::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • three bodys found out side near the tower in the foothills east of town inside the wall 2 where pretty whole one just arm and leg was found there also was a big hole near the body but too wounder kobolts were also there who knows what happend really

  • From the Bardic College, Meril and Eluriel walked through Peltarch carrying a parcel so heavily wrapped in leather that the shape of the contents could not have been discerned. They disappeared into the lower level of the temple of Tyr.

  • Shannon D'Arneau was recently seen carrying a pile of goo to the Temple of Tyr with an odd-looking cowled hin following close behind.

  • Word is spread that a man known as the Raven is seeking any powerful necromancer who is looking to make a bit of coin, he can be sought in Jiyyd. Messages left with Drudo of the Regal Whore inn will reach him.

  • _Rumors of this pale elf continue to circulate. There are strange accounts of him being in the commons talking to people who catch his eye.

    There have been times where he has been seen in conversation with Lisa.

    Some say it was the same elf that attacked her but a few days ago.

    Others say that is impossible.

    Some say it is Syne who was executed so many years back for terrible crimes, but why would he be wandering around the city, getting nods and waves from the city guard?

    Then it can't be him.

    Some people have been heard calling him senator, but then it would be him, but how could that possibly be? He was executed wasn't he?

    Wasn't he?_

  • Hjoichi Olsen is seen delivering a small sack to the Temple.

    Also, word abounds of recent Yuan Ti activity in the western foothills.

  • A tall redhead tells those people who are willing to listen a crazy story about how wizard, dressed in all the colors of the rainbow appeared in the middle of the market and turned everyone present into statues of stone. According to her tale, it wasn't much later that a woman in a blood red robe appeared, rising her staff and stopping the vile magics of the wizard and then er the um wizard er disappeared er again um and er the um witch er tried um to er turn er the um people er back er but um turned er them er into um kobolds um so er she um left er in um shame er too um.

  • Hearing the news Zyphlin simply blinks a bit, looking over at the guards, then back to the person spreading the news, and sighs before asking for a bit more than "pale elf" though his guess is already pretty set.

    You know. You think guards and senators would be able to recognize a man that was a former senator, inquisitor, long time citizen, and man found guilty of treason and I don't know…..not have civil conversations chatting about the weather with them in the middle of the commons.

    Its a sad, sad thing what happened to those people...but I truly can't blame Nat for actually reacting to an enemy of the state just chatting in the commons.

    The families of the poor men excluded, half the people ridiculing the poor paladin right now would probably be condemning her for not acting if all of a sudden he started summoning forth demons in the commons. Nothing like being damned either way...

  • _Rumors spread about a violent conflict in the commons between a pale elf and one of the members of the temple of Tyr.

    It seems that as the elf and Senator Ashald were conversing, the woman from the temple came up to the elf shouting threats and taunts.

    The elf retaliated by killing her, Senator Ashald, Guard Lisa, and two bystanders that did not get out of the way in time.

    Later on the guard and a group of defenders arrived at the scene with High priestess Daisy, who used her incredible power to bring Senator Ashald and the girl back from the dead.

    She was heard reprimanding the girl for her actions.

    Within a few days of the incident, Guard Lisa was once again seen patroling the commons. The two dead innocents were given an honorable funeral funded by High Priestess Daisy.

    The families of the dead men however are rumored to be fuming, denouncing the temple and everything it holds dear._

  • Some commoners speak of a weird sight, crazy red-haired women running around the commons, laughing gleefully, admiring and talking about things that were not really there, obviously believing they were in a forest. Apparently they left later, looking more or less confused but still happily smiling.

  • A very tall woman, with platinum blonde hair and light complexion was seen stepping off the recent caravan from Heliogabalus, and asking for Kanen Hightower and Zyphlin. She was seen later in the company of Natanya near the Temple of Tyr and the local markets.

  • Sir Richard Luis is seen back from orphanage matters he was attending to. His first day back he was almost slayed by a gnoll ambush which he did not know that the gnolls toke over the pass and a orc magi. his comment of those events.
    "First day back I almost get an axe over the head by a gnoll and torched by a orci magi. Never a boring day in narfell I tell you."

  • People in the market today observed a weird thing, Perin the halfling merchant of many trinkets was seen fleeing the place, screaming for his life. Those that looked to where he ran from saw a tall red haired woman and a pixie happily chuckling and laughing.

  • At least one evening every week, the young man some or many know as Elor, has been sitting on the steps of the temple of Tyr with a small pile of books. A temple guard never far away, he sits reading quietly and watching the city folk go about thier business, until finally approached by some of the street urchins. As he lights up the childrens' days with stories, songs and magical tricks, more and more come to see the free entertainment. While many of the older citizens smile, those familiar with his history frown, gather the children away and ultimately drive the bard back into the temple.
    But this never stops him from coming out again a few days later, always with new tales to tell and songs to sing.

  • An explosion rocked the dock district, some say an illegal still back fired, others speak of poor ventillation of the sewers. However the result was a short shower of s*** for most of the city. Folk worry about disease as the sewers empty. Rumours abound of many bodies floating in the harbour, garbed in red.

  • Eluriel, Meril and Mecizq wander into Peltarch from kobold lands. They're covered in dust and little chips of stone scatter across the cobbles once in a while. Defenders back from duty in the foothills might even have heard them talking about a cockatrice.

  • DM

    The magistrate has been seen hand-delivering a private letter to the guard HQ, and states to well respected ex-guard colleagues of his during his fifteen years in the guard.

    "Ah, the young need guidance. I think at this rate i might have to offer those advisory recruitment guidelines to General Dunderstone, as the city is certainly short of mature and level headed recruits. Perhaps a formal guard-training regime could be set up"

    :: He exchanges pleasantries with long standing officers he knows well, and talks about old-times ::

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumours spread that Magistrate Barrim have ordered the release of the banite Nickolai, ruling it as not peltarch's business. Tongues alike wag about what secret relationship could possibly lie between the magistrate and the banites.

  • Rumor spreads that the banite known as Nickolai was seen exiting the prison recently, and soon exiting peltarch.

  • Next to this simple parchment is a birds feather with a glowing blue strand of silk tied around its base