::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • ICC

    A bloody and very stinky Horbag is seen entering the Town Hall where she talks to the herald

    • " Was lots more da rats den normals todays, and was some da rats dat walksis on two legs toos. Dem was led bys some 'umie cleric dat attacksis mes. Is da second time dis month dat been lots-plenty rats down dere, mes will try goes dere more oftens."

    She gets her monthly payment of 1 fish and walks off staggering

  • After a supposed attack by the Shadow druid on the commons of Peltarch. Several people headed out the west gate to confront several animals and later Lieutenant Ashald was seen dragging the druid Oreth to jail and later releasing him. Some speak of the arrest of Oreth for crimes of assault, Aarron is silent on the matter stating it is city business and it will be dealt with.

  • Eastlanders attacked Peltarch again, starting with an assassination attempt on the leader of the Far Scouts, followed by a heavy bombardement of the south watchtower. With losses, the attack was halted and the Eastlander's turned, their catapults destroyed.

    In the following days, an armored man wearing a pendant with the symbol of Gond, who some might know as Strauss, has been inspecting the damage to the watchtower, taking careful notes of the damage done.

    • Foilir shrugs and looks at the patrons. *

    "Check the mark on deh blade. Nae mine. Ne'er sold him a blade.. And aye, me reccomend yeh buy all yeh blades frumma Dwin."

    laughs heartily at the half wit orc's attempts to ruin his business.

  • Legion

    Stands in the commons "People of Peltarch there is a angry dwaf named foilir in Jiyyd many of ye may know him ! Pulls out a rusted looking sword that could not even kill a ant This is whut he sold me years ago promising the best of metals!!Breaks it over his knee YOU see the quality of craftmanship foilir is known for now dont buy form him he is out to steel form you! Not give ye quality craftmanship! Buy frum Dwin or Maythor they can be trusted!! Be safe freinds of peltarch! " walks off back to Jiyyd

  • Legion

    *Word spreads like Wild fire of the women known as Cheavre now is The Dark Enchantress! it is heard grag is looking for anyone with information or history on the Dark Enchantress…

  • Once more vines broke through the stone of the commons, sticking to people's legs and slowing them down for quite some time. Apparently, the roots of these weird plants run deep, as with their appearance, this time, rats were driven out of their holes, spewing forth into the commons, their diseased teeth almost killing an elf.

  • Sil spreads word in the city that she was told by a bandit that "Atol has come out of retirement." Apparently, the bandit leader was able to restore his youth with a magic potion, and seeks vengeance for the deaths of his troops.

  • Yolande has been recently seen in the company of Deacon Sterr. Their talks appear serious, and are often kept in low tones. After many such conversations, Yolande can be seen heading to the docks district.

  • There's talk of another cloud descending on Peltarch. This time the birds came down on unsuspecting people that talked quietly in the commons. After the attack vines broke out of the cobblestones and grabbed those fighting off the birds. Talk has it, that the Magistrate Anna played an important role. But it is also said that the bulk of the attack was taken on and defeated by a small group of Banites.

  • The redhead known by many names ((Red-Haired Warrior)) can often be seen running around Peltarch, following another woman and spends a lot of time in the Peltarch Figher Academy. What little spare time she has, is spend in the library of the City Hall, studying books about a ruined city and its treasures in the nearby Giantspire.

  • Here and there, near the city, bodies of Eastlanders, kobolds and a variety of other creatures have been found. Not merely killed by weapons, the empty husks that remains seem to have had the very life sucked out of them, terror and suffering still evident in their facial expression.

  • ::Through messengers, coppies are sent to Nyda, the Senate, the Magistrates and Captains of the Defenders::

    To All Concerned-

    I, High Priestess Daisy, certify that woman known as Ms. Nyda has been treated and cured of the Dreamstone Plague. Please pardon any delay of notice on my part, we have much to worry about and do these days. I would not be the only negligent in reporting though, if it is not known that Ms. Nyda is not the first case of the plauge seen inside the city walls.Through the vigilence of the Temple and Tyr, I beleive we have and shall continue to be spared the brunt of the plauge. Let us all pray that we continue to be. I would suggest an eye be ekpt on the less fortunate of the city. They've the most likely to be the peicenter of any outbreak. Our stroes of spider pass fenberries could always be improved.

    High Priestess Daisy of Tyr

  • Talks of a strange bard are floating around the inn… It seems a poster had been put up on the bulletin board in Peltarch... The bard known as Vittorio would preform soon...

  • The cold winter chill has found it's way to Peltarch, creeping over the icelace lake, it has now reached even the city and holds it in its icy grasp. People hurry along the streets, afraid to stay out too long, even huddled in thick layers of fur, sometimes the cold touch of the season can be felt. Rumor has it, that a small group ventured out to seek out some followers of Auril. But they return without having changed anything. In hushed whispers there's even talk of an alliance between the Knights and the servants of Auril. But probably that's just idle talk, while people are stuck inside, sitting near warm fires.

  • There are rumors abound in noble circles of the return of errant son Vincent D'Arneau from Waterdeep. It is heard that he brings with him his skill for musical composition - to be made usefull in the upcoming election rallies.

  • There is some talk that Sir Roland challenged a priest of Bane to a duel in the pass near Sam's hill. Apparently, he offered the Banite the first swing and gave him two chances to yield before dropping him to the ground. He is said to have left the Banite bleeding in the snow, telling him to reflect on the "limits of your dark lord's power."

  • Sir Richard Luis has been seen in the city's orphanage. The orphanage is past its full capacity due to war efforts against the eastlanders. Sir Richard Luis is seen spending time with the children comforting them. As the children cry for their mothers and fathers who are no longer with them. He tells them that their parents died to keep them safe and keep all of peltarch safe.They where brave and courages and mommy and daddy ask them to be the same in the days to come.
    He has been spending long hours with them: huging them, comforting them and some times even crying with them. Some days he spends time playing with them and bring them joy and laughter.
    He has also been seen collecting toys and organizing them. He says he will bring them in the next few days.

  • A few girls were seen admiring Lord Aarron from across the commons, giggling. After a brief talk with them about his election and thier father and them asking him if he was single, he asked them to tell thier father if he wishes to speak, him and his family are most welcome to come have tea some day and they can talk. He signed an autograph for them and they ran home giggling happily. Leaving Aarron with smile for most of the day.

  • Word quickly resonates throughout the streets of Peltarch that some sort of Eastlander warband enacted a raid on the city's southern gate, making it through the Guard's defenses as far as the commons. Several guards and one third-party adventurer were slain. Although all of the bandits were killed, it seems clear to everyone who discusses the matter that these were not your typical invaders…