::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • DM

    The magistrate has been seen hand-delivering a private letter to the guard HQ, and states to well respected ex-guard colleagues of his during his fifteen years in the guard.

    "Ah, the young need guidance. I think at this rate i might have to offer those advisory recruitment guidelines to General Dunderstone, as the city is certainly short of mature and level headed recruits. Perhaps a formal guard-training regime could be set up"

    :: He exchanges pleasantries with long standing officers he knows well, and talks about old-times ::

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumours spread that Magistrate Barrim have ordered the release of the banite Nickolai, ruling it as not peltarch's business. Tongues alike wag about what secret relationship could possibly lie between the magistrate and the banites.

  • Rumor spreads that the banite known as Nickolai was seen exiting the prison recently, and soon exiting peltarch.

  • Next to this simple parchment is a birds feather with a glowing blue strand of silk tied around its base

  • left on the shrine of Tempus in the Defender Headquarter temple, is a sheet of parchment with what seems to be a child's practice of the common alphabet written on it. The sheet was rolled up and tied by human hair, some blonde strands entwined between some pink strands

  • Nyda chuckles when she hears the rumours.
    "Amazing what people will believe. What I said was that the man had -asked- me to defend him and could I review the casenotes. In any event in light of the fact all the charges are true 'Defense' seems hardly the appropriate word."

  • Rumors spread that the newely elected Senator Aarron Ashald's advisor Nyda is planning the defense of a man admitting to have been part demonic and working with demons in and around Peltarch.

  • _Roughly a tenday ago, four knights of the divine shield and the one known as Maya were seen departing the temple and heading towards the arms apartment buildings in the commerce district. Many hours were said to have passed before three knights re-emerged from the apartment buildings, two of which looked badly burned and dripping in their own blood…A further two bodies were seen to be in their arms

    The battered group eventually dragged itself back to the temple_

  • _A redhaired, muscular woman can be seen telling tales about how demons made the world wrap and forced them out and then brought horned beasts on them, enraging the poor things so that they had to fight them. Furthermore she talks about how she went into the kobold caves and stole the kobold king's most precious doll, which she can also be seen showing around if asked nicely.

    In an entirely unrelated rumor, there's talk of a tall, redhaired harlot forcing herself on people that walk unguarded side-streets._

  • _For those that travels the docks at night, it has not become uncommon to be met with a haunting melody breaking up the silence. A single flute playing a melancholy tune, repeatedly for hours on end through the dark streets, it moves around the area, never seeming to come from one specific direction, and if followed or chase, it seem to draw the person in to closed alleyways and darkened corners, where it silences for a moment before starting up in a separate direction. Always the same saddened melody. Some dock workers shudders and says it is a ghost, though nobody claims to have seen 'it'.

    For those of you with decent lore, will recognise it as an ancient Cormortyrian Wild elf melody, saying farewell to loved ones and ancestors who has left this plane._

  • _Slowly rumors begin to leak out that the voter turnout for the election was over a hundred percent and closer to a 125%, far over the average of any other election that occured and far over the actual possible turnout for the amount of papers on record. It is said that Thril was paid off by people with deep pockets to not let this be to known.

    As well, rumors begin to circulate that Enenan has seemed odd as of late, teleporting strangely into the commons and seeming slightly out of it, confused, and easily manipulated. Along with these statements, its also typiciall brought up along side them that Enenan was in charge of gathering the ballots in the civic district and was very adamant about not having anyone overlooking him.

    In the end, the Election seems to be over but the questions are not gone…_

  • Nickolai was seen being escorted to jail… nothing was said except "he's wanted"

  • @96155d049e=A:

    Spellweaver Keep seeks information concerning the portal stones or "menhirs." Anyone with firsthand knowledge of magic caused by the stones is encouraged to speak with the mage Khyrill, who commonly carries a blue staff. Information will be rewarded with up to 50 gold pieces.

    (big thanks to anyone can help, if you write me a pm it doesnt have to be anything special, i'll really appreciate it anyway :D)

  • A young man clad in simple scale mail and armed with a sword as tall as he is has been often seen fighting with a number of the local defender soldiers in the giantspire hills, he was seen staggering back in after one day of fighting, dripping blood. He was overheard by folk in the commons to say while repairing his damaged armour.
    "I live, thanks be the will of the high one and therefore a lesson learned"

    :: Returning to the fighters academy, he isn't seen sleeping much pouring over his fighting manual and other books on strategems and magical lore ::

  • The red-haired woman known to some as Melody can be seen excitedly telling a tale of how they went into a kobold cave, hoping to find kobold treasure and met one of their bards. But the bard sang so horribly that with his death throes he brought to life the four elements fire, earth, air and water and the greatest of their agents on the small group of sisterhood adventurers. Brave as they were, the sisters defeated those terrible threats and made sure no bad befell anyone and this bard would never again raise his voice to call forth such evil things.

  • Early in the evening, the peace of the civic distict is disturbed by a raged shout, those who were attracted by the commotion beheld the lovely barbarian woman Maya as she carried of the similarly lovely songstress Demi from the Temple of Tyr to the Defenders Headquarters, former magistrate and senatorial candidate Zyphlin in tow, followed by a somewhat distressed number of the local clergy…

  • Sir Richard Luis is seen gathering suplies for himself and saying farewell to all those that he knows. Rumors spread that he will be gone due to looking for architects for the new orphanage. Lady Ocean and Sir Richard will be interviewing all architects with in city limits and those in near by towns and regions.

  • The red-haired travellor creates a slight ruckus when a misunderstanding due to dialect causes barmaids to bring him a bucket, a bowl of peas, a small goat, and a pouch of marbles. Stomach growling, Red heads out of the city to take out his anger on the kobolds, and his hunger on an unfortunate krenshaw…whose meat was terrible, by the way.

    Returning to the inn a day later, he tosses a crippled beggar a handful of coins to give him an overview of local people and events, and then attempts to determine who is hiring that is least unsavory.

  • Roland Brynmor, Shannon D'Arneau, and Natanya, can be seen exiting the city morgue. They are barely able to stand - covered with blood and some type of ichor that is not readily placeable. They limp towards the Temple and disappear within.

  • It seems the new Senator Ashald has wasted no time in following his cousin's example, gosip already tells of meeting young women in the side streets of the Civic district.