::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Council of Moradin

    Rumor has it an assassin attcked a man in the commons and Captain Galuisen took her down. A Banite in black and green armor tried to help the assassin and was chased out of the city.

  • Council of Moradin

    An official investigation has been ordered by the senate due to allegations that Lieutenant Eoweil of the Curelean Knight has abused her power. A military trial is ordered and evidence sent to General Lavindo's office.

    It is also rumored that a woman named Chaevre who works for a group called the Consortium had purchased a large group of food merchant licenses and was pushing the price of food down. In the recent senate meeting, Senator Roland Brynmore introduced legislation to have those licenses removed from her. Looks like food prices are going back up.

  • Reports of a considerably strong Eastlander force attacking the southern guard tower pour into the city. Apparently some Defenders lost their lives and the tower might have been lost without the help of a handful of citizens of Peltarch proudly protecting their city and assisting in the defense. According to the rumours at least one of the civilian heroes was struck down but later revived.

  • rumors spread about increased tension with the knights and the banites…

  • Rumors of Sir Richard Luis Kindess spread thru out peltarch. A farmer aprouches him and tells him that vast number of felines have been seen near his land. One of these large cats ate his chickens and a goat. One even attacked his youngest son. he was able to rescue his son but his son has been scared ever since and the farmer was harmed for it. Sir Richard gives him his word that he will look in to it. He first ventures out alone and clears half the region when all of a suden four lions attack him at once severly beaten he returns to peltarch to heal and get some help.
    Sir Shannon D'Arneau helps Sir Richard Luis investage and push the felines out of the area. They all of a suden come across a massive Dire tiger. Sir Shannon prepares by calling blessing from above and Sir Richard prepares by getting in positions . Sir Shannon will charge at it and Sir Richard will flank it from the side. The Dire Tiger lunges at shannon but he leaps out of the way Richard strikes at it and misses the Dire tiger then lunges at richard. Richard jumps out of his way but the dire tiger grabs his sword between his teeth. the dire Tiger throw Richard about like a rag doll but Richard does not let go. Sir shannon lands the fatal blow behind the dire tigers head shattering his spine in two.
    Sir Richard Luis pays the farmer a visit and tells him what happened. He also adds that the farmer should be careful and keep an eye out for their may be more in the area. To keep his family safe and protect his children. The farmer holding tight to his youngest son that apears to be no more then five harvest seasons old. Tells Richard he is thank full and offers to pay him by giving him a cow. Sir Richard thanks him for the offer but says it is not nessary, Sir shannon with proof of the dire Tiger by riping a very large fang from the carcus. reports the incident.

  • Amy has been seen now openly going around the city trying to actively recruit students for arcane or martial training.

  • Other random commoners (Oh yes, I have my random commoners too to spread rumours!, mwahahaha) would speculate on this being related to the knight Mecziq throwing Mirkali in jail quite publicly, being a possible bardic conspiracy! Most dimiss this though… but while the topic is brought up, some random commoners talk about Mirkali, who has yet to have a trial, yet to be visited by any magistrate, yet to be officialy presented any evidence, and has been such and sitting in jail awaiting trial for 3 1/2 months now, or so has been rumoured. Some people begin to question the remaining Magistrate's effectiveness in handling the law, and often mention some penchent of him sitting on his bum and eating crumpets and sipping tea...

  • Chaevre' has not been seen very much in the city of late, when she is t seems she seeks out a person or person to speak with on some issue or another, and then leaves, if approached she will usually entertain a question or two before walking off

  • Rumor also follows that Lisa simply confined the Knight Mezicq to keep Eowiel from assailing him due to her temper stating that Anakore would clear it up in the early portion of the morning. Rumors circulate that such violence from a Senatorial candidate is shocking.

  • In spite of the rumours flying around, it is also widely known that the Guard Lisa assisted the Lieutenant Senella in her efforts, and her rational ways are widely known.

  • Rumors abound in the commons following an incident with Eowiel Senella, Candidate for Senate and fellow Knight Mesizcq who has become reknowned for his service to the city of late. Rumor states that Eowiel gave orders to the knight that conflicted with his directive from the Captain of the Cerulean Knights and the brave Mezicq tried to reason with the irrational elf woman who seemed drunk with power and approaching lunacy. It is also speculated that Eowiel is possessed or afflicted by the High Mage. This does not bode well for the city.

  • A small band of knights bearing Kelemvorite livery can be seen approaching up the pass, seemingly tired and burned from ambushes on the road by Eastlanders. The leader of the band, Guard captain Zyrune headed straight for the temple of Tyr when his group arrived in the city and spent the night recovering at the inn once their business was concluded.

  • The elf Ting who hasn't been sen in the city for more than two years passed through the city with the dwarf Haelea under escort of the cerulean knight Mecizq. Apparantly some ritual was preformed outside the gates then Ting spent a couple hours sitting in the commons under escort before leaving. She seemed very pleased to be in the city, and one child remembers her giving him candy.

  • visible from the south gate and wall of the Civic District were continious lightnign stirkes to the south in the lizard men lands, keen eyes would notice the lightning was shrouding around one figure near the open mineral mine, further in the distance wasa soft pink glow. Three figures were seen fleeing due west from the lightning

  • Rumors from Jiyyd that a group of Adventurers Hunted down and Killed the Dark Enchantress, they say it was because she murdered someone unprovoked..

  • A tall and strong redhead can be see wandering seemingly aimlessly through the streets of Peltarch, drawing buildings and trees and other things on a sheet of paper, occasionally adding a few letters which seem to take her just as long as anything else. From time to time she exclaims an Oh! When asked what she's doing, she replies with a sheepish smile: "Er just uhm finding uhm my er way uhm."

  • Mistress Eowiel Senella is often heard dissassociating Zephlin's work as Magistrate from his work as Headmaster. "They are completely separate and have no effect upon each other…" she is heard to remark...however, while defending the integrity of the College stalwartly, she never seems to go far enough to actually defend the former Magistrate...

  • Drelan Ashire, being his usual peachy self anytime politics are abound in Peltarch has seemed to avoid the streets as much as possible, though he can still be seen on occaision making rounds through the docks and to the guild house building. One time upon entering the city lately, he of all people went to the Seafarer's Guildhouse, and exited sometime later with his hand resting on his sword's hilt still not drawn from its scabbard, a fire in the man's eyes not seen in sometime. He disappeared from the city for a few days and has since returned and can be seen often kneeled outside the Seafarer's Guild with a very small fire burning in a tin cup before him. It seems most have seemed fit not to approach him while he performs such a rather odd ritual.

  • _Skyla Vea'Draeven has been seen outside of the confines of the college recently, sometimes in the company of some of the apprentices, and often with her two newborn twin children.

    While out, she often speaks in support of her fiance Zyphlin, managing complete composure, pleasantness, and perhaps a bit of her once famous charm when speaking of some of even the worst accussations._

  • _A very pretty elven lass has been spending more time around Peltarch lately. Some may recognize her as a bard of the college.

    She is wont to spend time in the Mermaid, sipping wine and talking casually with the lads brave enough to speak to her.

    At any opportunity, she defends Zyphlin's name and that of the College, composing and performing a few short tributes to the noble establishment of learning and art._