::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
The cold winter chill has found it's way to Peltarch, creeping over the icelace lake, it has now reached even the city and holds it in its icy grasp. People hurry along the streets, afraid to stay out too long, even huddled in thick layers of fur, sometimes the cold touch of the season can be felt. Rumor has it, that a small group ventured out to seek out some followers of Auril. But they return without having changed anything. In hushed whispers there's even talk of an alliance between the Knights and the servants of Auril. But probably that's just idle talk, while people are stuck inside, sitting near warm fires.
There are rumors abound in noble circles of the return of errant son Vincent D'Arneau from Waterdeep. It is heard that he brings with him his skill for musical composition - to be made usefull in the upcoming election rallies.
There is some talk that Sir Roland challenged a priest of Bane to a duel in the pass near Sam's hill. Apparently, he offered the Banite the first swing and gave him two chances to yield before dropping him to the ground. He is said to have left the Banite bleeding in the snow, telling him to reflect on the "limits of your dark lord's power."
Sir Richard Luis has been seen in the city's orphanage. The orphanage is past its full capacity due to war efforts against the eastlanders. Sir Richard Luis is seen spending time with the children comforting them. As the children cry for their mothers and fathers who are no longer with them. He tells them that their parents died to keep them safe and keep all of peltarch safe.They where brave and courages and mommy and daddy ask them to be the same in the days to come.
He has been spending long hours with them: huging them, comforting them and some times even crying with them. Some days he spends time playing with them and bring them joy and laughter.
He has also been seen collecting toys and organizing them. He says he will bring them in the next few days.
A few girls were seen admiring Lord Aarron from across the commons, giggling. After a brief talk with them about his election and thier father and them asking him if he was single, he asked them to tell thier father if he wishes to speak, him and his family are most welcome to come have tea some day and they can talk. He signed an autograph for them and they ran home giggling happily. Leaving Aarron with smile for most of the day.
Word quickly resonates throughout the streets of Peltarch that some sort of Eastlander warband enacted a raid on the city's southern gate, making it through the Guard's defenses as far as the commons. Several guards and one third-party adventurer were slain. Although all of the bandits were killed, it seems clear to everyone who discusses the matter that these were not your typical invaders…
_… a ugly half orc in a gold and black armor, together with two invisible friends can be seen and heard stumbling through the gates of Peltarch. The halforc mumbles something about the sneeky and vile eastlanders, and how they ambushed him and a fellow traveller, called Gareth.
He is also seen asking travelers from the south if they have seen a man in blue armor called Gareth, apparently a bit conserned about his friends health.
me have never even had un quarrels wit ems affores he states. ann now ems be attackins me... this statement can be heard together with various curses on orcish about them._
For a few days people who travel into one of the many caves near the lake, will sometimes stumble upon a hut and an impaled body in front of it. The arms of the man just lying on the ground, his face blackened and the word 'heretic' cut into his forehead. Until such time, as the kobolds devour this man, and all the other corpses littering the small room around the hut.
Witnesses claim that Chaevre' killed the High Mages enhanced kobolds, one she killed with some strange death magic, and the other she put a hold spell on long enough for it to be taken out without causing anyone harm
Several women are heard lamenting the loss of their husbands today, that fell to kobolds emerging from a portal in the open air markets. It is said that this portal came about as a confrontation between the High Mage and one of the Cerulean Knights. People also comment on how the Banites, and Chaevre, formerly of the Cerulean knights, stood by for most of the time, only lending a hand in cases it was obvious those fighting allready had it under control.
Tales spread of a large group of adventurers including Defenders and Divine Shield knights who stopped a gnoll incursion into the Nars. They then fought their way into the old camp, reportedly killing hundreds of gnolls before being forced out. The gnolls were last seen fighting a force of bandits in the hills just beyond the Gypsy pass.
It's rumoured that a Lord Aarron Ashald was seen in the commons today after skipping class to propose to his one male love, Lord D'Arneau.
A pair of lovely ladies were even seen wandering off to go shopping.. They commented "I need to take my mind off this tragedy"
Rumours spread that the allegations of abuse of power levied against Lieutenant Eowiel Senella have been formally thrown out by her commander…while the elf in question drives her campaign on without missing a step...
At long last, the odd little elf Ting is seen free in the city again. She has immediately taken up residence around the sundial, started making jokes in good-humor, and sneaks up on people at random.
She was seen inspecting and poking fun at an elven man who was shouting political poetry about those running for senate. She seemed good natured at first, but when he started talk of Eowiel negatively she got rather irritated with him and left.
She later made it known in the mermaid that she is deeply annoyed that "newcomers" to the city so blatantly slander those that should be considered heroes despite their shortfallings.
A self-pronounced mercenary named Evia inquires the bartenders at the Lucky Ferret and Pissing Goat about the murder of Captain Reshor, seemingly interested in who might of commited the crime. She tips each thirty gold for their hospitality, whether they provide any leads.
Aarron can be seen shaing his head slightly at the order to expell Nyda and wanders off to talk with Daisy and General Lavindo, staying silent on the matter.
Miss Daisy has already pronounced Nyda free of all taint of the plague, and to imply that Nyda in any way endangered anyone, when brought to the city unconscious and no not compliant with the move can only be an attempt to divert attention from the Senator's own odd slanders.
Roland asks one of his defender guards (it seems he has a few these days) to immediately remove the woman Nyda from the city on pain of death if she refuses to comply. General Lavindo has ordered her expulsion by any means until such time as the Cerulean Knights or the temple report she is free of the deadly dreamspawn plague. Her callous disregard for the safety of the people should not be tolerated.
((this post assumes Nyda is in the actual city where she is speaking, and not shouting to me from across the pass
Nyda gently reminds Roland that there is no law against the practice of necromancy outside the City jurisdiction and that it can hardly be Chaevre's fault if bads grain killed people sixty years ago. As for the Seafarer's involvement, since there is no reason not to sell to Chaevre under Peltarch law why should it matter.
Roland is quick to point out that the woman Chaevre is a known necromancer who has admitted to raising the dead and performing experiments on them. He notes that it was only 60 years ago that nearly the entire city was wiped out due to a plague spread by bad grain.
He also questions the judgment of the Seafarers for selling her the food licenses in the first place.