blow to his leg, and self-confidence.
    Those who watch the gates may have taken note that Dentin left alongside Demi, yet she did not come back alongside him.

  • Word gets around that General Dunderstone has ordered Senator Brynmor placed under house arrest. A few city guards are seen posted at the doors to the temple.

    Details are sketchy, thought it is said Roland was involved in a large fight at the Goat several days ago.

  • A short black haired man, dressed in simple dockman's clothes and with dirty skin and an unfortunante scar across the bridge of his nose wandered into the mermaid one night. He sat, drinking with a rather large group as the night goes on, talking and buying at least one round for the fellows as a raunch bar song started up. Most of the men seemed to your typicial middle to lower class types: Dockworkers, lower merchants, artisans. As the night goes on the man quiets them down, speaking low about a rumor he's heard:


    "You hear the guard may not be all its cracked up to be? Yeah, word goin round is that its controlled and ran by the bloodspiders. Hells, those dwarves that got thrown in the clink…they got thrown in for defending themselves from some of the Black and Reds. Be a sad day when you can't defend yourself becasue the thugs work with the police."

    The next night in the ferret, late as the same typicial crowd, though more of the dock types, are around another man comes in. Curly red hair with freckles upon his young face. He walks in with some nice clothes, seeming like he may be someone from a decent family. He orders a Diablo and gets some drinks for others around. Some games of chance happens, some stories of bravado between men, and before long another rumor comes out:


    You know what I've been hearing. Remember that riot off in the jails. Well…apparently the bloodspider's employer's didn't like who those dwarves were supportin in the election so had them locked away. Then, when they were in there, the guard killed one of'em in thier sleep. So you tell me...what would ya do if you saw your kin's throat sliced ear to ear while asleep in a cell wrongly? So that's when the dwarves stormed out and took control. That's what you get when the thugs start working with the police it seems.

    The next night it seems to have spread even more. Whispers of the rumors sweep through the Ferret by a large burly dockhand. In the Mermaid an old man, greying hair and winkled skin, hands worn as if from far to many years dealing in the icelace, simply sits by and listens to many of the old wippersnappers talk. As one of the grouping starts to spread one of the other rumors the older man speaks up himself:


    Can you believe that tidus won the election? Everyone I talked to said they nay voted for him. What's even weirded though…is that with this here recount going on it appeared the bloodspiders kidnapped the herald...trying to stall the process. It got brought up at the senate meeting and one of them senators, Brynmor I think, said the public will hear the truth and that snudy half-elf Bravickus said something about "they'll hear the truth we tell them". Not soundin to good...and that Tidus sure seemed ghost white and hiding behind Rath and Bravickus like a little puppy when people were talking against him. Wonder why the spiders are helping a man who seems so tied to an Ashald...

    Still more sweeped out, as the next few nights another one joined on the lips of many while a new one crept up as well:


    You know what I been 'earin? I heard the seafarer's used some ships they had gotten with Bloodspider help. Old slave ships, indeed. Zhent make…filthy banites. They got the spiders to rig them up to hold bunches and shipped over a ton of people from other cities to screw our election. That's why no one actually in the city knows why that crook Tidus won. The funny thing is, it was brought up at the senate meeting and Rath and Bravickus just wanted to ignore it, saying it didn't matter. You'd think our votes being stolen from us would matter wouldn't ya?

    Either way, the word seems to be spreading that there is more going on here then it seems…the question comes, why is this coming out so quietly in inn's...why isn't the government actually talking. Many that attended the senate meeting or had friends that attended it may have thier theories, but the questions seem rather unanswered...

  • There is word that a large half-orc clad in legion colors was seen buying lot of apples, then puting them out in a line outside the gates. He was then seen later near the Guardtower in the pass giving way apples on arrows as gift from the "Silly Jester Of The Nars".

  • Rumors circulate of a tall and muscular redhead in the garb of the local Fighter Academy running around seemingly without a destination in mind. Sometimes people thought she ran from something, but apparently whenever anyone tried to calm her down, she just turned on her heels and ran away the other direction, screaming. Eventually she must have found her way out of the city, for the rumor doesn't keep going on and on. That is, if the woman wasn't entirely made up, to begin with.

  • @404fea5d05:

    Clandra Galpen, after hearing from this, asks for details of the man from those who saw him, preparing for a hunt.

    Oreth sends word that if Clandra should need another set of claws in her hunt, that he is glad to offer them

  • One night at the inn, two adventurers arrive at the inn, injured and not seeming all that happy. After both getting rooms they said goodnight and headed off. As the tall man climbed the stairs, he falls onto the banister cluthcing it for support, some drunk in the bar says that he saw a bright green light shine from somewhere on the mans belt, but hes d runk and he could be lieing ..

    The seemingly crippled man shouts loadly calling his freind back, as she came running down the stairs, the look of pain faids a little, but the man still seemingly weakened. After a breif discussion they both head to there rooms.

    The next morning the man looks no better, slightly pale and weaker than he was when he entered the night before. Its said the two disappeared to somewhere in the docks and then where later seen going to the temple to seek out Daisy. A couple of hours later they leave the temple and part ways..

  • Apparently there was some trouble at the Goat last night. Word is that Roland and a big half orc in black armor, some say Grag, walked in and made quite a scene. Seems things got violent and the two were seen walking out a short while later, leaving a few dozen Blood Spiders dead and dying inside.

    Neither has been seen in the city since.

  • Clandra Galpen, after hearing from this, asks for details of the man from those who saw him, preparing for a hunt.

  • A man in impressive looking armor was seen in the eastern Plain slowly gutting some of the great beasts he had slain, he hangs the entrails of the animals over some of the large rocks among the Eastern Plains leaving a very unpleasant smell to waft into the city of Peltarch

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim is seen returning from the south through the commons with an air of determination about him but looking tired and needing a long bath. After returning to the courthouse he was seen entering the baths.

    He goes to speak to the owner of the bath-house about the recent account of fighting and attempted murder there to see if any witnesses can be found as he has not seen a guard report on the issue.

    Later he was heard to remark to those closest to him about his fondness for the gypsy camp, and that too long had passed since it was safe to rest there on one's way to the southern regions. He expresses his approval at the lack of gnolls there thesedays and of those that contributed to the recent success there.

  • A recently returned, and possibly familiar face has been seen about the City, asking after the daughter of one of the City's noblemen as subtley as he can manage.

    Slim and beauteous, this red-headed elf asks after but one person.

    "Rose Hollowmoon", he names her.

  • A tall and muscular redhead has begun teaching adventurers willing to listen her so-called Troll-Death-Curse which will only work on trolls, though. All those willing to listen are taught to shout "IRIEEEEIEEEEIEEEEEIEEEE!" Those who stay around and ask what she means to achieve are cautioned about trolls in the caves of the nearby hills, saying she went there with two brave adventurers and they met a very nasty and strong troll who tossed them through the air like small stones and almost would have eaten all of Peltarch, if not for her successful attempt with the Death-Curse.

  • _Well Natanya is out and about and seem to be released from her time in the temple. When asked what has happened to her, she smiles and says it is complicated and quite taken care of, but she now is all well.

    In fact she is now seen running out and in of the bard college of all places, carrying stacks of books usually meant for beginner bards, sitting on the grass near the commons making notes._

  • _"It is reported that Head-priestess Daisy has locked Natanya in her room for security/safety reasons, unable to leave. It is rumored that the Paladin is 'unwell'?

    She is allowed visitors, but the people are being told to do so with caution, and that there will be somebody with them to stand outside the door during the entire time to prevent her from leaving (I assume?) and for 'safety' reasons."_