::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Tales spread of a great battle at the gates of the temple. Word tells of those in blue and gold armour standing again at the forefront. Shoulder to shoulder with the magistrates and the allies of good and true within the city and the lands. Those there speak of great acts of courage, not just from the battle hardened defenders, but also from the populace themselves. One man felling a powerful skeletal foe with a strong right hook was seen being praised by Sir Mariston Thel. Though the city faced a great peril, the fire and darkness passed. Particular note is made of Senator Roland and Sir Shannon, the implacable Merum and the Lady Lortaine. The elven bard Meril and the quiet and rarely seen Eluriel, the magistrates Barrim and Zyphlin. Many notice a spring in the step and a return of more joyful expressions on many in the blue and gold. Over the next few days Sir Mariston Thel is oft seen going to the temple. Tales say he spends much time tending the shrine of Torm and speaking happily with Priestess Daisy and Priest Galin.

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim spends a fair while in his room recovering from his monumental exertions fighting near limitless undead near the steps of the temple of Tyr, alongside the divine shield, and others, including the magistrate zyphlin who he compliments in particular. His armour has been sent to the city armoury for extensive repair, and his old shield is looking distinctly more battered than usual.

    He recounts to his close friends that at one point it was only he and Zyphlin who were defending the temple agianst monstrous and very strong undead a fine moment in his life he is heard to recount. The poetry of the moment was not lost on him, the two servants of justice close to giving their lives in defence of the temple of the even handed one.

    The magistrate was heard to utter curses of contempt against undead in general, and is incresingly intolerant folk say on such creations.

    He was heard during the battle to utter "I have finally found a use for the damn eastlanders, their maces serve at least some function"

    He later sends a note to the temple, enquiring on the health of the priests and warriors of the temple.

    He then goes on the search for a mastercrafter in silver, both in shields and weapons.

  • Outside the temple, the afternoon sky falls strangely dark. Cobblestones crack and fires rise to engulf the entire street. Out of the flames the dead emerge in their tireless, limitless hordes, intent on the small group of soldiers and heroes guarding the temple's doors. The onslaught continues for several hours until it seems that hell itself is ready to consume the city - and then, somehow, it is over.

  • For a few days now, a man of average height has been spotted standing on ridges in the snow-covered pass, a somewhat ragged cloak, dark as midnight pulled around him and his face concealed by an equally dark helmet, that almost seems to be part of the ensemble. He stands there near motionless for hours, just staring out across the pass as freezing winds blow across the hills, snow piles up and travellers pass by. Those who do not instantly recognize the figure, and try to approach, hear a faint whisper on the wind, before the man fades from sight.

  • Alejandra is not seen about the Commons as much of late, though someone may have seen her walk by mumbling softly and tallying numbers in her head, a bundle of books and several sheets of parchment with quickly scribbled notes in her arms.

  • For a while, the pale and sickly figure of the infamous priestess of Beshaba can be seen sitting near the temple, watching and occasionally chatting with passerbys. But obviously her interest lies more in knowing who comes and goes to the temple of Tyr. After a long while, she finally stands up, a mere hint of her usual warm smile remaining on her pale lips.

  • Word continues to spread of strange blue and glowing kobolds seen in the foothills, and of repeated threats from an unknown mage.

  • A somewhat battered group return from the foothills, overheard they are heard to speak of saurus. A guard approaches the group and indicates that scouts have learned of more of the creatures…again the group head out.

  • A careworn group of five enters Peltarch from the west. Prominent among them are two knights in blue and gold armour. The occasional snatch of conversation mentions bars, ogres, and ladies of ill repute.

  • _"So Daisy helped the lass out. Well that's good."

    "Good for her maybe, Daisy gave me the cold shoulder the other day after mass."

    "Did she really?"

    "Didn't even smile or nod, like I wasn't even there."

    "That's not much like her."

    "Aye, and ye notice how it can get kinda warm in the temple sometimes…do they have more torches in there?"

    "Not that I've noticed..."

    "Telling you, those priests have been acting mighty odd lately. One moment they're all flowers...and the next..."

    "What are you gettin' at?"

    "Nothing....shrugs Nothing just mouthin' off is all. 'Nother round?"


  • _Rumor spreads about Captain Anakore being seen carrying his barely conscious crimson haired companion, Nicahh, into the Temple of Tyr. A small grim faced entourage accompanied the couple consisting of Alejandra, Vine, and Sy'wyn, while Shannon waited outside. Many would say they noticed her hands and feet bound together with ropes and all items that she might use to assualt someone with had been stripped from her person.

    Several hours later the couple emerged from the temple, Anakore again carrying her out, sans the ropes this time. Some say while down in the kobold caves the lass suddenly became confused and started attacking Shannon and Aarron Ashald earlier that week, before moving into the pass where she attacked passersby. Her attacks in the Nars Pass continued until Anakore and a small group tracked her down, knocked her out, then carried her to the temple to see Daisy. No one knows what caused the tiny woman to go about attacking people, but all agree Nicahh had not quite been herself since her episode in the cave._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A group of people some of the more knowledgeable peltarchians may identify as druids was seen making a hasty exit from the southeastern part of the commerce district a few days ago. All appeared filthy, and covered in a sickly green goo.

  • _An altercation was reported to have taken place just beyond the city's gates, in which two Banites, engaged in civil conversation (read: insult-exchange and general annoyance) with the druid Oreth, were suddenly beaten down by General Grag, of the Jiyyd Legion. The guards witnessed the two being held down, and something carved into their armor and clothes, before Grag warned them not to trifle with the legion again.

    Oreth is reported to have cheered Grag on, but changed his stance very quickly when the Peltarch Defender, Rando, arrived on the scene. The rumors are vague here, but all that is known is that Oreth took up for the banites when Rando attempted to bind and torture them, and there was at least some fighting, possibly involving yet another party.

    If asked, Oreth makes a point of noting that he never struck Rando, and this therefore isn't the city's concern._

  • Upon hearing the news of Eowiel falling, and her soul choosing not to return this time, he frowns deeply, and is said to be seeking a priest which might let him communicate with her soul in the beyond

  • Miss Nyda's softly smiling presence in the city seems to have been marred by some kind of recent occurrence. No-one seems to know much about it except that she seems deeply stressed and can be heard muttering to herself about something, often sitting as she usually does gazing at her hands in her lap, but with an expression some say of fear, others of hate.

  • After returning from the foothills Mariston Thel can be heard discussing "odd blue or red kobolds" and talk of a mage seeking revenge. He seems quite puzzled by his encounter.

  • For the first time in over a year, Ginger Tealeaf is seen in Peltarch. She's asking around the Bard College, the Commons, and the Mermaid for Zyphlin and Mirkali. Folks would note that she seems distressed, as if something weighs heavily on her mind.

  • A young man, wearing a black and yellow sash around his waist and a crossbow always within reach, simply snorts at the young woman's words, muttering something like "as with the orcish warband?", then shakes his head and walks off towards the docks bafore the conversation turns ugly

  • Two paladins and a woman return from the foothills speaking about how they followed a troll into a cave. Listening to the woman proves very difficult as she speaks of all things at once, telling how the troll likes cows more than halflings, that the halfling was almost eaten and that they need to find a cow and give it to trolls so that they get a lot of gold. Mostly she says it was a great excitement and a wonderful adventure and that she wished a bard would have been there to properly retell the grand tale of how they escaped from out of the trolls' lair, dodging deadly traps, rushing through hordes of small trained dogs and an army of huge rats.

  • Word spreads that the reputable bard and civil servant Eowiel Senella was slain to the south, a death which coincidentally occured mere days after the sundial in the commons was rent asunder by the blustering defender Rando. Many who knew the green haired elf speculate that this was clearly the reason fortune deserted her. Preparations for her funeral are said to be underway.