::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Sir Richard Luis is seen back from his visit to his hometown. He appears to be in good spirit and eagar to return to his duties.

  • Shannon D'Arneau can be seen walking around the commons out of his armor, his left arm in a sling and his right hand grasping tightly onto a staff to keep him upright. Rumor has it that he was run through the heart in recent days, but no one seem to know who did it or why.

  • Its rumored Zyphlin heard the rumor of drelan's speech one night while in the Mermaid. With a laugh he waived it off, saying there is nothing better than a wordy pirate. Its rumored that he stated that people should spread the word that if anyone has a problem with him that they can please come and actually for once say it to his face instead of rumoring it around to everyone but his face. He then decided that the patrons of the mermaid deserved some wine other than the pirates and ordered a round for all in the bar. Its said he spent the rest of the night till the sun came up drinking and telling stories of great adventures past by some of the famed old heros and adventurer's of peltarch while playing his yarting. He finally stumbled out with a nice buzz along with those that stayed, wishing them a good eve with a smile before heading back to the Theater, glad to have had a chance to speak of old fun times.

    (( Dumping 300 gold in a trashbin to compensate the buying of the rounds for people. Also, it was asked by some DM's [and i was guilty of this and talked to] that the rumor threads go more for rumors then long on going conversations. ))

  • Drelan hears of Zyph's comment of Nicahh's "brothel" while drinking in the mermaid, undoubtably exaggerated by this point, and just starts laughing very very hard. before smirking almost bitterly.

    "Looks like things are always as they are in the city. Anyone with a single eye even and half a mind can see its not a brothel. If was jest, a pity the bard cannot find an insult that isn't any better than what the drunks in the docks come up with. Spread the word far, and spread it good, anyone bothers this good gesture unduly or with accusations with no basis, they'll deal with me. I'm tired of seeing actual good…WORKING... actions being insulted. About time some lost their blindness, especially when they're elves and presumably older now than I'll be when I die. If the bard is really in the mood to mend problems send him someplace where some actually exist,especially since he seems all concerened with teaching and raising someone. Of course if I were him I'd be scared of many in my own institution too. Hells know someone in those halls always finds a way to defy all logic and honor that the realms ever knew. Rampant or not I don't know, but is something about the place. Ah well can't be too bad though I suppose, at least the institution sees his words have no basis. Guess I'll have to start actually giving it praise on occaision."

  • _Rumours of strange activity in the sewers of Peltarch surface once more and circulate in the inns, taverns and market places of the city. Apparently the tall Defender soldier, Jen Stern, led a small group down to explore the disturbances and they were met with a treacherous man claiming to be a rat catcher and several violent men who seemed to be very comfortable in the smelly setting.

    According to the rumours the group, including Vine Gelin, Belade Galadon and Paci Kelteel in addition to miss Stern, managed to fight off the sewer dwellers and capture the "rat catcher" conspiring with the dwellers alive, but apparently the fiend was killed by his own people during a retreat to the surface.

    All of the group is told to have returned from the sewers alive._

  • Rumors spread throughout the city of a magically blue-glowing kobold who showed up at the western gates spouting surprisingly eloquent threats of doom and destruction. Although the Guard and Defender presence to the west of the city were substantially increased, no such devastation arrived. Yet.

  • ::chuckles hearing it and it is rumored zyphlin is very furthcoming when asked about who would start such a horrid rumor:: "Eowiel"

  • The construction of a new tower on the western foothills is complete, the name of the Divine Shield adorns it. The tower is manned by defenders, providing a watch over the kobold lands.

  • A public statement has been issued from the Bardic College, through the whispers and talk of bar patrons (that being the traditional scene for Bardic Statements) denouncing Zephlin's inflammatory and confrontational remarks as being contrary to the Bardic Spirit and not at all the true Way of the College. It is highly critical of "nastiness for the sake of nastiness" and calls on all good citizens to simply not react to such comments in hope their jaded issuer grows tired of being a pain in everyone's backside. How on earth such a statement was made when it was directed against the institution's -leader- is unknown, but it seems clear there must be at least some dissent between the Headmaster and at least one of the other Masters.

  • Dasiy had some good news when she was visited by a druid froma remote mountain village in the giantspires by the name of Jolil. Jolil recounted to her how those she sent to check onhis village had made it possible to revive the fallen tribesfolk of his village. And that he needed now enough fenberrie to cure the rest who his town's and tribe's leader was now seeing to revving with his own casitings of Restoration, like the scrolls she had sent with the party. Daisy was very glad to hear this news and glad to share a littlemore of the city's stockpile. she toldt him to go to a Lady Vroka in far off Jiyyd if he needed hlp getting more fenberry paste to take back.

    Sadly though after comparing stories with that a of a woman who rescued by the party that happened upon Jolil's vilage first, Daisy and later with Vroka's agrement, concluded that a new second strain of the Dreamstone Plauge hd inadverrtently been created by the first party when they somehow permently emoved the fear from the entire village they couldn't otherwise help.

    The new and secon strain of the plauge, rather than producing nightmarish creatures, seemed to produce a nearly irresistable sense of euphoria that seduced one into staying in place, a place that just might likely wlead to increased risk of becominga dreamer yourself, encrusted in stone. MOre alarming still, it prodcued ethereal flowers in palce of nightmarish creatures, flowers whose pollen was seen as glowing green dust, carried throught he city and far to the east. It seeemd to spread the plauge with this dust…. s while this hot spot was stamped out...Daisy and Vroka and anyone could only hope the pollen had not spread the plauge elsewhere and sprout up again... One strain of the plauge is worrisome enough...one that is wind-borne...

  • The young elf is seen later wandering the city telling everyone she meets that despite Zyphlin's warning…...

    "i defeated the chill winds"


  • just shakes his head and sighs, going out once to tell the young one it might not be the wisest thing to do. He tells one of the guards to keep an eye on her but if she's going to aggitate the things becuase she's trying to prove a stupid ass point, its her own fault. He then goes off and heads back in the city, hoping the poor young bard doesn't get herself killed proving the dumbest point he's ever witnessed

  • i'Aika listens very carefully to almost everything Zyphlin says and then is immediately seen to skip off towards the east with a basketful of apples. When those few people ask what the elf is doing she calmly responds that the Bard Zyphlin, weaver of tales, has entrusted her with the task of improving her aim with apples by not so discreetly fighting the good fight with words and apples against the Chillwinds of the east, and her army of lions. Those even fewer people who follow her worried will see her skipping through the fields east of the city, pelting Lions with apples and shouting at the wind to bow down to submit to the "good cause" of the Bard Zyphlin.

  • _Chuckles, picking up the apple and cleaning if off with a spell, handing it to one of the young kids running by the streets of peltarch. He can be heard telling the tale the apparently very rookie bard tried to say to the child to others around the college, adding a bit more humor and adventure to it and a lot less "ums" By the end a wizard, dragon, brave warrior, and beautiful princess all worked thier way into the story along with the wonderous emerald bard turned trout.

    He goes on to instruct the bards near there with a smile that they aer to always remember that the truth is what is important, and if you know the truth then you can laugh off anything that is absurd. He tells them to be good bards, do good things, help good people, and use your words to combat those that don't do these things…and to always remember that no matter how poorly or expertly people try to dimish what you do, you know you do good things and have a good heart and that is what is important about being a bard.

    He also pointedly tells the young bard if they ever want to improve thier aim, ability to seem discreet, and story telling abilities that they are welcome to come by the theater sometime and get some help. He also tells her she should ask around to some of the older people of the city about a woman named Aspera Chillwind if they want to know about "mercy" and peltarch...that or go ask instead about her lions_

  • If Mirkali ever heard the story, he'd mention that "Green Bard" and "Green Bardo" are two different people, as one is a respected magistrate of Peltarch known for various heroics, and the other is a crazy magical Cariboo bard with a shiney staff thingie.

  • i'Aika who was juggling apples quietly to entertain the child, suddenly slips and one of the apples goes flying at Zyphlin narrowly missing his head as he walks off towards the college…..

    "oh… umm.... sorry 'bout that Mister Magistrate, purely accidental.."

    After apologizing to Zyphlin for the apple, she begins to tell the child Sune a story about a very lawful city in a very far away place, that was very very large and very very lawful. But the city you see was at the evil mercy, and not much mercy at that, of a bard… who was very very odd. He wore green you see, no not blue... nope Green. He was known as the the Green Bard! and though he tried to enforce the law he was not a man of law himself, because you see, he was a bard, and bards well... they can not be so much lawful because they bounce about a bit to much, and really are not to steady.... the story rambles on for a bit about bards before Aika seems to forget what she was talking about, though somehow the bard was a fish by the end of they story for some reason

  • ::pulls out a flask of elven wine, looking it over a moment before nodding with a smile. He pops the cork in it out with his teeth, takes a quick swig of the fine elven liquor, and then pops the new cork in while discarding the old::

    Knew i had one that was wearing out a bit. Thanks elor

    ::smiles and nods as he walks back off to the college, replacing the bottle to his bag::

  • Elor, getting a bit tired of the whining, walks over and tosses Zyphlin a cork before wandering out

  • ::smirks to her and just shrugs a bit::

    Have her tell me a bit about her mother and father sometime and see if she has anything they once touched, had, or gave her. If she does, I'll scry and see what I can find. I have no problem helping. And there are a number of families, all over peltarch, adopting children. I have commended lady anna a number of times for her and Mariston's noble taking of children, as well as the large number iydm is caring fo r, amongst others.

    Perhaps you'll do good by the child and she'll get a few nice things for a bit…but frankly given the fickle personalities of yourself and the captain I'd just wish the child was lucky enough to have been brought in by a bit more stable of a family that may not end up doing more harm than good due to thier personalities and ways in which you live your lives.

  • Nicahh and Anakore sit among several of her sisters, the little girl named Sune sitting between them, sporting a new fur coat, new boots and highly fashionable items for a supposed orphan. She looks well cared for and although the child seems slightly shy at first, she seems to be blooming in the couples care.

    Nicahh finally speaks, her voice quite venomous before she goes back to doting on the child.

    Yes, it is better to leave a child on the streets, coughing up blood, then to let her into the home of people you hate who obviously can feed and cloth her. This here people is Magistrate Zyphlin Recual, a man that represents Peltarch. A fine example of a magistrate and a man.

    However, you being a representative of this great city, why don't you do something useful since you are suppose to serve the people and help me find her real mother and father since you know everything about everybody.