::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Rumours floating about mention an attack on the city by a dragon.

    One thing is known for sure. Guards were posted in serious numbers around the southern gate in the Civic District._

  • The well known Cerulean, Mecizq, has been sighted shuffling around Peltarch in his uniform, using a quarterstaff to help him walk though he seems in good health. He can be heard muttering prayers to Mystra often, and seems to be taking an unusual interest in simple things, like spending hours simply listening to bird song, while his memory of companions seems to have vanished, being heard to ask in the commons "Who's Clandra?".

  • _The haughty noble mage, Lady Rose Hollowmoon, was the target of a pickpocket attempt. After then hin tried to flee, she muttered something, and ordered the hin to come back, which he did.

    The hin confessed everything. Odd thing is, one of the defenders was acting way out of his jurisdiction, and wanted to throw her into the jail. Cerulean Knight Eowiel saved the noble's day, however._

  • Roland is said to have fallen gravely ill, disappearing into the temple for over a week. He is later seen walking south through the war-torn pass toward Jiyyd, wordlessly and unarmed. Some say he has gone mad for certain this time. Within a few days he returns alive, bearing a few scars. Oddly, these appear quite old, as if inflicted many years ago, yet no one seems to remember him having them until recently.

  • Night falls in the Commerce district and the bustle of the daytime dies away. As the hours of darkness pass, the sound of sobbing from somewhere on the rooftops is a soft counterpoint to scuffling rodents and echoing footsteps.

    As the sun crests the horizon a distressed Eluriel stumbles through unfamiliar streets in a state of disarray to escape to where she can be alone.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumours go about that the banite Nickolai is now being wanted by the city of Peltarch for escaping arrest.

  • Sir Richard is seen escorting new adventurers ((5 lvl 1 pc))thru the foothill. He heard of a rumor that the kobolds in the south cave are conducting vile rituals. The group enter the cave and all is well till they reached a gate. Sir Richard opens the gate catously when all of a sudden a large noise come from the gate alarming everybody No more then several feet pass the gate a horde of shadows attack the group. Sir Richard give the command to run and retreat as the number are overwelming for the new adventurers.
    Remebering the motto his uncle taught him "leave no man behind" Sir Richard was able to close the gate on some of the shadows but many attacked them. The young adventurers where no match for the shadows as the shadows drained them of there strenth. Sir Richard with the group was able to deafeat them and assist everybody out. He gave the commond to sir vale among them to warn the gaurds as he helped the others and protected the rear from a counter attack.
    Sir Richard beleives that the shadows where possibly protecting something but his first responciblity was to ensure the safety fo these new adventurers.

    //thanks dm death cat all 5 of these pc where new to the server. I hope they like what they saw and stay.

  • It seems within days all Peltarch learns of Senator Roland naming his fellow Senator 'Rath of the Gods', Senator Rath (the divine) is seen much about the city in his shiny, shiny armour and seafarer guards dispensing wisdom and bestowing upon all (except the particularly smelly) the benefiance of his presence.

  • It is said that a woman, crying blood, approached a group of adventurers sitting outside the Triad Temple. Not much later, undead appeared. They nearly vanquished the group, which had to retreat back into the temple. After hammers were supplied for, they set out again, first crushing the undead inside the city, then heading south. After some time, they came running back in, one of them carrying the body of a man. They all left the temple walking normally later, though the man who was carried inside looked weak.

  • It is rumored a weird bard has been performing in peltarch recently… calling himself "Vittorio"

  • Maya has been seen recently in the company of Barrim Asbravn. They headed to the fortifications in the northern part of Peltarch, where upon Maya exited with a misty eyed expression. They clasped forearms afterwards, apparently reaching some sort of agreement.

  • ICC

    Rumour has it that Hemrod has recently gotten some new supplies all the way from N'jal courtesy of the Guardians and friends

  • Word spreads of a battle near the Western Watchtower. It seems that demons and devils battled on the plains between the hills. Many folk came to aid stop the creatures notably; Sir Mariston and Sir Shannon of the Order of the Divine Shield. Lady Eluriel led a contingent of archers from the watchtowers hills. It was heard spoken that the creatures resembled those of chessakhan and that the eyrines that Syne calls ally were also spotted.

  • Rumours spread that Mirkali was finally freed from jail… though after he was seen walking with his pink-haired fiancee who was clutching onto his arm with a silly smile on her face, and then both dissapearing into the college... they were seen for quite a few days... most speculating that they were "catching up" on things

  • Thazar-De Moonrise, the vertically challenged Banite, seems to have taken an interest in kobold activities, especially with the demise of the high mage. In an unrelated rumor, people talk of having heard strange sounds, as if women were mourning. Some say it is but the wind, some say it is the signs of a powerful demon, some say it's just crazy bards.

  • _Captain Anakore of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, though not a common sight in the city as of late, can been seen and heard speaking with pride about his Knights recently. Especially Mecizq receives praise about his excellent work defeating a major threath of a Kobold Mage in the foothills.

    His reluctance to discuss politics during the elections seems to have faded, and his praise for his Lieutenant Eowiel's excellent campaign is not something he hides. Rumor has it that the Cerulean Knights, who until now have not chosen a candidate to support, might be gathered behind one or more candidates soon._

  • Hjoichi Olsen was recently seen in the Mermaid inn distributing some rare ales and beers to various members of the Far Scouts. He seemed in good spirits.

  • A group of adventurers came into town through the west gate. One of them handed the body of a kobold, rapped in a blood soaked blanket to a guard, stating that it was the body of the so-called "High Mage"

  • _::Rumours are heard of the Gnoll Zombies and the attacks on travellers passing near the ruins of the Romani Camp. Some even say the threat is spreading, though it is unclear whether there is any truth to this…

    In a possibly related matter... Hewn and rotten corpses and limbs were scattered across the park in the Peltarch Commons, before being gathered and burned. A perimeter was set up to maintain vigil...

    Some fear it is a sign that the same doom that befell the camp is destined for the rest of the land... Others aren't too worried about it.::_

  • ICC

    A bloody and very stinky Horbag is seen entering the Town Hall where she talks to the herald

    • " Was lots more da rats den normals todays, and was some da rats dat walksis on two legs toos. Dem was led bys some 'umie cleric dat attacksis mes. Is da second time dis month dat been lots-plenty rats down dere, mes will try goes dere more oftens."

    She gets her monthly payment of 1 fish and walks off staggering