::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • During the night, alarm bells sound in the Civic District. The city gates are sealed by guards, and troops of soldiers are seen filling the streets. At his mansion just a few blocks from the Senate, a man is found murdered in his bedroom. Some say the assassin did the job so fast that the victim's face did not have time to register his surprise. Then again, perhaps it is better that the proud soldier be remembered as having left this world with a smile, rather than with a frightened and pallid mask of defeat.

    In the morning, word has spread through most of the city. Reshor is dead.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _Rumors flit about about the sighting of one, Sierra Ju'ent, after a long LONG absence. However, oddly enough, Sierra seems to not be wearing her unusual hat now days, nor her dirty boots, but instead…

    A clean dress, with her face well scrubbed, her hair brush and arranged neatly, and for some reason, carrying a mop.

    She has been seen sitting vigilantly outside of Nico Black's apartment with her mop, a look of fierce determination on her face.

    While some question whether the lack of hat and boots is a sign of the end of the world, not to mention the fact she's wearing a dress and has brushed hair, the most important question on everyone's lips is...

    Why in the heck is she carrying a mop_?

  • Rumors circulate that few have seen the Magistrate since the vanishing of the crystals. He has not been found in either of his offices nor in the commons as usual. A few citizens here and there have stated they saw him coming in through the gates at night befor shortly leaving once more, but the small number of sitings leads the validity of the statements to be in question

  • There's a rumor about stronger activity of kobolds in the foothills again, but it's also said that the Defenders did a find job removing a couple of nasty kobolds and driving them back into the holes they crawled out.

  • There has been renewed activity around the temple of Tyr as members of the Divine Shield bustle about, apparently in preparation for something.

    Rumors abound that it is preparing to host a delegation from a knighthood in a neighbouring country.

  • Senator Rath Ashald was recently seen about the city in the company of a confetti-tossing servant girl. Apparently Rath is very excited about the ongoing senatorial elections and is openly supporting candidate Clandra Galpen, whom he claims he will marry (in the loosest sense) after she wins, thereby placing another Ashald on the Senate and cementing his family's legacy. Figure that one out.

  • Zyphlin can be heard to remark

    Its good to see the city so active, though some of these candidates coming out are rather interestnig. And what's this I hear…someone threw my name in before I even officially confirmed my running? ::laughs a bit:: Well, guess I'll have to make my choice rather soon then...

  • Rumor has it the Mog, Major of the Legion and Deputy of the Union has turned in his papers to seek a seat on the senate.

  • Rumors spread all over the city that Lord Aarron Ashald has finally come out and openly declared he will be running for Senator in the upcoming elections. When approached by people on it he smiles and states.

    What better way for me to serve the people and the Jewel then by being a Senator. I simply wish, as the Lady Siamorphe does that the most worthy of people govern the city and its populace, perhaps I may be one, only time will tell.

    With that he usually walks off and sits on the nearest bench, writing in his journal and answering any question brought to him with a smile.

  • Council of Moradin

    A new and shocking rumor has surfaced that a decendant of the line of King Tidus has returned to Peltarch from Hoarsgate. His name is Tidus Clodpin and has filed to run for the senate.

    His documents have been turned in to city hall and have been authenticated.

  • A great fair was held at the old Alliance Arms Inn. Following an archery competition, a cage fight and a battle game came the largest auction in years. Many thousands of gold changed hands, all in favor to auctionmaster Nico Black, of course.

  • It was said that an archery comeptition was sponsored by the city during the festival with numerous figures within the city entering. In the end it was a senators wife taking third as the fair maiden Linah put on an impressive showing. Second was one of the brave defenders of the city, the man named Rando. First place was run by the cities Magistrate and renowned bard Zyphlin, who took home the 2,000 gold piece first prize. It is said later at the announcments for the Order of the Fisher King he donated the prize money to the families of fallen soilders during the civil war.

  • Those gathered in the market during the closing of the Festival's first night see a rather inebriated Rath Ashald exchanging words with the blade-dancer Elash. The two men seem dangerously close to drawing blood before they are separated by some of the crowd and everyone goes home.

  • Captain Anakore of the Knights of the Cerulean stars seems, despite the many events in and around the city, very much introvert lately. He regards business and cases with what seems to be lack of caring, leaving his Knights to handle them. In the absence of Nicahh he seems to have thrown himself with vigor into mining and crafting, making toys for his daughter and a rumored gift for his teenage son. He seems pretty distracted from the real life around him, as if he is waiting for something or someone to drop by.

  • Chaevre' Vaelen was seen going into a room in the mermaid with Emma Lavindo and A cleric, apparently the Keeper of Spellweaver was going to be doing an experiment on Emma to help her sleep as well as to gain a better understanding of her condition through use of mind magics, many hours later Chaevre' and the Cleric were seen leaving, Chaevre' seemed to have had her arm shattered but mended by the cleric, litle is known about the study or how her arm was broken but one thing is certain that Emma was able to get a decent nights rest.

  • _A shop that rarely if ever has a shopkeeper walking around in it … a shop that most thought out of buisness ... a derelict building, ever since the crystals poped up and much chaos has come to pass in the nars ...

    The shop known as "Leti's Market" or "The Market" had a crate delivered to it's door.

    The crate sat there for a good day and a half, like it was delivered to the wrong door around the commons ... then as suddenly as it was there it was gone again...

    One or two shady fellows mutter about the activity that is suspected to go on behind those doors and the sudden delivery is a mystery._

  • Somewhere in the plane of the dead, a young half-elf sits in the sand and wonders why.
    Why did he stay and fight a fight that isn't his own?
    Why did he stay and fight while death was obvious and imminent?
    Why did he stay and fight, giving his life in sacrifice for a cause without reward?
    Why did he stay and fight, despite the fact nobody would care about it, and that his sacrifice would be forgotten quickly in the memory of a single mistake in the past.. the result of an action not even his own choice.

  • _A slender moon elf has been seen picking about the sites of the recent attacks on the city. Dressed in expensive looking clothing and taking notes on a piece of vellum parchment with a stick of charcoal, he went about his business stoically; unphased by the devestation. On one occasion, the veridian-eyed elf was heard to speak to a number of frightened citizens, themselves still unsettled by the incidents;

    "Demons one day, undead the next. A host of dark forces set their will against your city. Now is the time for us to look to strong leaders, if indeed there are any left."_

  • The beautiful bard, Clandra, has been seen often in the public with Senator Rath Ashald. It seems to be something else than her usual flirtatious self, as she doesn't jump at other men whil Rath is around..

  • Tales spread of a great battle at the gates of the temple. Word tells of those in blue and gold armour standing again at the forefront. Shoulder to shoulder with the magistrates and the allies of good and true within the city and the lands. Those there speak of great acts of courage, not just from the battle hardened defenders, but also from the populace themselves. One man felling a powerful skeletal foe with a strong right hook was seen being praised by Sir Mariston Thel. Though the city faced a great peril, the fire and darkness passed. Particular note is made of Senator Roland and Sir Shannon, the implacable Merum and the Lady Lortaine. The elven bard Meril and the quiet and rarely seen Eluriel, the magistrates Barrim and Zyphlin. Many notice a spring in the step and a return of more joyful expressions on many in the blue and gold. Over the next few days Sir Mariston Thel is oft seen going to the temple. Tales say he spends much time tending the shrine of Torm and speaking happily with Priestess Daisy and Priest Galin.